0.19 Family Issues

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Finally, the weather was good. It was partially cloudy but the sun would shine every few minutes. A calm breeze would eventually play and mess with her hair and send shivers down her spine. Her job was to look after little Matthew playing with his ball as per usual, while the smell of delicious food would get to her stomach and make it growl and suffer. Ariana was an order-obsessed, she thinks she can have it all under control, that she doesn't need help and that having a panic attack every time someone moves something to a different place in the living room was a normal behaviour. Somehow, her husband Matthew could tolerate that.

Michelle decided to get inside the house and check on her sister. She passed by the perfectly arranged table with six shiny plates with red napkins on them and two bottles of red wine. This wasn't going to be the typical family gathering. Mesut was going to be there with them and he was officially going to meet her parents. It didn't, obviously, start off well due to the accident. Her mind started to fill up with the memory of his dad shouting at Mesut and blaming him. The nervousness was slowly killing her.

Her dad wasn't an easy person. He was full of pride, stubborn and always busy. Once he thought Mesut was the responsible of what happened to her, the idea didn't leave his head. He made it clear to her that he didn't like him. Although, she never told him they were actually dating.

''This is probably not a good idea'' Michelle reached the kitchen where Ariana was quickly moving around, placing food in the plates ''Dad will just keep talking about the accident and he will just throw Mesut under the bus''

''No one will throw anyone under anything. You already know dad. Give him time to know your boyfriend'' Ariana's eyes were fixed on the food, arranging it perfectly ''He needs to give him a chance, after all he has been obsessing about you settling down with someone for the past years''

''Yes and I hoped that the first time I would ever introduce someone to my parents, dad wouldn't hate him''

Parents arrived and the food was served. Dad was wearing a dark blue tux with a plain red tie. Mum was very concerned about him dropping any food on it, that piece of clothing was expensive and hard to wash.

There was an empty white wooden chapter empty next to Michelle. Mesut was going to arrive late due to training and it somehow irritated her father. She tried her best to not show any annoyed or whatsoever tone in her voice every time he was mentioned along with an unnecessary comment. They weren't even eating for at least 15 minutes and Michelle already wished it was time to leave and forget this ever had to happen.

The door bell chimed interrupting the conversation about their cousin's wedding in 5 months time. Little Matthew jumped out from the chair and ran with his tiny legs towards the door. As he opened, Mesut's head popped in, his big brown eyes scanned the room and landed on Michelle. He quickly walked towards the table, throwing an apologizing smile to the parents and Ariana and sat next to her, placing a kiss on the cheek. He rubbed his hands against his thighs, failing to hide the fact he was actually nervous and didn't know what to expect from her dad and neither from himself.

''I apologize for being late. Can't leave earlier from training, I'm afraid'' Mesut smiled to cut off the tension. Her mum nodded and smiled despite her dad's straight line drawn on his face.

''Don't need to apologize, love. We understand'' Michelle's mum answered before looking at her and tried to tell her through her eyes that she would have it under control.

''I understood that you and my daughter are a couple now'' Her dad wiped the side of his lips with the red napkin before placing both of his elbows on the table and put his hands together. His hazel eyes were directly focusing on Mesut ''How did that happen?''

''Mmm...'' Mesut stretched his back and leaned against the chair making the wood crack. He looked over to Michelle and smiled.

''I believe putting my daughter's life in danger wasn't part of your plan'' It took everyone by surprise. It felt like a sharp knife being stabbed on Mesut's chest. Being reminded of the accident was always a tough and heavy memory he wished he never had. It was a dark and blurry memory, confusion and horror was running through his body. He remembered aggressively crawling towards her body laying down on the street. That horrible feeling.

''Dad!'' Michelle screamed ''You said you were going to be nice. Lies'' She felt Mesut's hand on her thigh.

''Sir, I know what happened to Michelle was partially my fault. I take responsibility for it...''

''Shut up'' Michelle cut him off and all the eyes were on her ''You just can't throw all of the shit to Mesut like this. Don't you think he also feels awful about what happened? He was there!''

''It's not the right moment'' Ariana tried to make her voice be heard but failed miserably.

''I'm not letting my daughter being taken by someone who has risked her life that way. Do you understand me, young lady?'' Michelle sarcastically laughed.

''You missed the part that I'm old enough to take my own decisions with who I want''

''Do not raise your voice at me, Michelle. Show some respect. I'm still your father''

''Oh, excuse me father. Excuse me for being reasonable about this whole situation. Excuse me for thinking that you are being totally unfair to him. It was a lovely lunch. Thank you very much''

Michelle abruptly pushed her chair away from the table scratching the wooden floor, making a very unpleasant screeching noise for everyone. Ariana's gaze faced her half empty plate, her mum's eyes looked terribly affected by the argument with a hand placed on her dad's arm. The silence the fell on the table said everything, the atmosphere was very tense, no one wanted to be the next to talk and had to be the next to be shouted at. Mesut felt intimidated by all that was happening. He didn't even have a chance to touch the food. It hurt him to see how Michelle's family was arguing like this.

''Michelle'' Mesut whispered as he caught her wrist before she could stand from her chair ''Let's stay''

''We should leave'' Michelle shook her arm and stood facing her parents. Her dad was looking down to his plate, still with his fingers interlocked but nervously pressing them against each other ''Sorry mum. Sorry Ariana''

Mesut awkwardly stood up, making the less noise possible and before he could follow Michelle out the living room, he cleared his throat ''Mr. and Mrs Daniels, thanks for letting me have a chance to have lunch together. I know we didn't start in the best way but I love your daughter, I will take care of her, I won't hurt her and I'll do my best to make her happy no matter what. Hopefully I'll have your trust soon''

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