Divisions 4

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(Y/n) absorbed her experience at BC SOL like a sponge. She seemed to find herself listening to Trad giving the students a lecture about beys and became interested.

Eager to learn more about these beys she walked around listening to the sounds of clashing and breaking. To her surprise each bey shattered seemed to have their own wail. She was indeed interested in unlocking the secret of the beys potential. In Trad's words per say.

Wakiya had left me to get acquainted with BC SOL. And in those short ten minutes he was gone BC SOL owner Christina Kuroda ( I might be using Kris because I don't know how her name is spelt right) befriended me. Of course Wakiya had to tell Chris about my visionary problems but that only furthered her interest in me. (Is it Kris or Chris I don't know anymore!!!!)

"(Y/n)," I heard Trad call and almost immediately I found his voice echoing from the bleachers. Making my way over was easy until someone bumped me.

"Watch it!" A boy said to me as I gained my balance soon falling on my butt. I didn't know what to do at the moment and eventually decided to rest my hands on my head before stating a curt "Sorry." before getting up and rushing to the other side of the bleachers to where Trad was.

Trad settled a hand on my shoulder as he yelled for the others to keep up their training. Behind me I heard a soft intake of breath before a exhale and a bored voice.

"Well, I'm out." The voice said before raising to their feet and taking off. I heard Trad sigh out, "Sorry (Y/n), the team...It's," I stopped him with a smile before taking off my sunglasses while turning around so no one saw.

"No," I said, "You're close, like family. Though I sense a bunch to tension in the air it will sure be broken through time." I stared at the black in front of me before putting the glasses back on. In the corner of my mind I heard yelling and chuckled.

"Though, it may be a while." I heard Trad chuckle and the room went silent, I felt confident that this family would grow and change in its own ways.

"Alright lunch break!" Trad yelled while leading me to the mess hall with the other bladers. The lunch room was filled with voices as Ange made me a serving of churro's, even if I had protested on it.

I sat with Christina and Trad talking about Sun Bat United and Wakiya. I truly enjoyed my time at BC SOL.

That was until Stan dropped his milk on me "Accidentally". Soaking wet was not initially a good feeling. Trad had given me a small turtle neck that seemed to magically fit me and Chris she gave me a skirt. I thanked them as we walked down the path to the bey stadium in the middle of the estate listening to the clashing of beys in the center.

"Wait I don't think I ever asked you who helped my find my glasses earlier today." I asked Chris and Trad. If I had only known the smirk on both of their faces when they pulled me from my feet and dragged me along.

I felt Trad's hand on my shoulder as he pushed me forward and Chris' hand had started to lead me stray from the concrete sidewalk. It was strange. Though as Chris lead me through trees and branches the sounds of the forest soothed me forward into the bright sun filled sky.

As Chris lead me through the forest and the shrubbery until the sun that once was shaded by the trees bore down on us as we walked. It seemed like a long way to walk just to thank someone who picked up my glasses if you asked me.

But when we stopped Chris let go of my hand and I almost freaked out. I reached around until I felt a big head. "What?" I thought as the head licked my hand, as I reached across the face of the being in front of me. I felt fur and a warm wet tongue slide across my fingers. Chris smiled at me.

"I see you found Free's deer." She said as the deer rubbed it's head against my hand.

I giggled a little bit before the deer ran off and we continued our journey, though not before stopping and wiping the deer slobber off with my handkerchief. As we walked the forest seemed so peaceful. It was harmonious.

The sunlight shone on my skin as it appeared and reappeared in and out of the leaves of the trees as I walked forward.

I felt Chris' hands tug me forward into the shade as she sped up. Wherever this guy was it didn't seem like he wanted to be found.

Then I heard it the sound of eminence training through the woods. Before I knew it Chris let go of my hands and told me she had something that she needed to get back too. I grabbed on to the nearest tree that happened to be next to me and sat down and waited for the boy stopped training so I could thank him.

I fell asleep moments later. And beyond my vision I could faintly see the little shadow playing by itself.

I walked up to it and held out my hand. It seemed it looked confused before giving me a short smile before kicking the small ball he was playing with to me. I smiled and kicked it back, though these dreams don't usually end on the sweet note I hoped.

The shadow then frowned at me as the ball turned into a machine, like a rhythm in my mind, it was the sound of a heart monitor machine. I watched as doctors swarmed around my clouded vision before the monitor became a straight line and the doctors hurriedly tried to get it beating again.

I then woke up welcoming the darkness that stretched across my vision and the unbelievably soft grass below me.

I called out for anyone as my back felt cold. I called for anyone who in the forest that I was stranded in. Yet no one came.

I was lost.

A/N: Thank you for waiting for a long time for this. I know it's not really good but I appreciate you reading it.

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