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Mesut couldn't resist the temptation to lock his lips on hers once again, he was in desperate need of tasting the vanilla on her lips. So he did. Without the knowledge what consequence there would be, he leaned over and caught Michelle off guard. As he felt no response, he pulled back, disappointment slowly getting into him.

He quickly looked for Michelle's eyes which were still widened in surprise. No one said anything, they looked to each other, unsure what to say next. Mesut finally came up with something to say, but as his lips parted, Michelle crushed against him. Without having second thoughts, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled as closer as he could, leaving no space between them. 

Michelle grabbed his bottle and placed on the wall shelf he had on his back. She kissed him hungrily as if she was waiting for this moment this whole time. Mixed feelings got into Mesut's mind, interrupted by her moans.

A loud noise made Mesut open his eyes in the middle of their practice. Michelle kept going but the noise coming from the door did the same ''Ignore it'' Michelle managed to mutter between short breaths but Mesut couldn't concentrate. Michelle got it.

She abrutly pulled away from his grasp. She threw a glare at him before making her way to her front door. She fixed her hair and finger-combed it. After a second of silence, Mesut heard how the door opened. He walked to the corridor.

His eyes met the light brown eyes of James, who was standing in the threshold of the door. Mesut smiled but James looked down at Michelle. Mesut remembered what she told him when she came to his house, they had argued. Hopefully, they are fine now.

''What are you doing here, James?'' Mesut heard her say. He said something but he couldn't hear it ''Alright...'' 

Michelle glanced at Mesut as she stepped to the side of the door and James started to walk in ''Fancy a screw driver?'' He said as James walked past him, with a hand raised looking for a handshake.

James disappeared inside Michelle's kitchen. He started to open drawers and the fridge. He put  three small glasses out and let two ice cubes fall in each one of them. He was preparing a drink. No one said anything. James just had a few shared gazes and smiles with Mesut who was still feeling the rush from before inside his body. He didn't like having James over here, he ruined the plans.

Mesut already had the drink in his hand, basically made of vodka and orange juice. He had no idea why he had to drink this but he did it anyways. After three sips, he left it on the counter of the kitchen.

''Leg looks good, eh? When ya' coming back?'' James asked looking down Mesut's leg. 

''In two weeks probably, if everything goes well'' James nodded, content with the answer.

''And what brought you here?'' He asked again. Something in his voice sent Mesut a bad vibe and made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

''Just passing by'' Mesut answered and Michelle nodded ''What about you?''

''Same thing as you''

''Ah, good''


Michelle just finished her drink as they awkwardly stood up in the kitchen. This awkwardness wasn't there the last time they were together or was is just an odd ilusion. Mesut looked over Michelle trying to find something to do but she was washing her glass. Though, he actually moved from the place he was standing. He went to grab his now empty glass and put it on the sink.

''Awkward'' She whispered to herself.

''I know'' Mesut actually managed to hear her low whisper to him. She knew the atmosphere was not good and something has to be done, though, she didn't know what. He did.

 ''Well, I need to head home now'' The silence fell apart. Mesut just looked to Michelle who threw him a sympathetic smile. He obviously wanted to stay and finish what they started ''I left my friends alone at home, I probably should check on them''

''Bummer...'' James said ''See you again soon, right?''


Mesut left looking at Michelle before he closed the door behind him. She looked down and avoided any eye contact with James until the air cooled down. She went to the shelf where Mesut was leaning on and grabbed the two bottles she left on it.

''Were you getting beer drunk with him?'' James's voice followed her back to the kitchen. She did not answer ''Silent treatment?''

Michelle turned to look at him, sharp gaze on her face ''Explain me, what is happening to you? Why are you suddenly so annoyed by this guy? Your sudden irritating worry is stressing me out''

''It's not what you think. I know what ideas you've got in your head and they have nothing to do about it''

''Well, then explain'' Michelle locked her gaze on him. She had both hands on each side of her hip waiting for the answer she asked. James's lips stayed together and they wasn't going to change anytime soon. She knew that. She snorted.

''I don't think is the right moment to explain'' Michelle looked at him harder and rolled her eyes ''Seriously''

''Fuck off, James. That has to be the worst excuse ever''

James stayed for a while at her place giving himself the pleasure of hydration by two bottles of beer until she kicked him out in the most polite way she could do. Once she did it, she sat on her chair's desk staring at her designs but deeper in her mind she was thinking about Mesut. She wished she could text him and tell him to come over again but she wasn't going to make him drive when he is not supposed to. 

She had mixed feelings. She still can't explain the reason behind the change of plans when she was supposed to help Mesut with his closet. That wasn't supposed to happen and yet she still felt like doing it. Was it because of the argument with James or because he is probably right and she's a whore? Regardless the reason, the incomprehension turned into irritation and that brough James into her thoughts again.

James....every time.....every bloody time but this time was worse, he had the guts to disrespect in front of her face and expect her to act like if it's nothing. It hurt. Friends are not supposed to do that, not in that way, it felt like a stab on her back.

It burned and hurt.

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