0.15 Zugzwang

776 26 2

Not really happy about it...here you go anyways!


''This is fucking pointless'' Mesut's comment made Michelle grind her teeth. She got out of her building not caring for a minute about the freezing weather. Her mind became a battlefield of confused emotions and she was unable to pay attention to Mesut's comments that were coming from her back ''Let him walk around, he will be fine''

Her steps were loudy, fast and determined. Her eyes were trying the best to adjust to the low light of the street so she could spot James quickly. She glared side to side with every step but there was no sign of James. Skin started to feel the cold than went though her clothes eventually and she began to feel frustrated. 

''He is probably alright'' Mesut talked again. Frustrated and tired, her body tensed, letting him reach her. She clenched both of her fist ''Let's go back''

''You go back'' Michelle replied in a controlled tone, looking firmly down the road. ''If you don't want to help me, it's fine. You go back''

''Michelle, it's freezing cold. You are going to get sick'' Mesut grabbed softly her arm with the intention of turning her around but she jerked away, still avoiding eye contact with him ''What are you doing?''

''Looking for him'' Michelle remained with her calm voice.

''James is a grown ass man, he can take care of himself. You are going to get sick. C'mon Michelle! Just reach him tomorrow'' His eyebrows were forrowed in a way his face showed pure anger. Big dark eyes looking deeply and directly at Michelle.

Everything went downhill. It was never meant to happen. Everything reached a new level. It was all about either end it with Mesut or with James but both of them couldn't be in her life at the same time. Would she even be able to do such a thing? Friendship with James was starting to become rotten with every stupid action coming from him and tonight's fight was the straw that broke the camel's back. Mesut was right, he was a bit out of his mind but he was still a very close friend.

''I just want to make sure he is alright''

''Oh, for-''

''No!'' Michelle interrupted him and finally she dared to look at him with tightness in her eyes ''He is my friend, I still care for him and I just want to know he is fine! He is freaking drunk out there and probably mad''

''It's fucking useless!'' Mesut raised his voice too loud than she expected ''I've had enough of him. I won't let you walk around anymore, it's almost 2am and it's freezing. C'mon now'' He, once again, grabbed Michelle by her arm, this time tightly.

''Stop...'' Michelle shook herself ''Grabbing me'' She slightly pushed Mesut away from her ''If you want to go, then go! I don't want you to cause any more drama, you probably don't have time for this''

''I am not leaving you right now. Let's go back''

''No!'' Michelle shouted looking down as she felt how her eyes were watering from frustration ''Y-you don't understand''

''You are wasting your time. Let him be''

''I am probably wasting more time arguing with you right now'' Michelle gave him her back and returned to look desperately for James. She was feeling colder than but as stubborn as she is, she wasn't going home until he finds him.

Michelle walked and glared around while Mesut was still following her from behind, in silence. They reached a street with pubs open till late at night. It was all quiet until a door opened, men voices started to break the silence, someone was screming loudly and angrily. Mesut appeared right behind and holding her, telling her to step back. Suddenly, a body jumped out from the open door, instanly losing balance and falling on the ground. Another body appeared, grabbing who fell down from the shirt raised him from the ground. 

It took a while but, Michelle's breathe stopped as she recognized the man who fell. James barely was standing on his own feet ''Mesut! Do something!'' Michelle shouted in urge, pulling Mesut forward.

As Mesut interfered, the fight got worse. Somehow two groups of men were built and they were provoking each other. Mesut tried to pull James out of it but he was resisting. Michelle walked closer, heart in her hand, watching worried the pushing, shouting and insulting....She lost sight of Mesut and James.

After a few seconds it calmed down as the dragged inside the bald man who grabbed James before. She didn't realize how close she was from them, still she couldn't manage to see where Mesut or James were.

Two men got out from the group and they were facing each other. They were the same height. Mesut was one of them ''Hey! Leave him alone!'' Michelle decided to step in. As she got closer to them, Mesut was pushed backward into the road. Exactly in that moment, a strong light was getting closer to where he was.

Time slowed down as by reflex, she couldn't help but run towards Mesut who was glued where he was standing looking towards the van that was going to hit him. Can't figure out how, but she managed to push Mesut away from the middle of the road and she replaced him instead. After that, everything went by faster and it got blurry. In a blink of an eye, she was facing the dark sky which got darker as seconds that seemed like long minutes went by. She partially heard voices coming from everywhere....A familiar face appeared in front of her blurred sight. Pain rushed through her body for a split second.

''...Chelle....Elle.....stay....me....Chelle...Elle......'' Was all she was hearing before everything around started to become colour black.

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