0.18 The Beginning of Something New

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Hey, it's a short one but I hope you like it x

4 months later.

Silence. The house was calm and quiet. He could ''hear his heart beating quickly, rushing blood to the tips of his fingers. His mouth was getting dry every five minutes, his hand kept running through his hair, messing with it and putting it back in place. He never ever felt this nervous before. He couldn't keep his hands inside his black pants pockets and neither stop walking around in circles. Mesut felt ridiculous. He loudly snorted and swiped the drops of sweat away from his forehead 'Calm down' He whispered to himself. His back heat the front door and leaned his head against it. He closed his eyes and begged himself to act normal.

Noises started to come from the bedroom. A door was closed and sharp steps were coming closer to him. Mesut quickly regained his posture and watched how the most beautiful woman he had for himself was coming towards him. His heart, this time, stopped. His breathing got stuck in his throat as Michelle walked down with a radiant smile and a dark red dress. Her hair was perfectly straightened and tucked on one side and her cheeks were shining under the light. She just looked perfect.

''Well?'' Michelle stood on the middle of the corridor. Mesut's eyes were stuck on her and struggling with words ''Are you even breathing?''

''I'm trying to'' Mesut finally breathed out and got closer to her. He gently tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. She smelled like freshly picked strawberries, her eyes were sparkling like the stars in the night sky and he stared at them, he would get lost and feel like he was flying high ''I can't believe I have you for myself''

''We should get going before you get cheesy'' Michelle joked.

It's been a few months since she checked out of the hospital, she was in the last phase of her recovery, stuck at home and not able to go to work. At least it wasn't that painful anymore and she didn't have to drug herself with painkillers. Everything was better when he was with her. He stayed with her almost every day, whenever she needed help, whenever she just needed feel someone's warmth around her, Mesut was there.

Michelle wasn't sure where the relationship was exactly going but it looked like a good place. They were in a relationship, yes, but through all of these last months Mesut definitely became one of her closest friends. There was a special sparkle between them and she liked it.

''Hey, wait'' Mesut grabbed both of her wrists and pulled her closer to him, close enough to breathe her scent better. Heels made her be the same height as him so he could perfectly stare into her brown eyes ''May I say you look incredibly beautiful''

''I know'' Michelle playfully winked at him at the same as she actually blushed and giggled at the ground ''You look handsome yourself''

''I've something to give you, by the way. A present''

Mesut always struggled to open up about his feelings. He was this little shy guy who would smile and nod in silent. He was reserved and always knew when and where to say the right things. He was perfectionist either on or off pitch. He didn't want mistakes ruining his plans. With perfect plans, nothing would ever go wrong.

Sometimes, some situations were out of his hands. Heart would win against his brain and the control was gone. Nervous and freaked out. Those were the two adjectives that would describe Mesut perfectly. That's how Michelle made him feel sometimes. He liked it. She made him feel different and alive. The feelings began to feel stronger since the day he saw her laying on the hospital bed, resting peacefully and listening to that heart monitor beeping.

He took a small white box from one of his jacket's pockets an opened it, showing a shiny silver necklace with a silver heart with 'M&M' engraved on the back. It was beautiful. They didn't say any word. Mesut was too nervous and she was too excited and shocked looking at it that words couldn't come out from her mouth.

''I know I might not be good at words sometimes but I wanted to let you how much I really like you and how much I enjoy being with you. Michelle, I'm afraid I'm in love with you''

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