0.4 After Midnight

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''Whoa there, who is this?'' James looked at the stranger that was getting into the back seat of his car. He looked him up and down and watched how he placed his crutches next to him ''Hey, who are you you?'' He asked to Mesut.

Mesut couldn't answer since Michelle slid insite interrupting him ''We ready?'' She said looking at both of them ''He's a friend of mine, he is nice. Let's go get drinks!''

''At least tell me you are throwing a stranger into my car before actually doing it, ya' know?'' Mesut heard him whisper at Michelle as he started to drive to somewhere.

There was no talk during the ride, the rock music coming from the radio filled the silence in which they were in. Somehow it was very awkward to Mesut and for a second he regretted saying yes to Michelle, he was obviously meant to stay at home and rest not going out with the sister's neighbour and his friend. Whatever, he just felt weird.

''I am James Miles, by the way'' James broke the silence and talked to Mesut through the rear mirror ''Have I seen you somewhere?''

''I'm Mesut Özil, nice to meet you'' James didn't respon at first, he stood silent and kept driving, actually thinking where did he see him.

''Bloody hell, aren't ya' playing for Arsenal, mate? Of course I know ya'! Welcome to my car, it's a pleasure to have you here'' Somehow, those words made Mesut feel a bit more comfortable, he gained some confidence.

The car finally arived to its destination, Mesut looked through his window, he doesn't remember being here yet. It feels good to still have places to explore in this city. He wished he had more time to do that. Michelle appeared at his door and opened it for him. He helped him to stand up and hand him his crutches.

Michelle smiled at him. God, he definitely was feeling weird.

The pub was big a place, it looked old in purpose. It had bricks and cracked wood walls. Well, everything was wood, the bar, the tables which each one had a violet flower inside a red jar, the chair, the foor, the ceiling...It was crowded, people drinking wine, beer, eating a delicious pizza...

The three of them walked to another and smalled room still wid wood everywhere but with black leather booths They picked a table right in the corner. Mesut knew that he would never come to a place like this, because it wasn't a place that his friends would go and actually, he waas liking the change.

''It's a great place'' Mesut said looking around and stopped as he met Michelle's eyes next to him ''Thanks for inviting me''

''It's amazing, isn't it? They actually have pizza! Why don't we order one?'' Michelle suggested.

''I am full Chelle, are you guys still hungry? The food from that restaurant really filled me up''

They just ended up. ordering their drinks. It took Mesut a while to decided what would he want to have, the menu was full of weird name of beers that he had never heard before...Rogue Juniper? Mohawk? Camden ink stout? What are those?

Michelle watched him as he was reading the menu, she knew, by the look of his face, he had some problems deciding which one to pick. She laughed to herself, amused ''Try something from England, maybe?'' She suggested. Mesut raised his head, a bit surprised ''Maybe you could just try Camden Hells? It's a actually a mix of the german style Pilsner and Helles, know them? But it's actually made here''

Mesut just stared at her face as she talked. Her face looked so smooth, her eyes were brown but not dull, they were big and innocent and she had a single mole on her cheek. Michelle noticed it but decided not to care about it.

Mesut decided to order what Michelle suggested and he liked it, it was a good choice. It was crisp and refreshing.

In the middle of a conversation, Michelle decided to leave the table go into the bathroom, leaving James and Mesut alone.

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