Chapter eight: similar minds

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(Katy's POV)

I knocked on my parents old wooden door. A couple of seconds later I was greeted by my little brother giving me a smirk.

"Hey Kate!" He said giving me a hug.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and a bro fist. Mom always used to say to us that David and I were so immature.

"Do you know why we've been called here?" I ask David as I shut the front door.

"You mean the reason she called you here." He said giving me an intense look. I was so confused why does mom wanna speak to me this badly?

I walk into the kitchen to see my mom leaning on my dad's shoulder looking extremely worried. As soon as she saw me she gave me a small smile. I went over to give my mom a hug.

"Hey mom are you okay?" I ask her pulling away from our hug giving her a uneasy look.

"Honey we need to speak to you about something that has been worrying your father and I." She said weakly.

"Yeah... Go on.." I say slowly wondering what on earth was going on.

"We spoke to Angela yesterday she told me about your convocation with about this girl- I felt my blood boil inside of me.

"That girl you call her is my daughter that you so cruelly took her away from me when I was sleeping! I know it's her we have the deepest connection we both feel it and you guys can't stop me!!" I yell at my shocked mom and dad.

"Katheryn don't speak to your mother like that!" My dad said sternly.

"See if I care!" I spat as I stumped loudly out of the room, out of the door and slammed it as hard as I could.

I needed to go clear my head. I thought to myself as I got into my car and drove off. I think il go to the beach since its the place I always used to go to as a kid to escape from the reality of being different from other kids. It always used to bug me being different.

I stopped the car and put on my shades to try to disguise myself as much as I could. I got out of the car and quickly ran onto the golden warm Californian sand. It felt so good to be here. I walked over to the where the big rocks where me and my "best friend" Jay always used to hangout when we both wanted to escape from our to very different realties. I sighed at the thought of how perfect everything used to be. As I came to the Little cave which was where I usually sat every time I come. Instead of it being empty like usual, I saw a girl sitting there with her head to her knees and was sobbing her heart out.

"Are you alright?" I asked her lifting up my sunglasses as I walk over to her. She flinched as she heard my voice but then she smile. Wait a Minuit.. Pearl ?" I say my voice trembling. I see her face ,half of her face Is red as if it had been burnt.

"Oh my God what happened to you?"

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