0.11 Questionnaire

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I'm sorry! Another boring chapter.......but  I promise the next ones are going to be much better!! Thanks for reading!x


After one month and a week, Mesut was back doing the best he knew how to do. Play football. He was back in training with his team and back running and touching the ball. He never had to be away for too long until this year, luckily, it wasn't too serious. Hopefully, he will never have to experience that.

His life was back to normal. Training and driving on his own. This time, though, he had something else and it was making his everyday life much better. Michelle. His neighbour's sister with dark hair, big brown eyes, pink cheeks and amazing drawing skills. Everything felt so much better and the city looked more much colourful with her by his side. It might sound cheesy but it was the truth.

He likes her so much it was scaring him. Is opening his heart too dangerous?

"Earth calling to Mesut?" Her voice, somehow, sounded soft and melodic. Mesut saw an hand waving in front of his face, blocking his view off the TV "Are you there footballer?"

"What's the matter?" Mesut asked as he finally snapped out from his thoughts. He looked at her. Her hais was in a perfect made braid falling on her right shoulder. She looked great.

"You were looking all dreamy. What were you thinking about?"

"Honestly, about you"

A shy smile appeared on her face.

"Don't let me occupy all of the space you've got up there. Your coach will kill me if you get dreamy on the field"

"If I think about you on the field, I believe I would play a hundred times better" Michelle simply giggled as she shook her head. After all, even though her way of being outside her house could be different, she was a whole new person when she is sitting on the couch watching an irrelevant TV show. She was a simple beer girl. A simple girl with who he was slowly falling in love with. Truth "Watch me do it"

"Alright...If that's true, you can think about me whenever you want"

"I already do"

She blushed. Something she actually never often do.

''I got an idea'' Michelle turner her body to face Mesut, cross-legged and with a big smile on her face ''Since we are something, let's know each other in the easy way. Why don'y we ask each other questions, from the simple ones to whatever you can come up with. You in?''

''I guess so. You start''

Michelle cheeky smiled at him. She took her time to formulate her first question ''Do you think it's possible to have emotional intimacy without physical intimacy?''

''No way'' Mesut answered quickly ''Relationships only can work with both of them. There would be no connection at all''

''I agree. You go''

''Have you ever stolen something?''

''I used to stole apples at a fruit shop next to my house whenever I came back from school and probably money from my parents. What animal would you be?''

''A lion, the king of the jungle'' Michelle giggled ''Worst date you've been on?''

''Paintball date. It hurt and the guy was awful. Okay, I won't mind whatever your answer to this is. How many girls have you slept with in the last two years?''

''Is this a tricky question? I haven't counted them. I really don't know. Been to busy with football but I probably been with a handful''

''Sure? I mean it wouldn't surprise if you have been with more than a handful''

''Why's that?''

''Because you have a special charm and plus, you are a footballer''

''Alright....Thank you by the way. Simple one, fears?''

''To fail and disappoint myself and people I love. Any recent thing you regret doing?''

This time, Mesut stood quiet thinking about the answer. He couldn't get an one until a bad memory finally re-appeared inside his head ''Well, this was one year ago and I was still playing in Spain then, it was a big game and the score was against us and I had the chance to change it but I missed it. Should have passed the ball as I always do back then''

''At least you had the enough confidence to try, didn't you?''

''It sucked to fail though. Moving on, I just came up with a good question. What made you be with me?'' The question surprised Michelle. The answer could be too cheesy, too long or too short and confusing and none of them seemed good enough to say it out loud ''Any answers?''

''Why are you even asking that question?''

''I don't know. I'm curious. At first It didn't actually look like we would end up together"

"Well, we should focus on the present, shouldn't we?"

"Then answer my question?"

"Did you know I hates these situations? Because I find it very hard to express myself, but...I will give a try. I'm with you because I, somehow, found out that I actually feel safe around you"

"That's cute" Mesut joked. Her words warmed him in the inside. He received a playful punch on his arm as she blushed.

"If you are going to make fun of me everytime I try to expresss my feelings, I don't think this will work"

"Fun? What fun are you talking about? Come here" He leaned towards her. Before he crushed his lips on hers, he looked deeply into her eyes and every detail of her face. Apart from her freckles on her shoulders, she also had them around her cheeks. Mesut grabbed her by the waist and slowly got on top of her as the kiss got deeper.

Her arms wrapped around his neck. Her fingers playing with his hair. Legs tightening around him. He pulled himself closer. His hand went under her shirt and his kisses went down to her neck. She mouned and a rigtone started to ring above the TV's noise.

''Don't pick it up'' Mesut whispered between kisses, knowing it was her phone.

''Let me check who it is first'' Michelle strecthed her arm out from Mesut's neck and tried to reach her phone which was buzzing on the table.

 ''Hello, Michelle? It's Sarah from work. There's a huge favour I need to ask you. Could you come by tomorrow as early as possible?'' Hearing the voice of one of her bosses made her jump straight away from the couch pushing Mesut hashly. It was very unexpected and she had no idea what could it be but she obviously said yes. Without saying anything else, Sarah hang up before she could ask her any question she had.

''What happened?'' 

''No idea''

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