Lance: The Marks

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Keith was laying down on my sisters bed on his back and I was sitting at her old desk chair, spinning around lightly. I really liked watching Keith think. He was currently scrolling though apartment listings, looking for a palace to live now that he had decided to stay on earth permanently. Shiro and Curtis had immediately offered Keith a place to stay after he announced at his birthday party that he wanted to stay home and Riley practically insisted that Keith move in that night but Keith had simply laughed and looked at me with a shake of his head. But I had wanted to follow Riley's lead. I wanted Keith to stay here, with me. Forever.

"How's that... going?" I asked. Keith looked over at me and locked his phone, sitting up on the bed and putting his arms around his knees lightly to hold himself up.

"Umm okay I guess. I'm... broke essentially. Places are expensive." Keith shrugged. Theres cheaper places on the north side of town." Keith said and my stomach lurched. That part of town was still being developed and was honestly... A little sketchy. Not only that thought but he would be nearly an hour away from us. I couldn't help myself. I had to say something.

"You could stay here forever honestly. I won't mind." Admitting it out loud to Keith felt weird. I had offered to let him stay here before but this felt different somehow. I kind of felt like I would only be happy if Keith decided to stay here, with my family and with me. My stomach twisted in knots after admitting it though. What if Keith didn't like that idea? We were close but would he really want to live here on our dinky little farm forever? Keith was making softly at me and my heart fluttered in my chest.

"I would love that Lance but I can't impose on your family." I shrugged.

"It's not like your a burden. You help out in the Fields. You fixed dads harvest machines." Keith's smile broadened a little.

"Why don't you move out with me. We could get a palace together and you could finally pursue your dream of being a fighter pilot at the Garrison." I think I blushed red. I turned away from him in the chair, running one hand through my hair. I had thought about it sure but... I don't think I'm that same wide eyed teenager who just wanted to see the stars. I think I've grown past that person.

"I don't know Keith I just..." I paused.

"What are you afraid of?" People have asked me that before and it usually pisses me off but the way Keith said it, his voice soft and his eyes a warm violet made me want to tell him everything.

"I don't know. Probably that I won't be good enough. That I'm out of practice." Keith laughed a little.

"If Red or Blue we're here they'd tell you you were wrong and Red would definitely kick your ass for not getting back out there and do what you love." I swallowed hard and shrugged.

"I know but... I love my life now Keith. I really do. Not because it's safe and comfortable but because I'm here with my family and... the Juneberries." That sounded pathetic but I wasn't going to take it back.

"You are capable of so much more though Lance. What happened to the guy who wanted to beat me at everything, who wanted to be the best fighter pilot in our class?" Keith was smiling at me broadly but I just felt sad. I looked towards the floor, absentmindedly wringing my hands.

"I don't know." I admitted. I think Keith would have said more but, my mom called out to us in Spanish and told us dinner was ready. Keith stood up and put his hand on my shoulder, squeezing lightly.

"Come on, we can talk more later." I nodded and stood with him. His hand only left my shoulder when we walked through the bedroom door.


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