0.17 Gently

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There was nothing worst than having a few ribs getting healed. Everytime she wanted to breathe deeply it felt like someone pinched her and squeezed right on her chest. Pain killers were the only solution but she felt like an addict always asking for them

The day seemed to pass slowly, grey sky fully covered of clouds with no intention of letting the sun light the city for a second. Michelle was supposed to carry on with her work but she had it forbidden. She couldn't hide her impatience with always walking around her sister's house looking for something to do, although she was told to stay in bed.

''Would you please sit down? You can't stay up for too long, don't you remember?'' Ariana appeared from the kitchen with a green apron tied around her waist ''Sit you ass down, will you? I don't want to get yelled at the hospital''

''Relax. I am fine'' Michelle breathed. It's been week since she got out of the hospital. She already had her ass down on the hospital bed for almost one month. It was time to let herself remember how to move around.

She has been receiving a tons of messages and calls from relatives and friends surprisingly worried about her state. Dad passed by the house every single morning to make sure there was nothing to worry about. Basically everyone but James and knowing that it hurt her a bit in the inside. Wouldn't he bother checking up on her? There was no excuse she could think about.

Michelle sat down on the couch wrapping a white blanket around her shoulders. Her head could spin out of the blue few times a day. She could be watching TV and her head would make her go crazy for two minutes.

"Y'alright? Do you want some tea?" Ariana asked her concerned "Does it hurt again?"

Michelle shook slowly her head. She was grateful she had her sister around offering herself to take care of her for a few days even though Michelle could look after herself with no problem.

''Y'alright?'' Ariana asked again. She sat next to Michelle.

Michelle drew a smile on her face to make her sister feel better. The truth is, she wasn't that alright she whished she could be. The thought of James annoyed her to the fact she couldn't get him off her mind. He is capable of apologising, he actually should but it looks like he decided to not have face contact. It makes him look like a coward. It was impossible to think under what circumstances everything would return where it was before. Where everything was alright, no one got hit in the face and definitely where no one was hit by a car.

''Why don't you let words get out from your mouth? Something is bothering you and I'm sure about that. You haven't talked too much these days''

''I have nothing to mourn about'' She lied.

Loud thudding noises coming down the carpeted stairs interruptes Ariana's attempt to talk. A kid with an Arsenal kit appeared and stood in front of the front door waiting for something ''Matthew, I told you not to run down the stairs!'' Ariana changed quickly to her typical annoyed mum's voice.

The doorbell echoed through the house and Matthew opened excitedly the door. Mesut was back from the gym. As far as she could remember, he promised the kid to play football with him today. He combined red and black today. Ah, he looked good.

Ariana's backyard was pretty big and enough to make it look like a mini football field. Mesut was already fully recovered from his injury and was alloud to play as much as he could. Michelle watched them in silence from the glass door enjoying the perfect view. The sky got darker as minutes passed by, the ball rolled from foot to foot non stop while all you could head was Matthew's laughter and shouts of frustration.

After an hour the atmosphere of the house was more lively. Matt, Ariana's husband, was already at home with his grey suit and his black bandolier. He joined the two of them and the ball rolled to a new foot.

You could the sunset in the horizon when Ariana called the three of them inside the house as if they were all her kids. Matthew, the child, snorted but with a intense glare from her mum make him get into the house with heavy steps.

''It's getting cold. You can play another day'' Ariana told him as he passes by but Matthew just walked upstairs ''Staying for dinner tonight?''

Michelle looked for eye contact with Mesut, they both kind of shrugged. She didn't want to answer and so didn't he but as Matthew insisted and wrapped his arm around Mesut's neck, he couldn't say no.


Michelle was sat on the middle of Mesut's bed with a white oversized sweater covering both of her legs. Mesut caught her staring into space, her eyes stuck on the black screen of the TV, unmoving. He left his phone on the side even though it was still buzzing with messages.

Mesut walked to the side of his bed and slowly sat next to her in silence. He waited until she reacted and threw a smile to him. A smile that warmed him.

''Need to talk?'' He asked softly as he looked for her hand and tangled his fingers around hers ''Or sleepy? Or both?''

''I was just thinking about something''

''About what?''

''Nothing important'' She whispered.

''You know that a part from being your boyfriend, I'm here as your friend and I will listen to you with anything you have to say. If something is wrong and you are not ok with it, just tell me. I'll listen''

"You are my friend too"

"I hope so. Now tell me what's going on in that mind you have there"

"There's nothing going on. I was just trying to remember the night I got hit. You know... what was happening, what happened before....Just trying to build the puzzle"

"That night it's not worth waisting energy for. We must leave it behind with everyhing that happened, ok? Specially you"

"I still can't believe I got bit by a car. Never ever though that it would happen"

"Who would think about getting hit by a car?" Mesut joked trying to light up the situation.

Michelle just laughed and got closer to Mesut, holding his hand harder as she leaned on his shoulder and kissed his neck. She felt safe and warm and it was the perfect time to fall asleep. She wasn't going to annoy Mesut with the name of James, she knew it would bother him a lot.

"I miss you" She whispered and she placed another kiss on the same spot of his neck.

"I'm here"

"I mean in another way" Michelle giggled to herself as she felt cheesy about what she just said. Mesut just laughed as she kept kissing neck slowly, breathing in the cologne he just put on.

"You know that the another way is not recommended by the doctor, right?" Michelle ignored the comment she already knew about. The pain she would feel by breathing heavily would increase but she already wanted to feel closer to him. Her kisses finally were placed on his lips. Mesut hesitated for a second but he kissed her back, placing her hands on boths side of her hips as she carefully sat on him "Chelle..." Mesut managed to say between kissed as he got concerned about Michelle's breathing.

Michelle stopped and looked at him. Her hand was already on her chest, she was trying to breathe slower "It's alright"

"You will be in pain"

"I won't. Just be gentle and slow"

Mesut wrapped his arms around her and laid her down on the bed. They stared into each other's eyes in silence, Mesut caressing the side of her face as he leaned closer and started to kiss her neck. His hand were slowly getting under her sweater getting in touch with her skin. She felt the blissful of his touch, his kisses were going down, he was now kissing her collarbone. He stopped there to get rid of the sweater and threw it away from the bed.

"Let me know if you want me to stop" Mesut said.

"Just continue and get rid of your shirt"

Mesut followed the orders and he sat up and got rid of shirt revealing his torso. His kisses went up again and met her lips, moving in sync and tenderly. With every second passing by, the desire of feeling each other was increasing.

His trail of kisses was getting lower and lower.....

The pain she would feel was probably worth it.

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