0.12 Official

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''Guess who I bumped into?'' Pale sunlight went through the beige courtains of Ariana's living room. The pink hyndrangeas on the corners of her backyard moved to the wind's direction which kept blowing and blowing. The tea in her hand, at least, warmed her, the steam going up until it reacher her chin.

''No'' Michelle answered in a small and monotone whisper. She kept looking through the glass.

''James! He was buying some food''

It's been three days since the incident happened and it's been three days since they last spoke. She couldn't get her phone and call James and it bothered her too much. It was an odd feeling that she couldn't explain. Michelle wanted to talk to him and grab some beers together and act as that night never happened, keep going with their ups and going through their downs but deep down, something changed. He wasn't over it and he had to before it gets worse.

At the thought of James, she shook her head and stared down at her cup of tea. She took a sip and felt how the hot water went down her throat. 

''I havent' talked to him for a while. I'm glad he stills look as good as always'' 

''Yeah'' Michelle said, still whispering, as she turned around to face the TV ''He is stubborn as always''

''We talked about some gossip''

''Did you? About what exactly?''

''About you and my neighbour'' Michelle already sat down on the opposite corner of the couch from where her sister was sitting. Ariana had a eyebrow up and smirk on her face ''Are you seeing each other officially? How come you never talked about him with me? I've been setting you up with guys and you got into him after all?''

''One question is enough, Ari''

''Are you seeing each other officially?'' Ariana repeated her first question,

Michelle shrugged. Was it official to her? There was no doubt that she actually did like him. Despite all the men she met, Mesut ended to be the one by now. Even though their first sexual encounter wasn't meant to be, after that she had her mixed feeling about him and eventually, every time she thought about it, it became more clear. 

''Earth calling Michelle'' Ariana waved her hand infront of her ''James said yes and he looked pretty good with it since he is always so bloody protective with you''

''Well...probably...yeah...we are just starting''

''Damn, did you guys fell in love when you went there to get Matthew?'' Ariana asked remembering the first day Michelle and Mesut could have met. Wind was blowing and he was quiet ''I knew something would happen but never thought it could go this far''

Michelle shrugged and took another sip from her tea ''I told you, forcing me to see men wasn't going to work''

''It wasn't going to work if you were keeping the feisty attitute you've got there. Anyways, it doesn't matter now. You've got a man already, I am not going to force you anymore''

''Means a lot, sis''

''Shut it. Why don't you go visit him? I should prepare dinner before Matthew comes back from that party''

Michelle shrugged once again.


The white door opened and Mesut's face popped out from behind with a huge grin across his face. He was wearing black sweatpants and a white Adidas shirt. They both hesitated about what to do next. Michelle stepped inside and Mesut leaned towards her and placed a peck on her lips, holding her by her waist.

''Lovely surprise'' He whispered.

''My sister needed me for tea time and I thought, I could pay you a visit''

''So, it's true. You always have tea time at 5pm? With biscuits and all of that?'' Mesut joked amusingly.

''Obviously not always. Do you have any problem with our traditions?''

''Obviously not'' He mimicked her ''Glad you're here. I was going to go to yours later on''

''We are always at mine, don't you think? I still haven't reorganized your closet, by the way''

''We can do it later...Want to play some games with me for a while?''

Michelle hesitated a bit but as she saw the innocent smile Mesut had on his face, she immediately nodded. They both sat on his couch. Mesut turned off his phone and they basically spend one long hour glaring at the TV, controllers in their hands, friendly punches on their arms, small arguments about who won, who made lose who, who shot who....

Between laughs there were hugs, kisses on the forehead, on the cheek, on the lips...they were on their own bubble once again. Everything felt in place and sure it was they liked each other.

After killing each other, obviously on the game, Mesut came back with two bottles of soda to hydrate themselves. They laid down on the couch, in silence, enjoying the company of each other, while watching the TV. Night arrived and it got colder.

The way he held her, how his chest rose and fell in slow breaths, the way his fingers were going through her hair... it was probably nothing but it was everything to her right now.

''Michelle'' Mesut whispered ''We are official, right?''

She just smiled to herself and buried her face against his neck. She took a time to give him an answer. Michelle looked up, still smiling, and found his big brown eyes looking down at her. His face said nothing, though, he was impatient.

''What do you think?'' She asked.

''I think you already know my answer''

''Do I?'' Michelle slowly sat down on the couch, she went up enough to be able to cross her legs. Now, facing Mesut.

''Are we really going to play this game?'' Mesut giggled.

''Alright. I just tried to make this a bit less dramatic''

''Since when is this dramatic?''

''You can even put a dramatic music on the background while I come up with an answer''

''Michelle'' Mesut said frowning his eyebrow and shaking his head, though he laughed. She didn't how something like that scaped from her mouth but she felt happy, comfortable and safe.

 ''Alright, alright'' She laughed too ''We're official'' She raised her hand up in the air, looking for a high-five. 

Mesut was confused for a second but ended up giving it to her, right before he grabbed her hand, interlocking his fingers between hers and pulled her against him. Then, he kissed her.

''Stay here tonight? I want to wake up and see you lying next to me''

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