Keith: The Holt Family

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"So you and Lance are coming over for dinner right?" Pidge asked us. Lance and I were sitting shoulder to shoulder on his sisters bed and Lance was holding my phone because he said my arm was shaking too much and I had just rolled my eyes. Pidge had smirked so I gave her a warning look. I hadn't told her about how I asked about Lance's love life and I certainly wasn't going to tell her about how I chickened out in telling him that he's the first person I've ever loved. It just seemed too... Heavy. The moment was really nice and I didn't want to ruin it by burdening Lance with my feelings, especially if he didn't return them. We were friends. I didn't want to ruin that. No matter how much I wanted to just turn to him and kiss him, I was only going to do that if he wanted me to. Only if he liked me back.

"Yeah I literally cannot stand Keith anymore. It's horrible having him around so often and..." Pidge cut Lance off with a loud, sarcastic,

"HA! Liar. You love having Keith around."

"I most certainly do not. He is a pain in my ass all the damn time." Pidge gave me a look, grinning like mad.

"Are you a pain-"

"I am not." I said smirking at Lance. "You're the one who said I could stay here as long as I wanted." He laughed nervously.

"Because otherwise you'd be a homeless brat on the streets! Again." Lance said.

"I was not homeless after I left the Garrison." I argued.

"You lived in a crappy shed in the middle fo the desert I would call that..."

"I had a roof over my head Lance. I had food. I had water. It was a stable place to live and, unlike a lot of places around here, it was still standing after the war so I think it was the best home of all." Lance started to laugh.

"It was only left standing because it wasn't worth knocking it over or occupying or destroying and-"

"And can you two stop arguing like a married couple for a minute and answer my question. Are you coming to dinner or what?" Lance nad I looked back at Pidge who was leaning back in her seat looking very pleased with herself.

"We do not fight like a married couple." Lance and I somehow managed to say in sync. Lance shoved my shoulder and I laughed.

"Whatever, idiots." Pidge said.

"Yes, we'll be over in a little bit Pidge." I said. Pidge nodded as Lance elbowed me in the ribs a little.

"Okay fine see you idiots soon." She half saluted us and we waved goodbye as she signed off. lance handed me back my phone with a smile as he stood up.

"We taking my bike again?" I asked. Lance groaned.

"Do we have to? You know it scares the shit out of me to ride your bike. Especially since your dumbass always gives me the one helmet you have. I don't know why you won't let me buy one for myself." Lance said ruffling my long hair and messing it up. I hit his arm away and made a face at him and Lance laughed.

"Well how else are we going to get to the Holt's place? And I don't want you to buy a helmet because I will be fine. I've never been in a crash before."

"What about the Lions?" I rolled my eyes at Lance.

"Black and Red don't count. I've never crashed my motorcycle before. It's too important to me. We'll be fine." I reiterated as Lance stood in the doorway of my room.

"Yeah well your dumbass is important to me so it would suck if we did get in an accident and you got hurt." Lance said with a soft smile as I stared at him in slight shock. "I'm buying a helmet when we go into town. You can fight me on that but it's happening." Lance said before ducking out fo the room leaving me dumbstruck in the room.

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