0.3 Starting the night

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As the day passed by, tiredness knocked on the door. Having a perfectionist sister and helping her to build her new home exhausted Michelle. She ended up lying on her couch looking down at her phone wishing she wouldn't have to move until tomorrow. She had somewhere to go.

With a jump, she went to the bathroom, took a quick shower and looked for something to wear. Fifteen minutes it took her to decide. She threw a cut-out white dress and a beige coat on her bed and began to put them on. Despite the cold, she still had to look good/fancy.

It was almost 9pm and she was sure she was going to be late and James was going to kill her. She grabbed her shoes and rushed down. At least she could walk the way to the restaurant he talked about. On the way she grabbed a cigarette from her purse and inhaled through it. She liked the smell and the fact he calmed her but at the same time, she hated it. What was she supposed to do?

The streets were pretty busy, people always rushing to go somewhere, maybe home, maybe a party, maybe a dinner...traffic jams, honks, brakes...All of that noise pollution...she actually enjoyed it. As she looked once again to her watch, she walked faster and finished her cigarette. She turned down another street and saw the restaurant at the end of it. She managed to see a queue of people waiting to get in. Crowded night.

She felt a bit embarrassed as she had to walk past the queue and get in, feeling their gazes. The noise pollution was quickly remplaced by the different conversations that filled the room. Voices getting louder and louder to make themselves hear over the other voices and laughs from the tables around. She looked around wondering where would James be. She was hoping to see a hand waving in the air at her but there wasn't.

She looked around the different faces that were possible to see. Old man with white moustache...not him. Blonde girl with red lipstick...not him. Bald guy, shiny head...definitely not him.

Finally, after five minutes looking around and saving herself from being asked by a waiter. Someone in the corner stood up. Wearing a buttoned and white shirt, dark brown pants and a combined tie, James waved at her.

''I'm with him'' Michelle said in time before a waiter could ask her something. She walked thought the tables that were in the middle of her way, hearing bits of their conversation.

''A bit late, don't you think?'' He greeted her, lookind up and down.

Michelle took off her coat and sat on the free chair. James sat in front of hair and looked down the menu he had already. He scratched his scruff before looking at her ''Do you like the place? Looks fancy, eh? My friend talked about it last week and I thought it would be great to have dinner with you here''

''Aww, that's nice of you. Looks lovely, you had a reservation or you came early?''

''I know a waiter and he sneaked me in'' They both laughed ''Connections are important in life. They make breaking walls easier''

''Does that mean, free food too?'' It had to be asked.

''Maybe next time''

His almost blonde hair was perfectly combed and with the enough amount of gel. James unbuttoned his shirt twice as they were deciding what to order, it was getting pretty hot. People might think they are a couple having dinner tonight but believe or not, they were just friends with no mixed feelings towards each other....At least one of them was sure of that.

The night passed by, everything was going fine and the noise made from the combined conversations were not close to annoying as they both were in their own bubble.

''Have I told you that the last girl I had sex with, appeared in the office asking for me?'' His eyes widened as he was telling something that really horrorized him ''I don't even know how to fuck did she know where I was working''

''Bet she liked the sex and she googled you'' Michelle replied.

''And she went like Oh, James! I think it's break time, right? Want a coffee? I obviously didn't want to and I had to stay inside faking I had paperwork to do....'' James kept going and explained the whole situation and what he thought about it. He was very extrovert, his voice was clear and loudand knew how to explain things clearly and in the interesting way. He definitely knew how to entertain and that's what Michelle liked the most about him. You could never get bored with him, he would always have something to say that would go for one hour minimum.

The hours passed by, the room was still crowded, this time there were more laughs than actual conversations. Cocktails and wine were on the table, empty glasses ready to get filled again.

Michelle spent a minute looking around and watching what was going around her.


His fingers kept turning his glass in small circles. He began to listen to the conversation from the table at his right wanting to improve his listening ability. It was an odd conversation and he got bored of it when one of the guys bursted out laughing.

He noticed his neighbour a while ago sitting six tables away from him. Even if she was sitting giving her back, he could recognize her. Strange, that made him feel weird. His gaze keep falling on her, like if he wanted her to look at him, no notice him and at least flash him a smile.

Though, he was with a random guy and they seemed to have a lot of fun together.

Mesut couldn't help it but look over her table once again. This time unexpectedly, their gazes met for a second, Mesut didn't expected that and his heart jumped and looked back at her. Her eyes widened and took her a while to actually smile and wave at him. He smiled back.

After that, he didn't look back again until right before he left and a wave of disappointed went through his body. She left already. Mesut grabbed his crutches and followed his friends outside the restaurant. It was past midnight and the air felt very cold. He was freezing.

''Hey'' The now familiar voice said. Mesut looked back and saw Michelle standing in front of him. He looked around her, the guy was no where ''Still having fun even injured, eh?''

''I-I got bored at home'' He responded ''I guess, you too''

''Well'' She giggled ''Not really, but I got invited by my friend and I accepted to come''

''Oh, I see. That's nice'' He said without really knowing what to say ''Y-You look nice''

Michelle got surprised.

''Oh, thanks!''

They went silence. Mesut didn't know if he should leave already before it got more awkward but thankfully, she spoke again.

''By the way, remember Matthew, my sister's son? He really talks about you everyday. Is it true that he told you he wanted to play and you said yes?''

''Yes. I will definitely play with him, it's not a problem. He seems a nice kid''

''You're such a sweetheart. He's looking forward to it, I wi-'' Michelle's sentence was interrupted by loud honks coming from a red car that stopped exactly where they were ''Wanna grab some drinks?''

''Heh?'' Mesut wanted to make sure he heard what he think he just heard.

''Drinks, want to have some drinks with us? My friend is a nice lad. Em, after it he will drive me home and then I will drive you home. What do you think?''

The car kept honking. Michelle raised one of her hands to let his friend know she was about to get in. She looked back at Mesut and insisted for his answer.

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