Authors Note

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Hello Voltron Fans!!!

I hope you all enjoyed my S8 continuation Fic. I certainly enjoyed my time writing it. Unlike a lot of fans, while I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to see Klance together in the end, I was not upset by Allura and Lance's relationship or any of the other endings we saw with the rest of the Paladins. 

(I think I talk the most about this in an authors note in my story Hanahaki Disease. So check that and possibly check the comments were I discuss things with some other fans. You'll get a better sense of my viewpoint I think. Or you can also drop a comment somewhere here and we can discuss things again).

I love Voltron. The show was a big part of my life through college and my best friend and I made a habit of meeting up to binge watch the seasons whenever a new one came out. It was a lot of fun! And I've throughly enjoyed writing this story to give myself some Klance closure. I truly believe that in some future in Voltron, Keith and Lance would have ended up together. Maybe they were together already by the time that last photo of them was taken. 

Either way, this story is what I believe would have happened had the show continued after S8. 

So, now I'm going to give you all some info about my next Voltron fanfics. I've scrapped a lot of ideas unfortunately to the point where only 2 Main ones remain as they have, I feel, the best plots and are the most interesting to me. 

1. Lovebug// Klance

This will take place in the Voltron plot line BEFORE they loose Shiro so I think that's S1-S3ish. If anything, the story should take place in the middle of S3. The story itself essentially centers around the idea that Lance is bitten by a strange butterfly like creature while they're on an alien planet and the venom the butterfly injects into his bloodstream makes him fall head over heels for the first person he sees, Keith. Keith is obviously very distraught by this because not only is he very very gayyyyyy but he's sort of, kind of, had this mini crush on Lance. The story will be slightly angsty and I have a lot of ideas for it. 

2. Starry Eyed// Kinkade

This story centers around my OC Aurora Del la Cruz who can be seen in both Hanhaki Disease and Don't Come Down. I love her a lot and I had this idea that I should include her in all of my Voltron stories (because I'm basically inserting myself into Voltron since aurora is modeled a lot after me lol). But anyways, here's the summary of the story that I've written. 

"I've always wanted to go to the Stars." I murmured, stretching my hand out into the open air as Ryan and I laid on our backs. "I've always wondered what could be out there, what other species might exist." I slowly clenched my fist above me, wishing the orange Particle Barrier wasn't in the way of the perfect view. "Now I wish we could just... Disappear." I lowered my hand back down onto the cold concrete but to my surprise, Kinkade took my hand in his and squeezed.

"Sometimes I want to run and hide too but... I remember that there are people out there that need us and that keeps me going." His deep voice soothes me as my bottom lip trembles.

"I miss my family Ryan." He sits up immediately as I cover my face with my arm to hide my tears.

"You're okay Cruz, you're okay." He says softly, pulling me up off my back and into a hug. I cry into his chest, still wishing I could run away from everything.


When Sam Holt returned from the supposed failed Kerberos mission, Aurora Del la Cruz was one of the first people to see him. His return had been kept hush hush but Aurora learned her snooping skills from the best, Katie Holt. Still reeling over the loss of her father and the sudden disappearance of her friends, Aurora is thrust into the Garrison's circle of secrecy as she unlocks the knowledge of Altean technology, learns of the Galra threat, and is forced to carry the burden of creating an energy source for Atlas.

Through it all, Aurora has never backed down, never faltered because she always believed that her friends would come back but when the Galra do attack and the years drag on with no word from Voltron, Aurora begins to loose faith and the only one who is able to get through to her is the strong, silent Ryan Kinkade.

So these are the only two ideas I have any motivation for or actual plot in my head. All other ideas mentioned in either Don't Come Down or Hanahaki Disease have been scrapped so I'm sorry if you were excited for them but... They're gone lol. As always though, I am still doing updates of my Shades//Klance one-shots book. I publish stories about twice a month, three times a month if you're lucky lol and those go out every other Sunday.

That being said, as soon as this Authors Note goes up and I mark this story as complete, I'm posting the Prologue for my story Lovebug//Klance. I don't know what I'll be updating but I'll post it so you all can put it in your libraries and be notified when the first chapter does go up. 

I hope you're as excited as I am to read it! And thank you so much for reading/commenting/voting on this story here. It means the world to me as always.

See you all soon!!


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