Lance: Déjà vu

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Keith was kneeling in front of me, wrench in hand as he eyed the harvest machine suspiciously. He lifted the front of his shirt to wipe some sweat off his face before scoffing in disgust. "I just fixed this damn thing. What the hell is wrong with it." He complained, looking up at me. I just shrugged. 

"You're the mechanic." I said, ruffling his long hair. Keith sighed and just let me mess it up before he stood and glanced at the toolbox. 

"Does your dad have the torx screwdriver?" I arched an eyebrow at him.

"If I knew what that was maybe I could answer the question." Keith laughed, stood, and touched my shoulder lightly. 

"Don't touch anything okay. I don't want you getting hurt or messing it up even further." I mock saluted him.

"Aye, aye captain." Keith grinned and began heading towards the barn where my dad was loudly singing in Spanish. I glanced at the ground, kicking at the dirt a little. When he was almost at the barn though, the harvest machine miraculously turned back on. I backed away, startled. "Uhhh... Keith!" I shouted. He turned around. "Is it supposed to do that?" His eyes widened a little.

"Lance! Move away from it." The harvester lurched forward and I backpedaled away, unsure of where to go. Its controlled by GPS. It could move however it wanted. As I was preparing to turn and run, there was a sudden grinding sound and then a loud BOOM. I winced a little, stumbling back from the force. My ears were ringing and my leg felt a little funny. When I looked down, a large jagged piece of metal was sticking out of my right leg. My vision blurred. Damn, thats a lot of blood. "Lance!" Keith shouted but I was already blacking out, my body feeling heavier and heavier as I collapsed to the ground.


"¡Hay tanta sangre! Qué hacemos? ¿A quién llamamos?" That sounded like my dad but I could barely tell. My ears were still ringing and the whole right side of my body felt like it was on fire. I thought I heard my mother scream but I couldn't be sure. 

"Call Pidge." Someone kept saying above me. Keith? Was he the one carrying me. He grunted and there was the sound of a door being kicked open. My mom was muttering prayers in Spanish now. "My phones in my jacket pocket Mr. McClain." There was lots of rustling and footsteps and now my mom was crying. 

"Hello? Pidge? This is Mr. McClain."

"Lance can you hear me?" Keith asked. I groaned in response, unable to make my mouth move to form words. "It's going to be okay buddy. We're going to get help alright? Just stay with me." I wanted to say that there was nowhere else I'd rather be but I fell back into the void.


There was more shouting now and the sound of tearing fabric. Several people gasped. "It's worse than I thought." Someone murmured. There was more hurried talking, hands all over my leg, my forehead, my arms. I couldn't focus on anything. I felt like I was going to throw up but I couldn't sit up to do so. 

"Well we can't just leave it there!" Someone shouted angrily as I became slightly more lucid.

"If I yank it out Keith I could tear muscles or cut through veins. I have to get it out using..."

"Pidge it's untested. You said so yourself! You can't just make Lance your science experiment."I wanted to tell them both to shut up. That my head was killing me. that the smell of my own blood was making me nauseous but I couldn't move my tongue. It felt too heavy in my mouth. 

"I have tested it Keith. All the programs I've run. All the tests on minor scrapes and burns."

"This isn't minor!" Keith shouted.

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