0.7 Falling in

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The voices turned into whispers that ended up getting deep inside his mind and all the noise around him disappeared as if someone lowered the volume of a computer until mute. His eyes were staring to nowhere, unfocused and lost in his own thoughts. The sudden change of events left him overwhelmed and with no space to care about another things instead of Michelle.

She left without saying a word nor leaving a note. She hasn't even texted him or answered his calls since that day. He knew that what they did wasn't supposed to happen and it felt wrong yet he was strongly in need to see her. He tried to dismiss that feeling but failed anyways. He liked her and as she left him with no answers, it got worse.

His day consisted of doctor appointment, say goodbye to crutches, stretching and ice. Can't drive, can't put weight on one of his legs, can't sit without putting his leg up...Days with no action was not helping him not to think about Michelle for a while, maybe she will end up calling. Hopefully.

'He had no interest in the conversation that was going on in front of him. It irritated him for no reason and his thoughts ended up in the same place as always. Again. All over again. As laughs echoed through his mind, his eyes focused again, right to his backyard.

''Fuck it'' He whispered to himself. No reaction from his surroundings. He looked down at his leg, no pain felt, he could do what he wanted to do.

Mesut carefully put his leg down and stood up. The conversation died and eyes were on him. Without even bothering looking back at them, he started to make his way to the door, grabbing his key cars ''You can't drive, Mes. Where the hell are you going?'' He ignored and rushed to get out from his own house.

The sky was grey and dull. Mesut put on one of his hats to protect his head from the cold. He walked to the house next to his, white, grey bricks and lights on. His index finger pressed the golden coloured doorbell.

The white door opened and a woman's face popped out. She looked him up and down.

''Erm...Hello. I'm Mesut, your neighbour'' Mesut started. The woman began to open the door wide, reveiling the apron she was wearing, already dirty ''Ariana, right? Can I ask you for a small favour? I promise, it's nothing''

''Yeah, sure. What is it?''

''Could you give me Michelle's address?'' Ariana frowned at him ''I really need it''

''What for?'' She asked.

''I need to talk to her....personally''

An understanding hesitation lowered his hopes for a second. Ariana did look like Michelle, same big brown eyes, thin lips and small nose.

"Alright" Ariana finally answered and Mesut smiled widely.

The ride was shorter than he expected, in 10 minutes he was already in front of the white buildings he visited before. The nervousness he was feeling was ridiculous, 24 years old and yet he was feeling weird.

Mesut got into the building and went directly to the lift. Third floor it was,as he remembered and as Ariana actually told him. He pressed the doorbell, twice....knocked on the door...waited and waited...but no answer. She must be out. Shit

He built himself up some confidence for this, not sure if it would last for long. Mesut banged his forehead against the door and rested on it for a while. He closed his eyes and snorted loudly.


Steps. He was hearing steps from inside. Was he or he was just feeding his false hope. Still with his eyes shut, Mesut was more convinced that he actually did hear. He placed his ear against the door hoping to be right and found himself being dragged down by the gravity as the hard support was nearly gone.

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