0.5 Wrong

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The void she was perfeclty in suddenly disappeared. She felt alive again, her conciousness went back down to the ground and made her feel the air she was breathing in, the sheets she was lying on and that morning and comfortable silence that was pushing her to go back to sleep. She moved, grabbing a bit of the blanket and tried to recover her sleep almost at the egde of the bed.

A heavy and warm breathing was hitting her bare shoulder, she let it happen....Her feet were touched by a freezing touch, the cold feel rushed through her legs and went up her body. Her eyes opened abruptly, aggressively remembering what she had next to her and why she was next to what he had next to her. Her brown eyes glanced around the room as much as possible from her position. Slowly, she turned her head towards her back finding a stranger, a man's face peacefully enjoying his sleep.

Michelle carefully rolled towards the egde of the bed hoping she won't make the enough noise to wake the stranger up. She saw her clothes messing the wooden floor. She put feet down. The pressure of her weight made the wood crack, the house was so silent that it made it sound much more louder than it had to be. The only good thing she had to do was get outside the room as quickly as possible before the wood's crack could ruin her escape plan.

There was no sunlight coming from the many glass doors her little friend had around his living room, the cold air of March was not helping Michelle's bad mood after all. Her eyes were still fighting to stay open, her head was somehow spinning and she was cold. She should stop doing this, she knew that, she said to herself a billion of times and still, she was again in a stranger's bed. She wasn'into this anymore. As these kinds of thoughts went through her mind, it started spinning even more, like if her brain was going round and round trying to get rid of the alcohol inside that little head of hers.

It was Monday, her day-off this week, she was somewhere she still had to recall and she had no car. She was forced to take the tube in a rush hour with a headache. She sighed and regretted immediately what she had done. She wouldn't have done it if she actually realized she had to go through this the next morning.

As she walked towards the tube, more people joined her, accidentally pushing and apologizing. She was basically pulling her feet to walk, avoid any accidental contact with someone and to mantain her on her own.

Once she was inside the train, squizzing herself between the people hoping to find somewhere she could breath properly, she heard a buzz coming her phone.

Mesut (2)

Good morning :)

R you busy today?

Michelle smiled to herself. Though, it quickly disappeared as more people pushed themselves towards her.

Not at all, why?

I'm planning to organize again my closet, would you help?

Michelle got safely at home, she threw her heels away from her and jumped into the shower and clean herself.

There was no day where she actually thought she could have a football player's number on her phone. Well, Mesut was nice and he had been texting her for the past days with a simple Hello and a How are you. The same question was popping into her mind, should she look for his name on Google and read all about him? She always ended up rejecting that idea. If she wanted to know anything about him, it would be better to know coming from himself.

Michelle sat on her couch, flickering through pages of a magazine she actually read twice already when her doorbell rang. She wasn't expecting anyone and she didn't know who it could be.

She opened the door and met a big pair or caramel eyes. His almost blonde hair was falling on his forehead this time and he had more scruff already. Michelle raised an eyebrow at James, confused at whatever is the reason of his visit.

"How is your morning, Chelle?" James asked once he stepped inside Michelle's place. She never talked about her night stands with him.

"Good" She said "Why are you here, though?"

James looked at her, his eyebrows frowning and he looked hurt "We agreed to have lunch on Monday, remember? You actually planned it"

"Oh shit" She whispered "I-I totally forgot, my bad"

"But I am here so let's go for lunch"

"The thing is..." Michelle started and James frowned once again "I can't because since I forgot about it I agreed to another plans with someone else"

"Eh? With who? Maybe I know her or him and we can lunch together"

"You do but I don't think you could"

"Who is it?" This time James raised an eyebrow.

"It's Mesut, remember the player you met the other night? I have plans with him"

"Bummer....Is this a kind of date?" James asked. She just shrugged "But, our plans were first...can you change that to another day?"

"I think our lunch can wait, we can move next week? Or sunday? I'm sorry I forgot James, I will make it up to you, alright?"

"You like him, don't you?" That question caught her off guard "Odd because your taste in guys are actually different and he is....you know....not inside of those...qualities"

"Are you calling him ugly?"

"C'mon" James chuckled "You have seen his face. He looks like a fucked up furby"

"James, that was so rude. Calm youself down"

"I was just saying my opinion, ya' know"

"If your opinion was going to be that rude, you should have saved it to yourself James. I'm not in the mood for your bullshit. Let's just move our lunch next week and forget what you just said"

"Hey, I though I had the right to express myself" Michelle snorted loudly and rolled her eyes at him. This was one of the main reasons she didn't understand why she was still friends with him, after all of these years, telling him to stop acting like a kid, he keeps doing it

"Are we going to go through this now? By looking at my face, do you think I have the time to listen to yourself bullshitting?"

James stared at her frowning as always, he was squinting his eyes and his head was moving side to side slowly. Like if he was disappointed on her. He was centimetres taller than her and Michelle had to stretch her neck up to look directly to his eyes.

"By looking at your face, you should just shag that f-" Michelle's eyes widened in disgust and disappointment. Her open hand raised up and hit the left cheek of James. The sound of her palm meeting his face was loud and echoed through her flat that fell in silent as they both realised what she had done.

"I bloody told you to stop acting like a kid, James" He had his hand on the burning skin, rubbing it slowly "Why do we always have to go through this? Every fucking time. What the hell is wrong with you? I thought we talked about it already"

"And you thought with a simple talk it will change everything?"

"That's what you told me"

"You've got it wrong"

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