Chapter thirteen: Why why why?

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(Pearl's POV)

The bell rang for the end of the day. I grabbed my books and stuffed them into my bag.

"Hey Pearl did you wanna come to mine?" Georgia asked me as she put her books in her bag to.

"Can't sorry I think I'm going shopping with er Kitty.." I said pouting my lips. Georgia pretended to make crying noises. I giggled uncontrollably. I'm going to miss Georgia so much, it's going to be so hard to say goodbye.

We walk down the corridor, open the double doors as we walk outside where the sun is scorching and burning my eyes. I see Katy standing outside her car smiling at me.

"See you tomorrow Georgia" I said as I hugged her tightly.Georgia ran down the road to catch up with some other friends waving goodbye as she ran.

"Hey kitten, I saw your performance today in music you have the most angelic voice!" Katy whispered into my ear as she came up behind me, hugging my waist.

"I really didn't think I sounded that good!" I answered honestly.

"We'll you did sound amazing, I was so proud of you." Katy said pulling me into one of her heart warming hugs.

"So shopping now?" Katy said as she gave me an evil smile. Katy does have a weakness for shopping.

"As long as you don't buy me anything expensive then yes!" I said raising my eyebrows.

"I can't promise you anything.." Katy replied with her cute evil laugh that made me nearly wet myself. Ahhh this is why I love her. I thought to myself as we began to drive to the mall.

20 minutes later we arrived at the mall, as an excited Katy literally dragged me out of the car and ran into the apple store.

"No no and no!" I said to Katy crossing my arms.

"What?" she replied with an innocent look that made my heart melt every single time she does this.

"You know what your doing and there's no way you are getting me any apple products there way to expensive!" I said.

"Baby please let me buy you this stuff, please let me start being the mother I always wanted to be, let me start now. Katy said giving me the most pleading look.

"Fine.." I muttered to myself as an excited Katy squealed and we went searching for some stuff for me. 10 minutes later, I came out the shop with a gold iPhone 5s, a iPad air and a MacBook Pro! As you can imagine Katy and I spent some time arguing about her getting me all of this. But I finally gave cause I knew in the end she was going to win.

...."How does this look?" Katy asked me as she came out of the changing rooms wearing a beautiful tight red dress down to her knees that showed her hour glass shape perfectly. I couldn't believe someone so flawless and perfect could be so insecure.

We're in Chanel, Katy's favourite shop she was dying to take me here and get me some stuff. I already choose my outfits. Katy said the minimum amount of stuff I could get from Chanel was 10 items of clothing or else she would ground me. I must say that was very unexpected the grounding bit. I had got 6 dresses, 2 tops, 1 bag and 1 pair of shoes.

"Shall we pay?" Katy asked me as she picked up all her new outfits that were mainly dresses.

"Sure!" I said as we made our way to the checkout.

"Okay so we can one more place then I reckon we should get going. " Katy said as we walked out of Chanel carrying our many shopping bags.

"You know what, let treat ourself's!" Katy said to me as I snorted at her choice of words.

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