Chapter twenty: 'I'm Fine'

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(Katy's POV)

I awoke to the bright morning sun burning eyes. I groaned and rolled over accidentally squishing Pearl. I hate mornings.

"Arggggh Katy please get off meee!!" Pearl moaned at me as she tried to push me off her.

"Well you better get dressed if you wanna go to school!" I said as I got off Pearl and went to grab my phone.

"Fine..." She said as she pulled the duvet off her and went to into the bathroom.

I checked my twitter and tweeted out a picture of the bed saying:

"I hate mornings🙍#need2sleepmore!"

I checked my messages. I got a message Mia saying:

"Hey Kate when you coming back? ly babes xxx" Mia texted me.

I replied saying " Coming home tonight with a special young lady.. Tell you more soon ly2 gurll xxx"

My phone buzzed again, this time it was a text from Russell. I quickly opened it up as I read the text.

I gasped out loud, dropping my phone on the floor, as it smashed. I felt my hard sink deeper than it has ever sunk before. Tears began to fill my eyes. I looked and my hands and legs, they where shaking uncontrollably. How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me, I loved him so much... I thought to myself.

Suddenly, I heard the bathroom door open as Pearl came out of the bathroom, her hair dripping wet. I quickly dried my eyes putting on my best 'smile on possible. I couldn't burden Pearl with my troubles , not after all she's been through.

"You alright Katy?" Pearl asked me as she set up the hair dryer.

"I'm fine." I said putting on my best smile. I could tell she wasn't convinced.

"I'm going to get ready now, I won't be long." I said to Pearl as I got up and locked the bathroom door. I turned the fan on to full blast so it could block out most of the sound. I sat on the toilet seat and began to cry and sob uncontrollably for what felt like forever.

(Pearl's POV)

Something was bothering Katy I could tell. I turned of the hair dryer and began to apply my make up. When I was adding on my strawberry flavoured lipgloss I thought I heard a really loud sob. I turned around and went to knock on the bathroom door.

"Katy...." I said loudly.

"I'll be out in a minuet.." She yelled back. I decided to leave her alone so I went to go make the bed and make sure I packed everything.

(Katy's POV)

"Katy...." I heard Pearl shout as she was knocking on the bathroom door loudly. I once again dried my eyes and began to panic. What if she heard me crying?

"Il be out in a minuet..." I replied as I began to clean my teeth. I washed my face and applied a lot more makeup than usual.

"C'mon Katy you can do this, all you have to do is drop Pearl off then you can cry all you like." I said talking to myself in the mirror.

I opened the bathroom door and stepped out to see Pearl on her bed waiting for me.

"You ready?" I said fake smiling once again.

"Yeah I am.." She said eying me suspiciously.

"Okey dokey then lets go!" I said as we walked out of the hotel, got into the car and drove to Pearl's school in complete silence.

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