Keith: First Love

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I was running my hand over Kosmo's silky fur as I sat next to him in the hayloft. The McClain's had allowed Kosmo to stay but he was a little too big to be in the house.

"¡Oh Dios mío Keith! I don't know where he should sleep. He's too big for this house." Which she was right about, Kosmo was a little too wide to go through the front door or move down the hallways and when he wagged his tail he could probably clear everything off of the counter tops and tables and shelves.

"Will he be okay in the barn?" Mr. McClain asked, scratching his head. "Or will he spook the animals?"

"Well, he knows Kaltenecker. The horses might be a different problem." I said nervously. Mr. McClain pursed his lips.

"Well let's go see then." Turns out the horses weren't spooked by him at all. Kosmo was even really intrigued by them and him and Kaltenecker made several growls and grunts at each other as if acknowledging the others existence.

"We can make him a bed up in the hayloft. It'll be warmer up there for him and we can give him some old blankets." Lance said, excitedly, already, climbing the ladder up to it. I laughed.

"Come on Kosmo." I said, climbing after Lance. I felt the temperature drop and then there was a POP and THUMP as Kosmo landed in the hayloft ahead of us. As far as I could tell, Kosmo seemed pretty content up here. At least, he hadn't tried teleporting into Rachel's room yet or tried forcing me to sleep with him in the barn. Though, I probably wouldn't mind doing that.

"Keith! Buddy?" Lance called out from somewhere outside. Kosmo disappeared as I was petting him and when he came back, he practically dumped Lance in my lap. "Oh shit! H-hey Keith sorry." Lance said shifting off of me and onto the hardwood floor. He was blushing hard.

"It's fine, thanks Kosmo." He barked and laid his head back down on his paws. "What's up?" Lance cleared his throat.

"Oh uhh... My mom asked if we could peel potatoes tonight for dinner. She also wants me to pluck the dead chicken so we can give it to Kosmo but I've seen him eat birds whole do I really have to do that?" I laughed and shrugged.

"I don't know. He does eat them whole sometimes so I don't think he'll mind." Lance nodded.

"Cool let's head to the kitchen. See ya later Kosmo." Kosmo didn't raise his head to acknowledge us as we left though and together, Lance and I headed back to the house.


It had been a really long time since I talked to Pidge about whether or not Lance was single and I still didn't know exactly how to bring up the subject. He's never mentioned anyone in the time that I've been here and if he was with someone, you think he would have by now. Even if he's not with someone though, I still want to ask him about the guy he was with for a brief period of time over two years ago. What happened between them exactly? Would Lance feel comfortable enough to even tell me?

One thing I knew for sure was that, if I was going to ask him about this mystery guy, I first had to start off by talking about Allura.

Lance laughed, chucking a potato peel at me after I had just told him a dumb joke. "Keith Kogane, making jokes? This has to be some alternate reality." I snorted.

"No, the alternate reality we saw was way different from our own." Lance smiled.

"Yeah, it was pretty cool though. I kind of wished we had meet our other selves in that reality instead of just Shiro's alternate. That would have been so cool." Lance started to laugh. "What if that was the universe where you don't have a mullet? That would have been crazy to see!"

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