Lance: The Quantum Abyss

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"I always knew this would happen." Keith murmured, pulling away from me slightly before kissing my lips and then my cheek lightly, his fingers still threaded through my hair. I smiled up at him almost dreamily, like a lovesick puppy.

"Oh really Kogane? Can you see the future?" He opened his mouth to reply but then shut it just as quickly. A weird look crossed his features and suddenly I was concerned. "Keith?" I questioned. He licked his lips and pulled back a little, letting go of me. My arms dropped to my sides and I was kind of regretting pushing this subject. He had been so warm and I had been so content for five beautiful minutes.

"I just mean that I kind of saw this happen before it actually... Did." My brain was churning, trying to process what he was saying.

"Like you dreamed about it often? Or thought about it?" Keith shook his head.

"Okay I'm... I'm going to tell you Lance just give me a second please." He said, turning and taking one step off the porch. When he looked back up at me I felt like the tension was going to suffocate me. Keith breathed out slowly, stepped back up and took my hand. "Let's sit." I let him pull me towards the patio chairs. He pulled out two and faced them in front of one another, gesturing for me to sit first which I did and then he sat down directly in front of me and took one of my hands gently.

"What are you talking about Keith?" I asked as he caressed the back of my hand with his thumb lightly.

"You remember how I was in the Quantum Abyss with my mother?" I was surprised by the change in topic but nodded my head anyways. "Well time worked differently there. It moved a little faster and it also. It also bended time in a way."

"It... Bended... Time." I repeated. Keith nodded.

"So while I was there for two years, it was technically only 1 year by Earth's standards."

"Yeah, yeah I know that. That's why you came back looking older and..." I paused, remembering how stupid I sounded when Keith had come back. He was smirking.

"Older, grizzled, hotter?" Lance blushed and sat back in his seat a little.

"Oh shut up. You were older. I was confused."

"Yeah, clearly." I rolled my eyes.

"We're not discussing that Keith. Keep going, why is this relevant now." Keith nodded, swallowing hard.

"Well in the Quantum Abyss, my mom and I kept seeing flashes of our lives, past, present, future. She said it was an effect of being in the Quantum realm. That it was showing us our entire life and this moment, well, the one we just had where I kissed you. I had seen it before, when I was with her in the Quantum Abyss." My heart  felt like it had stopped.

"You... You what?" I whispered. Keith had a pained expression on his face.

"Lance, I'm trying to tell you that I knew this was going to happen... In a way." I let go of his hand and Keith winced. "I didn't even remember it until right now. It's like having déjà vu only more intense, especially in important moments like this." He called our kiss important. But I didn't want to dwell on that too long.

"So you knew? You knew that all of this was going to happen. That you would come to my farm and win me over and kiss me? I didn't even have any fucking say in it?" I couldn't figure out why I was pissed. Maybe I felt like Keith had orchestrated all this but that was kind of crazy. He couldn't manipulate my feelings like that... Could he?

"No! Lance, that's not what happened. I didn't know when those points in time were. They weren't in chronological order or anything and it wasn't just my life we were seeing, but my moms as well and do you know how long she's lived?" I didn't answer him I was still a little pissed. "Lance, I just remembered it, honestly. I wasn't trying... I haven't been.." He stopped, at a loss for words but another thought had occurred to me, one even scarier than the thought of Keith manipulating my feelings.

I stood quickly, the chair I was sitting on scooting back several inches. My fists were clenched at my sides. I was grinding my teeth, trying my damnedest not to scream or yell at him or any other number of irrational things. If he knew about this kiss. If he had seen the past, the present and the future then... Then..

"Did you know?" I said, my voice sounding harsher and colder than I had pictured in my head.

"Know.. Know what?" Keith said slowly, sensing my rising anger. I slowly lifted my eyes to glare at him.

"Did you know Allura was going to die?" I snarled at him before shoving him away from me. Keith stumbled back, shocked.

"Lance! No!" He said.

"I don't believe you." Keith looked stricken, panicky.

"Lance, if I had known she was going to die do you think I wouldn't try to stop it? Prevent it?" He said, stepping towards me but I moved back.

"You saw Allura's death and you saw the two of us together in some god forsaken future so yeah, maybe you liked the fucking idea of her being gone." I said and I knew I was being harsh. I know we all loved her but I was in love with her. And for a brief time, we were together, we made each other happy. We had each other.

"She was my friend Lance." Keith snapped at me. "I would've done anything to prevent her death just like I would've done anything for you or Shiro or Pidge or Hunk. You're my family. You guys were the only one I had for the longest time. How could... How could you even say that?" He sounded choked up but I didn't dare look at him as hot, angry tears rolled down my face.

"Don't lie to me Keith. You had to have seen something. You were there for two fucking years. You're saying in all that time, you never saw Allura die? You never saw her older than eighteen?" I said, stealing a glance at him. He was rubbing at his eyes. I'd never seen him cry before.

"N-no Lance, I swear I mean... Oh god I don't know. Lance..."

"What did you see Keith. Tell me" I demanded. Keith let out a shaky breath, his eyes wet and glistening as he ran his hands through his hair, thinking.

"I... I guess I never saw her get any older but Lance... I don't even now how long Alteans lived. I don't know what I thought back then not seeing her age. I must've thought it was an Altean thing. I mean god my mom looks the same way she did when she met my father. I wasn't trying to piece together my past, present or my future while we were stranded out there Lance. It would've driven my mom and I insane trying to map out our lives like that."

"You should've said something!"

"I didn't want to remember Lance!" Keith yelled back. "My mom said the future wasn't set in stone, that anything I thought might be a future event might never even happen. Time is malleable. That's what I kept telling myself every time I saw something. I was living my past, present and future for two fucking years straight Lance. I didn't want to remember what happened during that time. I didn't want to have expectations." The two of us were quiet and I could understand what he was saying. I get where he was coming from but if he had just said... Something. If he had told us sooner about experiencing parts of his future, maybe we could have jogged his memory about Allura not being a presence in his life as much and then... Then she might be here with me right now or on Altea, ruling her people.

"Fuck you Keith." I said, surprising myself.


"Fuck you." I repeated and then I went inside and slammed the door shut behind me, not even pausing to see if he would follow me up.

Wow!!! Why do I always make them so angsty??? Haha anyways I hope you enjoyed the update! I don't have many more chapters left of this story so if you're still with me, I hope you love the direction of this story. 

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