Lance: Three is Company

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I knocked on Keith's door and when I heard him call out, "Come in." I did just that but I didn't expect him to be changing when I opened the door. He was just pulling his belt through the loops of his pants, fastening it around his waist as I stepped in. His chest was bare though and I could make out faint scars all over his arms and torso. They were probably from all our fights with the Galra. Nobody comes out of a war like that unscathed. I had a lot of my own too. The ones that were the most painful to look at are the lightening shape scars over a large portion of my side. When I had knocked Allura out of the way of that huge blast of energy, my lion was hit squarely in the middle and subsequently, so was I. The faint scars spread out from a center mass and reach around my abdomen and the small of my back. It scared the shit out of me when I first noticed it, Allura's magic couldn't exactly fix everything but I hadn't expected to have a long lasting impression of my brush with death.

"Oh, you're changing." I said stupidly as I watched Keith rummage around in his bag for a shirt. The dude had muscles on his back. His back! I knew it was possible but I didn't know Keith had any. "I'm just gonna..."

"Lance it's fine we used to change out of our armor back at the castle together." Keith said, giving me a funny look.

"Okay yeah but we were always wearing jumpsuits underneath and we never took those off in front of each other and..." Keith laughed as I rambled.

"Lance relax, it's just a shirt." He said, finally selecting a faded gray Garrison tourist shirt from back when we were Cadets. It must have been something of Shiro's. I don't think Keith had something like that. "What's up?" He asked, pulling it down over his head and pulling his long hair out of the back of his shirt and shaking it out a little, running his fingers through it.

"Oh uhh..." Jesus, I lost my train of thought. "So I was thinking we could go see Shiro and Curtis if you want since we have nothing to do today and Pidge if she's available or we could I don't know... Go into town. Have you seen the new mall?" Keith arched an eyebrow at me.

"There's a mall here again?"

"Yeah, it's nothing like that space mall we went to. Though there are still a lot of aliens that are trying to make you buy things you don't need or refusing to trade other things but.." I shrugged. "It's pretty cool. That's where my parents usually go to sell the harvest and hand out Juniberries."

"Yeah it'd be cool to see it Lance." I scratched the back of my head nervously. "Anything else you wanted to talk about?" He asked with a slight smirk, grabbing up a leather jacket I also didn't he had.

"Just.. I don't know. We could take my parents truck or your bike orrr...."

"Why don't we just take my bike? I don't want to leave your parents stranded out here." I was afraid he would say that.

"It just that well I don't know how long you want to stay here so if you want to be with Shiro the rest of your time on Earth like my feelings won't be hurt or anything so I could tell my parents to pick me up from the mall or something or from Shiro's place so.."

"Are you kicking me out?"

"No! No, I just don't know how long you want to stay here. With me. And my family. In this house." I said gesturing around.

"How long do you want me to stay for?" Keith asked.


"¡Siempre!" Jesus my mom has the worst timing.

"Mom!" I shouted up at the ceiling. She just laughed from her room. The walls of this house are way too thin.

"I'll stay for as long as you'll have me Lance and not a day longer." My heart thumped wildly in my chest as I stared at him.

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