0.13 Rise and shine

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Before you read this kinda boring chapter, I want to apologize for the lack of updates! I've been trying to come up with good ideas for the next chapters  but I always feel like they are not good enough! Maybe, someone could help me? Anty ideas? Scenarios you would like to read? You could send them to me here or on Tumblr :))

Thank you :)


He felt complete. Night was gone and the sun woke up, though behind thick grey clouds. Still, he felt complete. As he opened his eyes, he saw her sleeping peacefully by his side, head on her hands, breathing slowly and lips partly opened. Mesut smiled, it felt like a fire was burning inside him.

He slowly left the bed and headed to the kitchen in slow steps. Balboa, his dog, appeared from nowhere and ran towards him with its mouth open ''Good morning'' Balboa jumped and put its paws on his leg looking for a pat on the head which he obviously got.

Mesut started taking out plates, spoons, forks, glasses...Today, after a long time, he was going to prepare breakfast for two and he liked that fact so much that he was going to impress himself with his culinary breakfast skills.

He was looking for eggs, bread, jam...whatever he had to cook when a beeping sound began to interrupt him. He supposed it was Michelle's phone and he ignored it. Noise kept filling the silence, piercing his ears and it became unbearable. Mesut went to the living room and he guided himself to where the ringtone was coming from.

James [6] and 4 missed calls.All of them received this morning.

The ringtone started once again, James's ID flashing on the screen. Mesut knew he shouldn't do it but he answered the call.

''Chelle?'' His voice sounded relieved. He sighed.

''Hey James, it's Mesut. She's currently still asleep, I'm afraid she won't call you back until later''

''Wha-'' He started but quickly shut his mouth ''Got it. Will you please tell her to call me back, yeah? She has been avoiding me for a while now and we really need to talk''


''And sorry about our little argument'' James didn't give Mesut time to answer and he quickly ended the call, leaving Mesut with the hang up sound. Mesut remained with the phone against his ear for a few seconds, confused and actually, a bit concerned.

After all, after making him get out of control in front of Michelle, he wasn't mad at him. Honestly, he didn't care about what happened between them two. Yes, he disrespected him and he was a completely dick but, he felt like the winner. James had his chance once and now, Michelle was his. Still, Mesut felt bad about him. Michelle already told him about their up and downs, as every friendship have and hopefully they could get through this. He cared.

Mesut put the phone down and carefully put it back where it was. As he finished cooking he went back to his room. She was still lying down peacefully but she was facing the other way. When he stepped inside, she moved and her beautiful face looked up at him. Mesut's heart felt more alive as ever, whatever was flowing inside his body was intense.

She smiled.

''Guten morgen'' She said. Mesut got into bed again and sat next to her. She wrapped her arms around him.

''Please, if you're not here, call me when you wake up. I love your morning voice'' Michelle blushed and buried her face against the white t-shirt he was wearing.

''Did I snore tonight?'' She asked.

''Terribly. Couldn't sleep all night, that's why I'm already awake'' Michelle laughed. Her giggle turned into a melody for Mesut which he could listen to it on repeat ''I don't think so. I was probably the one who snored''

''God. I feel so tired today. I don't think I could manage work''

''I prepared a big breakfast for you. You will start the day with enough energy to do your job and come back here for dinner. What do you think?''

''You're such a great and caring partner'' They kissed and from this exact moment they could spend the whole like this. In bed and cuddling "By the way, did my phone ring or it was just me?"

"Hmmm" Mesut had his eyes close already "Yes, it did. It was James"

"Ehms" Michelle just mumbled against his chest "We really haven't talked about the little fight. He was soooo" She paused to let a yawn out "Stupid. I can't belie-"

"It's fine. He left you a lot of texts, though. You probably should check them"

"It's okayyyy"

"You will talk to him, right? He sounded worried, to be honest"

Michelle left the question hanging and did not answer as she finally got out of bed and stretched her arms "I will talk to him after a while. When he gets over it"

"I think you should talk to him as soon as possible. In fact, today it would be great"

"Mesut" Michelle faced him and placed both of her hands on her hips, slighly leaning on a side "We both know how to handle it, alright? I already know what to do and we will sort it out. You don't need to worry. You should stay out it"

"Silence is not always the best option, you knew that? It actually can make it worse"

"I got it. Stay out of it. Yeah?"

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