0.16 Dark

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It didn't feel like the death she was always hoping for...there were no big white clouds where you could lay down and take a nap with angels jumping around. Instead, it was all dark, low voices mumbling around her impossible to understand without making her own head spin.

"....are you? Are you the responsible for this? Someone explain what exactly happened to my daughter"

The voice was loud and full of anger. More voices started to talk. It sounded like they were arguing with eachother.

"Dad, do you think she pushed Michelle in front of the car? What's wrong with you? She actually pushed him away from the car"

"What were you doing in the middle of the road huh? You are the responsible for this! You made my daughter kill herself jumping in front of a car just to save your ass!"

''She is not dead!

"Sir..." Michelle recognized Mesut's voice...low and intimidated "I-I didn't want this. I swear I wouldn't have let your daughter save me. I'd rather be the one laying on that bed"

In that moment, Michelle just wanted to wake up and shut everyone up. Her dad's comment were unecessarily insulting Mesut who had no fault in the accident. She was glad nothing happened to him.

Michelle's head started to hurt. The pain began to go through her body, like it was waking up slowly, inch by inch...as she realized herself breathing she felt a sharp pain coming from the right side of her chest.

This obviously wasn't Heaven.

''Dad, she has a hematoma and three broken ribs but she will be fine, alright? He had nothing to do with it, stop blaming him''

''When is she waking up? Is she even going to wake up?''

Michelle felt pressure on her right hand, it felt warm...whoever it was, its fingers tangled with hers. She wanted to squeeze back but she couldn't. She had no control of her body, like her mind and body wasn't one anymore. She couldn't get away from the darkness she was in and her chest was still aching. The only thing she could was to relax, even if it was hard, she had to. Maybe like this she will end up waking up.

No idea for how long she was out once again, in the middle of the dark it started to appear a small circle of what it seemed light, eventually it got closer really quick along with a piercing noise of brakes. All of a sudden the pain from her chest came back and finally she opened her eyes, fluttering a few times.

It was still dark but at least not that dark as before. First thing she noticed was the clock hanging on the wall, almost 4am....then the rain drops from the window...then, as she looked to the other side of the room, she saw a figure, head down and it's hand holding hers. It was Mesut.

Michelle gained control of her right arm and moved her hand on top of his ''Hmm'' He mumbled before he looked up and finding her eyes quickly. He smiled ''Hi'' He said softly.

''Hi'' She replied back in the lowest voice she could ever have.

''How are you feeling?''

''If it wasn't for my chest...I'd be fine''

''You have some ribs slightly broken'' I softly nodded.

''I know...I heard it earlier when my dad was here blaming you"

''I believe thay was almost two weeks ago....the same day you were hit. I didn't have any number of someone of your family so James called your sister when we were in our way to the hospital...And from there a lot of people came by during these days but you were still sleeping....James haven't showed up yet as far as I know...I've been here with you except training hours, had a game but I asked if I could miss it...don't worry it's fine''

''I couldn't stay at home knowing you were here. I wanted to make sure you were alright and I wanted to be here when you wake up even if it was going to take a lot of time"

"Oh..." Michelle blinked "Alright..."

"I think I have to call a nurse...." She grabbed his arm before he could walk away "They told me to"

"No, I'm fine...I want to talk with you" Mesut hesistated but he also wanted to talk with her for now. He grabbed her hand back and sat on the chair he was before "You look pretty tired Mesut"

"Do not worry about me" He squeezed her hand.

They spent a few minutes in silence, stroking each other's hand. Michelle began to think back...two weeks ago but he couldn't remember clearly the accident and what happened before. All she remembered was the conversation of Mesut with her dad.

"Mesut, sorry about my dad. You are not to be blamed on this, I was the one who chose to push you out of the way"

"I completely understand him, he is your dad...you shouldn't be here in the hospital laying on that bed. He wasn't going to let me visit you but your sister made him change his mind"

"Well, he has no right to do that. I will talk to him" Mesut's eyes were puffy with a bit of bags under them, they were droopy as if he was going to fall asleep at any moment. His voice became husky and tired. He just looked exhausted and she believed she had training in a few hours "How are you feeling?" She threw his question back at him.

"Hm? Good since you are back with me...We weren't sure when would you wake up. Thanks God you did, I really missed you''

At the cold hospital room with the sound of the heart monitor beeping slowly and steadily and the rain hitting the window, they knew that what they had was something that could last for a long time if the odds were in their favour. The feelings got stronger for Mesut as he felt the strong fear of losing her, he cared about her and he was going to take care of her until she tells him to stop.

''I think you could sleep again'' Mesut said.

''Are you going to be here when I wake up?''

''If you wake up before 10, maybe''

''Set the alarm'' 

''No way'' They both laughed together and it never felt so good ''I'll be here''

''Goodnight kiss, please?''

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