0.14 Downhill

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Here it is!!!!!!!!!!! So sorry for the wait!!!!!!!!!!


This past fornight she haven't seen Mesut for too much. It turned out she had to do some research trips around the city with Sarah...Half fun and half exhausting. The days seemed to fly by really fast and with a blink of an eye it was already midnight, ending up jumping on bed with no strenght left in her body to even text a smiley to Mesut. He understood though. They missed each other.
Her agenda still looked busy for a few days. She motived herself with the thought of probably having a few days off in the near future to spend them lying on the couch with Mesut and have the chance to taste his lips properly once again.

She had never felt so cheesy until now. After all, it's true that you find someone when you least expect it.

Michelle dragged her feet inside her flat with a big yawn escaping from her mouth. Her whole body was mind was tired as they could ever be. She even hasn't got any strenght left to keep her eyes open for five minutes more. The comfort and warm of her sheets were calling her.

Five steps later, the sudden sound of the doorbell stopped her feet. She snorted loudly in frustration. Who the hell would bother visit her now? It it wasn't who she was thinking and -wishing- it would be, she would happily shut the door right in front of whoever's face it is.

She was thrown off guard as she met those caramel eyes she knew for a long time. Her eyes immediataly went down as they caught something bright red coming from his back.

'' 'Chelle'' James's voice sounded really soft. His hair looked messy, probably because of the wind and he has a side smile on his face, waiting for her any answer ''Hello''

''Hmm, didn't know you were passing by?'' She asked him with a questioning look.

James simply raised his shoulders and let them fall as she exhaled heavily ''This is for you, as an apology for what happened'' He stretched his arm with the red rose. A giggle was heard. Michelle took it looking straight into his face ''I-I-I've been informed that you were busy these days. I-I s-supposed that's why you haven't c-called back''

''Have you been drinking James?''

''Eh?'' His eyes suddenly opened wide ''That doesn't matter-r. I just want to talk, ya' know about what happened''

''We've already talked and I'm not going to go through that again with you drunk''

''I'm not drunk!'' James raised his voice as his arm did the same ''Freaking hell Michelle. Is it impossible now to have a normal conversation with you while you date this guy?''

''Don't bring him up James, we are done with this topic''

''Then what's wrong with you? with me? with uuuus? Are we still friends or what? Y-y-ou just keep avoiding me! We h-haven't talked in days and that never happened before!'' Michelle didn't answer immediately. She took her time to build up an answer as she noticed how his voice was raising with every word. He was probably tipsy, and a tipsy and mad and confused James wasn't easy to handle ''Michelle!''

''Do not shout at me. My neighbours might be hearing you and I am tired, alright? Keep your voice down and don't get too excited''

''Then can you answer the questions? I've been trying-G'' He hiccupped ''to get over this but your silence is not helping and it just make think about it and about you all the damn time'' That's not what she wanted to hear. Something changed and she could feel it. The tension was too heavy for her to handle with all of the fatigue she had ''Michelle, for fuck's sake!''

''Stop it. Don't shout James!''

''It's the only way to get you to say something! You are just staring at me with your mouth closed and I'm not asking you for that, I'm looking for your words!''

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