Lance: Stay the Night

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If I put a cowboy hat on Keith's head, he would look like a guy straight out of a new, space age western or something. His hair definitely didn't match the men in the old, old westerns my dad likes and neither did his boots, his belt or that Mamoran blade he had strapped to it. But the rest of his outfit did and if I put one my hats on his head and put a cigarette in his mouth, he would definitely look like a cowboy. Not that I know where to get a cigarette or anything. Once nicotine was outlawed, cigarette's became scarce and then they practically disappeared during the war. It's probably for the best though. 

"Heads up." Keith called out, chucking another bale of hay up to me in the rafters of the barn. I caught it easily and set it down on top of the rest of the stack we had going. I walked back toward the edge and saw Keith still smiling up at me. "Are you seriously daydreaming while we're doing this?" Keith asked.

"I'm not daydreaming. I'm thinking." I argued, crossing my arms over my chest. Keith smirked.

"About what?" I almost blushed. I was definitely not going to admit to him that I had been thinking about him dressed up as a cowboy.

"About the rest of the stuff we have left to do today. That's all." I gestured to the pile of hay on the ground. "Come on, we're almost done." Keith walked towards it and grabbed another bale by the twine that was holding it all together.

"You really take this farming business serious to be thinking about work while you're doing work." This bale of hay nearly hit me in the face. I caught it just inches from it though. 

"Well yeah, not much else out to do here but farm you know."  I said, which made it sound like I didn't like farming or something but I did. I liked not having to worry about what could kill me. I liked not having to think about the vastness of space and how much I longed to be home. If there's one thing I didn't miss about being a Paladin, it was the constant fear I could die miles away from my family. "And I love it." I told Keith. "I have no worries out here." Keith smiled.

"Sounds like the dream Lance." I smiled. 


My mom placed a giant glass of milk in front of me and I looked up at her curiously. I like milk as much as the next person but what was with the big glass? "You stopped growing mi amor. I remember when you and Keith were the same size and now look at him!" Keith snorted, nearly choking on the water he was drinking.

"Mom, I'm 22 I don't think I'm going to continue to grow anymore." I said arching an eyebrow at her. 

"¿Quieres ser más bajo que Keith?" She asked. I half groaned.

"No es un gran problema mamá." I complained. She just shrugged and gestured for me to drink the milk. 

"I like being taller than Lance. He was taller than me at the Garrison and in space so I think I've earned the right to be taller than him." I chewed my sandwich slowly, staring at Keith.

"I thought you didn't remember me from the Garrison? When we rescued Shiro you didn't know who I was." Keith nodded and half shrugged.

"Yeah but I was kind of more focused on Shiro at the moment so when you barged in saying that you were going to save him, even though I clearly already had, I was a little confused." Lance smiled a little, remembering how pissed off he had been to see Keith down there attempting to rescue Shiro before he, Hunk or Pidge could do anything. "How else would I know your names back at my cabin?" Lance had almost forgotten what happened after they rescued Shiro.

"He's not dead is he." Hunk asked nervously as Pidge leaned all the way over Shiro to get a close look at him.

"He doesn't look dead." Pidge poked Shiro's cheek and he groaned, trying to wave her away.

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