0.9 Let's finish it

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London's weather was always osciling between heavy rain and scorching sunshine within a space of minutes. It was unpredictable and hard to dress for. Today, it eas chilly, sun was out since 20 minutes ago and everybody expected to hide and never come back for the day. The streets were wet from the shower that began to fall this morning and every single person had an umbrella in their hand, ready for anything.

His feet stopped at his destination, almost bumping into someone. He looked up and checked if it was the right place. He stepped in greeted by the smile of old man behind the bar. He smiled back and picked a place to sit. The pub was hardly iluminated by the light coming from the streets but helped by the round and vivid lights of the wooden and patterned ceiling.

He looked around. Etched mirrors on the walls with polychromatic tiling, marble pillars stood on the edges of the room and the floor was covered with mosaics. An open fire, caught his sight. It felt cozy. The old man from the man went up to him, Mesut asked for a Diet Coke, he gave him a funny look but left with the command.

He started to drink, waiting for Michelle.

He felt goosebump as he thought about her. He left like a teenager falling in love for the first time. It felt incredibly ridiculous. He liked her more than he ever thought, he was dying to get to know her, to know about her hobbies, her fears, her history....It all began too fast and confusingly but he had one thing sure. He wanted her.

He looked down at his watch, he was getting impatient. Not because he was in a hurry but he already wanted to see her again.

He got lost in his own thought and ended up in a void, thinking about nothing, just staring at his glass full of Coke, watching how the bubbles go up and up and disappear.

After a while, noise came from in front of him. The chair was dragged away from the table and someone sat on it ''Hey''

Mesut looked up. Michelle was taking off the brown coat she wore the night they went out. Her whole dark brown hair fell on her right shoulder reveiling her pierced ear.

''How you doing?'' Mesut asked, sitting properly on his chair ''I was thirty so I ordered already, I hope you don't mind''

''Don't be silly. It's totally fine. I actually ordered at the bar before sitting'' As she said that, the old man came back and left a bottle of beer in front of Michelle who took out a box of cigarettes and her phone from one of her coat's pocket and kept it inside her bag.

''Smoker?'' Mesut asked surprised. He never spotted her with a cigar in her hand.

''Rarely, just when I feel a bit stressed out'' Michelle fixed her hair and without bothering to pour the beet into the glass, she drank it directly from the bottle ''You know that I still have to finish some sketches, right?'' Mesut laughed as he remembered how hard was it to persuade her to come and meet him instead of plunging herself into work immediately.

''You just got out from work, a drink won't kill you''

Michelle shook her head at him but with a smirk on her face. She took another sip of her bottle. Her lips started to move and she began to talk. He never removed his gaze from her, he couldn't, he was stuck but he wasn't complaining. Her eyes kept looking at the bottle, at the table and just a few seconds on him but everytime she did, Mesut smiles and his heart skips a beat.

"How's foot?"

"Pretty well. Actually, I'm going to the gym in the next few days"

"Awesome! Bet the recovery got boring, eh?"

"Not really, had things going around and to talk about"

" 'Bout life?"

"Kind of"

Eventually, between laughs and amusing topics of conversation, Mesut knew that this was going somewhere, a place that he has been looking for a while and he had it in his hands, holding it tight so it won't slip away.

The place got busier but none of them realised that. They were in their own bubble and forgot about their surroundings...or maybe....not gave a fuck what was going on around them. Everything felt right.

Mesut's phone ringed and interrupted them. The bubble popped. Michelle looked at her watch and thought it was late. It really wasn't but she had stuff to do. Mesut nodded at her and they both got out from the pub Michelle picked ''I'll walk you home''

It seemed like it rained, the street were more wet than before and the wind felt very cold. Mesut zipped his jacket up and hid his mouth behind. They didn't talk much. Mesut followed Michelle in silence dodging people that were on his way. Though, the silence felt, somehow, comfortable and both of them were ok with it.

Michelle got a cigarette in her hand. Was she stressed out? He thought.

After walking a few blocks, he found himself in front of the now, familiar white buildings. Michelle already finished her cigarette and she turned around to look at him ''Wanna go up for a bit?''

''Ja'' Mesut embarrassingly nodded quickly.


Mesut took a look to a black cover notebook that fell off from her bag. Curiousity and the need to know more about her took over. Leaning against the counter of the kitchen, he started to go through every single page. Full of drawings, doodles, some letters....all fashion. Tops, dresses, shoes, bags...Most of them were back and white with a touch of colour. He kept flicklering around, admiring her work, until he reached the last and blank white papers.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Michelle came back from the bathroom. Her voice sounded relatively serious that, for a second, he got scared. Though, she had a smirk on her pink lips.

"They are great. Are those for collections?" Mesut managed to ask before she could snatch the notebook from his reach

"No, personal work. Y'know, when I get imaginative, bored or something like that, I draw"

"Do you give them to....I don't know...boss? So they can check it out"

"Never thought about that. They are just doodles for myself. I'm not interested in showing them to someone since they are nothing special"

"I actually liked most of them. I'd wear it"

"You would wear a coral pink dress?" Michelle raised an eyebrow nad burst out laughing. The laugh echoing around the four walls opin the kitchen. It was a nice sound "It will definitely fit you"

"I bet it will. Maybe, you could make it for me"

"Do you want to quit football and become a model? Your beauty is exotic, you would get offers. I am sure about that"

This time, both laughs echoed through the room. Michelle left the notebook in front of Mesut. A few people knew about her work and something told her he could be one of them. He opened it again even though he already did it earlier and got to the last pages.

''You know what?'' Michelle started to talk again. Mesut looked up ''We should finish''

''Finish, what?''

''Finish, what we started last night''

And so they did.

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