0.6 Let it burn

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The long and interrupted drive to Hampstead gave Michelle time to think obnoxiously about her argument with James. Her head was screaming and a huge amount of thoughts were going around too quickly. She wasn't sure if she was pissed or disappointed, maybe both? Definitely one of them. She wouldn't get mad at him for too long, they both new that, they had worse things and they managed to handle them. This was just a silly down in their friendship. Yet, it was ridiculous and pathetic.

Michelle made her way to the front door of Mesut's house, not sure what to expect and how this evening will end like. Shag Mesut? Nah...

The door opened revealing his tanned face with those big brown eyes of his, his white smile drew the attention away from them. They shared two kisses on each cheek ''Glad you could make it'' Mesut stepped to the side and let her in.

''I love arranging closets, to be honest'' Michelle joked but it was actually true. Michelle was clean and organized, she always wanted to have everything in the right place with no disorder or else she would go crazy. She was an order freak like her mother.

''Why don't we have lunch first?'' Mesut suggested.

They both headed to his wide kitchen. As she walked the scent of garlic and shrimps got through her nostrils and went down to her stomach which roared in hunger. She just remembered she actually haven't thought of taking breakfast or just steal something of food from that guy's flat. Despite being injured, Mesut struggled to pull the chair for her.

''Oh, thanks. You didn't need to''

''Still a gentleman no matter what''

The plate they had in front of them was absorbing Michelle in a deep desire of filling her insides with the white spaghettis that were in front of her eyes. She would have dovured them if it wasn't because of Mesut who took his time to sit on his own chair.

''How was your morning, by the way?'' Mesut bothered to speak first. He carefully placed his crutches on the floor before glancing over her.

''With a bit of drama but fine. Woke up a bit late and sleepy and hungry'' Her eyes went back down to her plate. She was ready to grab the fork and smash it on the place. She did it ''What about you?''

''Drama?'' He completely ignored her questions ''Drama as something wrong? What happened?''

''James...James is just bloody stupid. He got on the million of nerves of my body. That's quite impossible to do, huh?''

''What did he do? I bet you will fix it''

''Yeah...we always do but our arguments just keeps being more pathethic every year and it always give me a big pain in the head''

''If you didn't feel like comin-'' 

''No, I actually wanted to come so I could not eat my head about it alone. You are actually helping'' Michelle interrupted him. She raised her gaze and threw a big smile to Mesut who gave one back shyly, almost not even looking at her but somewhere on the table.

''But...what actually happened?'' Mesut asked not sure if it was the correct question to ask. Michelle hesitated before answering, she had to come up with a good reason that didn't really involve him. 

''I know that he didn't actually mean it but she kind of called me a whore but I am sure he doesn't mean it''

Mesut stopped eating in surprise. His eyes widened for a second and frowned in incomprehension ''He did? That's low. Friends don't give each other those names if it's not joking. Is it the first time?'' Michelle nodded with a side smile ''That's wrong. Can I tell that by myself?''

''What? You want to talk to him? No way, stay out from it. He is a very proud guy, he will take it in the wrong way''

''Then, let me know if that happens again and I will personally talk to him''

''You are too nice'' For the first time, since they sat on the table, ther gazed locked for more than 10 seconds, no shy giggles, no shy smiles...Michelle stared at him, at his big dark eyes that managed to hold her gaze. Slowly, on Mesut's face appeared a smile.


He didn't know what to do. He was paralyzed by those big brown eyes that were looking directly at him for no apparently reason. He swallowed the last bit of spaghetti he had inside his mouth, he swallowed roughly. At the same time, Michelle, out of the blue, in silent and keeping her eyes on him, she stood up from her chair and it seemed like she was going near him. When he noticed it, his breath got caught inside him and he had no idea what to expect to happen in the next seconds

She still tasted like vanilla. She crashed her lips against his, hungryly. He could say. He managed to push himself away from the table and gave her space to sit on him, still with her lips on his. His hands were on her waist, grabbing her tightly. Mesut didn't know what was going on but it was impossible to think properly.

He got rid of her leather jacket as her hands touched his skin under his sweater. He cupped her head with both of his hands, actually kissing deepier as the seconds passed by. Their beathing became faster and heavier until she stopped.

''I am'' She breathed ''sorry'' Michelle looked anywhere but to him. He was left speechless and confused at the same time ''Em, em.... why don't we fix your closet?'' 

He had no idea what was going on. At least she was staying. He expected her to run away.

Bad idea.

He quickly grabbed his crutches, nervously almost stumbled on them. The adrenaline was still going through his body making his heart pump as it was going to get off his chest. Fucking crutches, gettind rid of you next week He thought.

''Are you sure-'' Mesut breathed out.

''Yeah, that's why I came here so...''

The tension in the air was so thick that they could cut through it with a knife. Mesut felt suffocated and pumped out. As he opened the door of his room and pointed to the his closet's door, Michelle took a few steps in and stopped. He ignored it and as began to talk, something interrupted him. Words got lost.

''Miche-'' She shut him up by crashing her lips against him once again. She was so straight forward all of a sudden that blew Mesut's mind away. She got rid of her shirt before and he was finally touching her skin. He felt like his hear was pumping electricity.

Sure it was. 

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