Chapter three: Secret's in LA part two

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(Pearl's POV)

"Known the way and still so lost.." The song finished just as my mom shouted from downstairs "Your dads home!" I got off my bed and ran down the stairs to see my dad's jet black hair and his bright blue eyes light up as I ran up to him to give him a hug. His scent filled my nose making me feel at peace.

"Hey princess missed you." My dad said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Missed you to." I replied pulling away from our hug and stared into his eyes.

"Can't wait until tomorrow, LA here we come!!" I said doing the most embarrassing mom dance moves ever! "Me to sweetheart" Dad answered giving me a smile. "Lets eat!!" Mom said being her smiley cheery self, I honestly couldn't ask for a better family.

Next day...

"Honey wake up we have to go to the airport in 30 minutes!" My mom rubbed my back trying to wake me up. I looked at my phone 4:02 am. Why did are flight have to be at 7:00am? Just to let you know I'm not a morning person I hate getting up early no matter the occasion.

"Argh alright I'm getting up." I said my voice sounding really croaky like I was dying. I put on my Aztec tank top with my black skaters skirt with my red converse. I brushed my hair which was making my curls turn into waves. I grabbed my phone and bag, closed my door and walked out of the house and into the car.

"LA here I come.." I mutter knowing I was going to have the time of my life in only in a matter of hours.

(Katy's POV)

"Katy!!!!" I shot upright turning around to see who had called my name. Of course it was no one other than Shannon.

"What??" I said rubbing my eyes. I was now staring at Shannon giving her the evils.

"Me being the amazing friend I am, I know that your supposed to be meeting Angela at the airport in an hour.." Shannon said.

"Oh shit!" I muttered and ran to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked awful. I had dark circles under my eyes and my skin was so pale and I looked so thin and warn out. I quickly washed my face and applied all the makeup that was needed to make me the "normal happy cheery pop star Katy Perry." I quickly changed into a sports top with white and red hoodie over the top trying to look as low key as possible.

I grabbed my Chanel bag and phone and headed to my car driving to the airport to meet Angela.

•On the plane•

(Pearl's POV)

"We will be landing in Los Angeles in 20 minuets so please fasten your seat belts." I heard a voice say. I slowly opened my eyes.

"We have to tell her Gary she has every right to know." I Heard my mom's voice say. I suddenly was wide awake, all ears open. I decided to keep my eyes shut so they still thought I was asleep.

"Fiona she's only thirteen years old. I don't feel she's ready to know." My dad said but I heard my mom sigh loudly.

"She's old enough to know and understand what's going on I think we should tell her she's adopted." I felt my heart stop. Did I really just hear that? I felt my heart and my world shatter into a million pieces in just that one moment.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" I shot up and gave my shocked "mom" and "dad" a dirty look.

"Honey we - "but I interrupted them before they could answer.

"You are such liars, my whole life's been a fucking lie!" I practically scream at them, tears forming in my eyes.How could they be that selfish?

The plane finally landed after what felt like ages. I grabbed my bag and ran of the plane.

"I ran.I ran away as fast as I could wanting leaving this life of hell behind me. Suddenly I felt myself collide into a young women who had raven black hair and was wearing a white and red hoodie. I gasped. "Oh my God your Katy Perry!"

Authors note:

Hey guys told you guys I would update again today! :) so what do you think Katy's reaction will be?

Tell me what you think will happen in comments love to see what you guys think so far!

Ly all! :)

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