Chapter twenty seven: Realising...

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(Katy's POV)

I just laid there cuddling Angela's middle feeling so high but looking so low.

"Hey my little songbird what's wrong??" Angela asked me kissing my forehead. I pushed my pink hair out of my mouth and began to sob into Angela's side.

"He-he l-l-l-left me, he wants to be with these other group of women, he said he didn't love me and that are sex was dry.!!!" I screamed into Angela's waist hitting the duvet with my fists crying my eyes out.

"Katy, he's not worth it, don't let him or any of the demons win. Think about Pearl, she saved you because she loves you, I came here because I love you, where all here for you because we love you." Angela said to me rocking me backwards and forwards.

"Angela I can't do it anymore... I can't feel anymore pain it's killing me! They won't stop they never do I've tried twice but there's always someone who has to interfere. Just let me die already!!"

"Who interfered the second time Katybird?" Angela cooed stroking my head.

"Pearl....." I said realising for the first time every time that Pearl was trying to help me let the light in, I pushed her away she kept on trying. I'm such a monster.

"Katy, whatever your demons tell you, they are lying. Remember that Pearl is there to help you keep your own Pearl. She's there to help you fight your battle she's been defending your Pearl. " Angela said to me looking into my eyes and reassuring me. How could I have been so blind?

Pearl is my guardian angel who has protected my Pearl for so many years and has let it shine even brighter than the northern lights. She has kept me strong. She will always be a that shining pearl.

(Pearl's POV)

I lay on my bed staring at the plain white ceiling. I began to cry again but instead of trying to bottle it up like I always do, I cried as harder then I have ever done before. All I seem to do is cry now, ever since I met Katy and found out the real truth. Wait no I'm being silly it started way before that, that's the one thing I vowed ever since it happened not to tell anyone and it's going to remain that way.

I decided to turn the TV on to try and take my mind off today's events.

The news channel came on showing a man with black hair and a black beard with a very dashing smile.

"Good afternoon America we have some breaking news on Pop sensation Katy Perry and English comedian Russell Brand." I watched the TV with my complete attention my eyes and ears concentrating on the news.

"Brand wrote on twitter this morning after many speculations from reporters and magazines that the two of them drifting apart.

"I am writing to inform you that the split between Katy and I is confirmed there's no bad blood, it was a mutual decision."

The reporter read out as an image of his tweet appeared on the screen. I scoffed at his choice of words. He practically left Katy in a mess! No 'bad blood' what a complete asshole!! I turned the TV off throwing the remote into the be. I felt my blood begin to boil.

But then went back through all the events of the past few days.

"Oh my god..." I muttered to myself as I put my hands to my head. I have been a complete utter bitch to Katy hurting her 100 times more by mentioning Russell's name and by suggesting the idea of 'Katy being happier once she saw Russell' and now because of my own bad decisions she nearly killed her self.

I got off my bed and went to clean myself up. After making my face look 'prettier' I decided to go and apologise and this time I have no intention of mucking it up. I wish I knew then what I know now, I realise what's happened now. Katy needs me more then ever, she needs her Pearl and I need her spirit to Roar once again.

I knocked onto the door and entered Katy's room...

(Authors note)

Hey guys hope you like this chapter!

I have an announcement to make tomorrow so stay tuned for tomorrow's chapter ;)

Tell me in the comments what you thought about Pearl's and Katy's views Of them both realising everything :)

Ly guys xxx

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