Chapter nine: the truth will set you free

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(Katy's POV)

I couldn't stop staring at Pearl. She looked so scared and so hurt. Who would do this to her?

"Pearl what happened?" I said my voice shaking, trying to swallow the lump in my throat but it wouldn't go.

I went to go sit down next to her. Pearl put her arms around my waist and put her head on my shoulder. I pulled her closer giving her a hug. I kissed her on her head.

'It's okay to cry kitten don't keep it all in just let it go.." I coo stroking the top of her head with my thumb. Then her face crumpled and she cried, cried and cried releasing her pain. My heart was torn apart, broken at the sight of my baby girl hurt.

"You don't have to be a shell oh your the one that rules your world ohh you are strong and you'll learn that you can still go on and you'll always be my Pearl..." (A/N see what I did there ;))

I sing softly to her. Pearl had finally stopped shaking and was breathing quite heavily. She stared at me looking into my eyes.

"Katy." She whispered.

"Yes kitten what is it?" I say as I stare into her beautiful blue eyes.

"Why are you being so nice to me? You don't even know me!" She said suddenly changing her tone. I could tell she was looking for answers.

"Okay Pearl il give you answers but please try to not think to badly of me." I say feeling my heartbeat getting faster by the Minuit, I am so nervous.

"I won't promise anything.." Pearl answers with an attitude. Well here it goes. I think to myself as I begin to speak.

(Pearl's POV)

"Well.." I press on giving Katy a look. I know I shouldn't be giving her an attitude but I'm just angry at people not telling me the truth and always lying to me. I need answers. Truthful ones.

Katy closes her eyes and I can see her miming the words 'Please God be kind' She opened her eyes which where filled with worry and sadness.

"When I was a teenager I fell in love with this boy at my school who I thought really cared about me.." I could see the memories where painful for Katy.
" One night all of that changed I saw him with another girl kissing her.. And he had alcohol in his hand. They where both drinking and messing around. Being drunk he didn't seem his self so I forgave him for what he did to me." Katy said as she lifted her shirt that showed a scar on her left side of her waist that looked like loads of deep deep cuts. I gasped horrified at what this boy did to her.
"But that's not all.." Katy said darkly her eyes now turning a dull grey.
"He did other stuff to me so nine months later I have birth to the most beautiful baby girl named Pearl Elizabeth Hudson who was born on the 27th October 1998." She stared at me tears forming in her eyes.
"Pearl I'm your mother..." Katy said bursting into tears. I honestly didn't know what to say or how to react.

"Why did you give me up?" I said quietly. Katy wiped her nose and eyes making a loud sniffing noise.
"I loved you so much I truly felt I could take care of you. you where my day of light you kept me strong through your beautiful smile and your loving laugh. But my mom saw you as a burden to me. I was sleeping with you in my arms when she took you away from me. I felt so lost ever since but now that I have found you I feel hole again. She said leaning in to give me a hug. I gladly took it.

"You are so strong Katy. You are my strength and my pearl. I love you so much." I whisper in her ear as more tears fall down my face. But they are happy ones.
" I love you too." She whispers back.
I feel as if the truth has set me free.

I feel whole and complete because my missing puzzle piece has been found. I was missing the love of my mother Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson.

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