Keith: Going Home

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"Hi Keith, how are you doing?" My mom asked using the softest voice she has in her arsenal. I sighed. They've all been acting like I'm a china doll, about to break over Lance's rejection but I've kind of been expecting this. Even after Lance told us that he was bisexual, part of me never really believed that there was a future for the two of us. He loves Allura. He's always going to love Allura. I could never take her place.

"I'm fine mom, really." I said but it didn't sound very convincing. Curtis and Riley were in the other room, giving me some alone time for the first time in over a week. I think they're all really worried that I might try to kill myself or something but I haven't had one of my suicidal or depressive moods since I was a teenager. 

"Have you spoken to Lance." I sighed. I've talked to my mom everyday since I left the McClain house and everyday I reply with the same thing.

"No mom, I haven't." 

"Have you even tried Keith?" We have this same conversation everyday and I don't know how to reply to her anymore. Everything is still the same. Lance hates me. Lance won't leave his room. Lance won't talk to anyone anymore outside of his parents and siblings. I talked to Rachel, Veronica, hell I even called Lance's brother to ask about him and all of them said the same thing.

"He's really upset Keith. We know it's not your fault but maybe it's best if you stay away for now and let him process all of this." So I was staying away. I was keeping my distance. If it was space Lance needed, I would give it to him.

"No, I haven't tried mom. But I ask Veronica about him everyday. She's taken to going home to the farm now because she's so worried about him and.. There's no change in his attitude."

"I'm sorry Keith." I nodded.

"I know that I should wait... Mom but I can't it hurts too much." She arched an eyebrow at me, eyes full of concern.

"What are you talking about Keith?" I took a deep breath.

"Mom, I'm coming home." She pursed her lips, still confused.

"You are home Keith, you're on Earth."

"You know what I meant." I snapped at her. She frowned and I sighed. "I'm sorry I just... You know what I meant mom. You're my family. I'm coming home to the Blades." She shook her head.

"No, Keith..."

"I've made up my mind mom. I don't want to be on Earth if Lance doesn't want me here." She rolled her eyes.

"It's been ten days Keith. You need to reach out to him" I shake my head. 

"That's not what he wants. He made it pretty clear he doesn't want to see or hear from me ever again." I watched her sit back in her seat, a stern and stubborn look on her face. 

"Well, I won't allow it. You're not allowed back here with us."


"Because I know you Keith. I know you and if you come back with me now... You will never set foot on earth again." I swallowed hard. "No matter how hard your friends beg, no matter how hard that darling little Riley cries, you will never return to Earth because Lance doesn't want you there." Of course she knows me, she's my mom. I just wish she wouldn't tell me what I already knew to be true. 

"What am I supposed to do mom?" I demanded, feeling tears begin to form in my eyes. "I'm in love with him and he hates me. He fucking hates me. Whatever feelings he had for me, crash and burned the moment I brought up the Quantum Abyss and I hate to say this but I wish we never went there mom. I wish we never got stuck there." I rubbed at my eyes, trying not to cry too hard. If I did, Riley would hear and she would come charging in here ready to give me a hug and some toys and tell me everything was okay. 

"If we hadn't sweetheart, the war could have ended very, very differently." I clenched my jaw. she was right of course, again. If we hadn't gone into the Quantum Abyss, we never would have found Lotor's secret base. We never would have rescued Romelle. I wouldn't have one of my best friends. But if we hadn't gone there, Lance would never think that I would try to hide Allura's death from him and the team. "Keith, please stay just a little while longer." My mom said in a soft voice. 

"I can't mom. I just can't. I want to go home." I don't think I've ever cried in front of my mom before. This would be the first in all the years I've known her since we were reunited. "Please let me come home." I covered my face with my hands as I tried to calm down and eventually, I heard her sigh.

"Okay Keith, okay. Come home. Don't cry my love." She said. "Please don't cry." I rubbed at my eyes trying to stop the tears from flowing but I couldn't. I've never been that good at stopping myself from crying, that's why I hate doing it. Just as I was about to tell my mom that I was fine, the door to my room burst open and Riley came running in.

"Riley!" Curtis was shouting as she launched herself at me. I barely had time to turn in the desk chair to catch her. 

"Please don't cry Uncle Keith!" Riley started to say, her own tears falling down her face. "Everything is going to be fine! You and Uncle Lance will be friends again soon. I just know it." She cried as I patted her back and smoothed out her hair. My mom half smiled at me and I laughed, embarrassed as Curtis slowly entered the room, an apologetic and sad smile on his face. 

"Sorry Keith she said she was going to the bathroom and instead.. Snuck over here to listen to your conversation with your mom." Curtis half waved at my mom on the screen and she waved back, smiling as I continued to console Riley, no longer crying myself. 

"It's okay Curtis. I needed this." I said, hugging Riley to me tightly. 

"Please don't leave Keith." Riley begged. "I don't want you to go. You stay away for so long." Riley whined.

"You're leaving?" Curtis asked.

"I uhh.." I rubbed at a stray tear on my cheek. "I'll talk to you and Shiro about it later." I said, detaching Riley from my neck to hand her back to him.

"No pappa!" Riley shouted. "I want to stay with Keith!" She whined, kicking her legs furiously and reaching back for me.

"We have to give them their privacy honey. You shouldn't have run in here like that. It's not polite." Curtis scolded lightly as he carried his daughter out of the room.

"I don't care!" Riley howled. "I want to make Uncle Keith feel better!" Curtis smiled at me and closed the door to my room softly. I looked back to my mom as she sighed.

"Are you sure you want to come back Keith?" She asked lightly. She knew she didn't have to ask me again though. I had already made up my mind.

"Yes mom." I said, exhaling slowly. "I'm sure." 


Hey ya'll sorry this story part is a little short!!! Hope you liked it anyways. See you all next week!!!

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