0.2 Glorious mistake

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It was another day of not doing anything that consisted of too much movement. It's been less than a week and he was already bored about it. He wasn't able to get away from his house without a driver and walking around was too tiring with crutches. He had already planned his day ahead, stay at home and do something pointless.

The urge of doing something was slowly eating him from the inside while he was playing some football with his PlayStation. His pug was besides him licking the couch and trying to get his attention away from the game he was playing ''The door is open, you can go outside'' Mesut murmured without breaking gaze with the television.

He barked ''The door is open'' Mesut repeated.

The door bell rang. A sound that had become one of his most hated ones since last week. He wasn't waiting for anyone today and he had no idea who would it be. Crutches in both hands, he dragged himself to the door and opened it findind a tall and massive man with a beard around his mouth. He looked him up and down with an raised eyebrow. His big eyes met Mesut's and went down to the paper he had in his hand. He looked back at Mesut.

''Ariana Daniels?'' The man asked.

''No, sorry you've got the wrong address'' Mesut responded, finally understanding the situation.

The man seemed surprised and looked again down to the piece of paper. This time, he looked around ''Is this number 146?'' Mesut looked at him confusingly. That wasn't his house number.

''They must have given you the wrong address''

The man look pissed as Mesut talked. He was about to leave and let Mesut continue playing when a feminine voice irrupted from nowhere. They both looked towards his gate. It was her, the girl from the other day, that kid's aunt. She was walking as fast as she could. 

''Ariana Daniels?'' The man asked again as she got closer to them.

''I am sorry, did we give you the wrong address?. The right house is the next one to the left'' She said.

''Alright!'' The man turned back to Mesut who just stood at his door watching them ''Sorry for making you stand up, mate!'' He said looking down at his crutches. Mesut just smiled.

He walked past her and asked her once more which house was the right one. Then, the woman looked to Mesut, with a side smile on her face. He smiled back, without knowing if he had to say something or not.

''I am very sorry'' She started ''I can't believe we have bothered you twice already''

''It's fine'' He smiled ''It's fine, no problem. No big deal, really'' Mesut instantly regretted the words he just came up with. Stupid, say something better. He thought to himself. ''You should have seen his face when he found out my face didn't match with your name''

She laughed ''Oh, I would have loved that. Next time, take a picture''

''Is there going to be a next time? Are you sending me stuff again?'' Mesut joked ''Just joking''

''Don't worry, we will try to not bother you again'' Mesut, on the inside, he actually wished there would a next time. They both giggled and it looked like no one had anything else to say. 

''Well'' She broke the silence ''Sorry again for this and see you around, ya?'' She was already ready to leave.

''Definitely, yeah...See you around'' She showed him her white and straight front teeth before turning around and leave. Mesut didn't move and stood there waching her, watching her back. Somehow, he was into it that it took him a while to realize she stopped walking and turned to look back at him. He snapped out of it as fast as he could that he made one of his crutches fall. He let it fall and just scratch the back of his head flashing her a forced smile.

She raised an eyebrow ''What's wrong?''

''N-nothing!'' He answered back, awkwardly ''What's wrong?'' He asked back, he doesn't know why. Why? 

''My name is Michelle, Ariana is my sister'' She finally said and continued her way out. Mesut let his head fall and looked to the grey sky, cursing under his breathe, totally feeling embarrassed from what he did. Pretty sure she knew what was wrong

He went back to his house. He sighed deeply.


''Matt will love the house once he gets his ass back here'' Michelle got into the kitchen finding her sister swallowing a large piece of bread. She got her eyes fixed into those magazines about House Deco ''We must paint Matthew's dorm white and then just let him hang whatever he wants to hang on his walls''

''Good idea'' Michelle simply as she sat down on of the table's chairs. She grabbed the jar full of pineapple juice and poured it into a glass ''When is he coming back?''

''In two weeks, probably'' Ariana answered ''By the way, was the neighbour annoyed or something?''

''Who? The football player?'' Ariana nodded ''Nah, he was fine about it. But can we just not accidentally bother him again? He has crutches''

''It won't happen again, it was just a funny mistake. Though, Matthew just keeps talking about visiting him again. I don't think we will 100% leave him alone until he gets used to leaving next to that player'' Michelle stayed quiet, a smile drawing on her face as she remembered how she caught him checking her out ''What did you talk about with him, eh?'' Ariana asked realising her sister's smile.

''I just apologized, nothing else''

''Well...I don't think he's the best one for you'' Michelle blinked quickly and looked at Ariana in confusion. What was she talking about now? Did she say something that made her say that? ''You know who does? Michael! Remember him?''

''Fuck off'' She muttered ''I told you I don't want you to set me up with someone, plus...'' She paused ''He's gross and I dont like the way he dresses. He looks pretty gay to me''

Ariana laughed. 

''He got his own style! Why don't you call him again?'' 

''Of course not. I do not like him'' 

Ariana gave in and decided to not insist more. She smiled at her and looked back down to her magazine, flickering through the pages. Michelle has been letting her setting her up with a completely stranger for the past months because of one reason: she was her sister and she was just trying to help but the dates were getting worse for different reasons and she got tired.

The silence fell apart when Michelle's phone rang. She quickly grabbed it.

''All right, Chelle?'' James's said with his orotund voice. Though, he had noise in the background ''Fancy a fancy dinner tonight?''

Michelle hesitated for a second but answered ''Yes, I do! I'm in!''

''See ya' at 9! Look good!''

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