Chapter ten: Bad Endings New Beginings

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(Katy's POV)

I never felt so happy in my life. I couldn't believe I think I have finally got my baby girl back! But all these marks on her still worried the hell out of me.

"Pearl you still haven't told me about the marks on your body!" I say.

"Okay since you told me the truth I must tell you the truth." Pearl said turning to face me.

"So since we first met, my par- I mean carers. "Pearl said with a disgusted look on her face. I could tell I wasn't going to like this one bit.

"I was giving them an attitude to show them I was mad at them for lying to me all those years. But then my dad, he changed.." At this point tears where forming in Pearl's eyes even more so than before.

"He became mad. He was always angry and he scares me Katy. So he hurt mmm-e. He did this to my face with his lighter." She said as she pointed to her face. I swear to God I'm going to kill that man. Anger fills my body and pure hate for the man who my daughter used to look up to and call him her father. I'm going to kick his ass harder than it's ever been kicked before, cause no one hurts my baby girl!

"C'mon Kitten lets go!" I say helping her up.

"Why? Where are we going?"she asks as I put my sunglasses on.

"I'm going to have a word with that bastard..." I mutter angrily.

"KATY no don't he will hurt you!" Pearl tells me tugging my arm begging me not to do it. I drown her out angry taking over me. Bitch mode here I come..

(Pearl's POV)

Where in the car now driving to my house. I know this is such a bad idea, I knew I shouldn't have told Katy anything of course I knew she was gunna flip out! But at the same time I couldn't help feeling loved, because of Katy's concern for me. We finally arrived to my house. I began to shake uncontrollably knowing the wrath that would follow.
"Pearl you stay in here while I have a word with that bastard. Il text you when it's okay for you to come. Katy said giving me an assuring smile. For some reason I felt everything was going to turn out okay.
"Okay!" I said smiling at Katy kissing her on the cheek as good luck!

(Katy's POV)

I locked the car door so Pearl was safe away from that sick man she called 'father'. I walk to the front door and begin banging on the door as hard and as loud as I could.
"All right hold your horses mate!" A man with a deep voice yelled. A guy who looked about his mid 30's had jet black hair a scruffy beard and piercing blue eyes. I could smell the alcohol it was as if he was bathing in it. "Well what do you want lady!?" he asked me slurring his words as he lifted his hands that where holding torn posters, posters of me. I lifted my sunglasses off my eyes and suddenly the man gasped at me and called his wife over to come and look at me. I got angrier by the second, he was treating me as if I was some sort animal to stare at in a zoo!

"And it is miss Perry to you sir, I have come to talk about the welfare of Pearl as you will find on her birth certificate ,unless you have ripped it up like her posters that I am her biological mother under the name of Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson." I said trying to keep my cool talking in my professional mannered tone.

"I'm sorry lady and no I am not going to call you miss Perry and I am certainly not gunna give you ma daughter!" He yelled slapping my face hard. I felt the left side of my face burn.
"What kind of father are you? You abused Pearl You burnt her face and have been treating her like a piece of shot because you have problems! And I am going to win custody over her and take her away from this mad house. Let me refrais that, I will take Pearl and If you don't let me have custody over her, I will tell the police what you did to her and you end up in prison for the rest of your life!" I yell at him getting closer to him giving him a death stare. He looked extremely shocked at my words and let me come in.
"Thankyou very much for your cooperation I will grab all of Pearl's things and we shall be off." I said going back my professional manor.
I run up there stained carpet stairs and went to a medium sized bedroom to see a room filled with so many drawings of me and so many lyric books and projects. I smiled at how talented my baby girl was, looking at some of her lyrics they where so impressive. Her drawings where phenomenal. I traced my finger over every single lined she drew truly studying how she drew each feature.

I suddenly remembered to text Pearl to say that everything's fine leaving out the part of him smacking me. I texted her:
" Hey kitten everything's fine just packing up your stuff do you want me to bring everything? Xx"
She quickly replies:
"Good! Yeah just my school stuff drawings and books and whatever you can pack xxx"

I begin packing her all her books drawings and school stuff in one of her many suitcases.

•30 minutes later•

I finally finished packing all the stuff she would really need. We could get most of her stuff when she's in LA. I walked down those horrid stained stairs again getting stares from the lady that I think was Pearl's 'mom'.
Goodbye Mr & Mrs Mason it was nice knowing you I say as I shut the door. I see a relieved looking Pearl smiling at me as I bought all her suitcases into the back of the car. I get into the car giving Pearl a side hug kissing her head.

"Say goodbye to the past and say hello to our new beginnings baby!" I say gripping her hand giving it a quick squeeze.
" I am ready for it." Pearl says giving me a smile as we drive away from the old, and into the new.

A/N hey guys I updated twice today! This chapters abit longer so sorry if its abit boring!
Who liked how sassy Katy was being to Mr Mason? 💁😏😂
Ly all 💕

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