Chapter twenty two: Feeling unloved

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(Pearl's POV)

"Goodbye!" I waved to Georgia and Harry who where both bawling there eyes out. I felt my eyes becoming a little bit watery. I looked into the window of the car to see Katy staring into space looking completely emotionless, the only move that seemed human that she did was a single tear that fell down her cheek. Something is seriously wrong I can tell. I wish she would just tell me instead of keeping it to her self pretending she's fine.

(Katy's POV)

I heard a loud knock on the window. I was suddenly taken out of my day dream and looked over to see Pearl standing there waiting for me to let her in. I pressed my keys so she could get in and get going.

"Katy please tell me what's wrong?!!" Pearl demanded rudely looking at me.

"Kitten nothings wrong I'm fine!" I said reassuring her.

"No your not, stop lying to me I know when your actually fine and when you are not. Please just tell me instead of lying to me, your being ridiculous!"

I felt my eyes tear up knowing that I was not being ridiculous. But at the same time I felt my blood begin to boil at these assumptions.

"What makes you think you have any right to day that Pearl Elizabeth Hudson?" I said raising my voice quite a bit.

"You know what, I don't know how Russell puts up with you, your such a bitch sometimes that is so full of herself with a heart of stone. He should just divorce you already!" I began to feel myself shake uncontrollably, making it hard for me to be able to keep my grip on the steering wheel.

The rest of the car journey to the hotel was completely silent. I struggled to keep all my tears from falling. As soon as we arrived back in out hotel room I cleared my throat and croakily said "Make sure you've got everything we'll be leaving soon." I ran into the bathroom, closed the door and turned the fan on so know one could hear me and cried, cried and cried.

(Pearl's POV)

I feel like a complete and utter bitch right now I shouldn't have said those things, Russell of course loves Katy what an earth am I talking about! But at the same time she shouldn't have been snappy and hiding something that's bother here a lot. I thought family where suppose to share there worries and have no secrets, well obviously not all families.

I double checked that I packed everything. I put my hands in my hoodie pouch. I felt a piece of Paper in there. I took it out to see a picture of A young looking blonde teenage girl with a short hair and piercing blue eyes. She was tall and slim and wearing a blue bikini. I could tell she was on Santa Barbra's beach. She was standing next to a tall teenage boy who had curly light brown hair that was quite long. They where both cuddling each other smiling. I looked closer studying as much of the blonde girls features as I could see. Oh my God this is Katy!! I thought to myself. She looks so happy and young. I was shocked. But somehow making me feel even worse. I decided to put the picture into the back of my phone case and go apologise to Katy.

(Katy's POV)

Pearl is right, how can someone love me for me? Im such a stupid girl for dreaming that I would find the one. There's no fucking Prince Charming! There never has been or never will be. I wiped my eyes for the millionth time that now feel as if they have been ripped apart.

I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I knew right away it was Pearl. What does she won't now? I think to myself.

"To die..." I voice in my head said.

"No it's not true!" I said to the voice.

"Oh it is, remember Katy no one loves you. Say it or else I will make you feel pain. remember him? Remember what he did to you? Say it!!!" The voice shrieked making me cover my ears.

"No one loves or has ever loved me." I said looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"Good, I will be back.. Keep telling and reminding yourself that Katheryn..." The voice said, finally beginning to fade away.

"Katy?" Pearl's voice suddenly filled my ears.

I opened the bathroom door and saw Pearl looking at me much differently than usual. The voice is right no one does love me.

(Pearl's POV)

I stared at Katy. I can see so much of that little girl in the photo in Katy right now. I don't know why but I feel different about Katy now. But a good different, I feel much more of compassion towards Katy. I'm desperate to find out more about this boyfriend of Katy's. I must say she had good taste in guys back then..

"Got your stuff? lets go!" Katy said in a muffled voice as she grabbed her bags, not even glancing at me. I grabbed all my bags and carried them to the car.

It took us about 20 minutes to get to the airport and another 15 minutes to board Katy's private jet. I decided not to sit next to Katy since she seems like she needs some space right now. Look out the window for the last time I will be seeing Santa Barbra.

"Goodbye Old home..." I said looking out of the window as we took off. I felt my eyes begin to get heavy as I saw Katy covering up her face with her arms as I quickly fell into a deep uneasy sleep....

Authors note:

Ergh writing about Katy going through this is so emotionally hard!!😭😩

So what did you think of this chapter? Do you think Katy had the right to have a go at Pearl or not? Do you think that Katy's and Pearl's relationship will get better or worse?

Tell me in the comments!

Ly guys xx

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