Divisions 25

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The weeks past. (Y/n) won every battle she gone up against. But she still kept that conversation in the back of her mind.

He told her he loved her. But it was to late. She was already to far for him to reach. His face was so shocked. He couldn't believe her.

She had turned her back on him. Just like he had.

'Cut ties with him. It will be better for both of you.' She'd think. But that was hard. She couldn't let go no matter how hard she tried to. She was stuck on Frees everything.

But she had to focus now. Winning was important now.

Soon enough Red eye and her were ascending to the finals. How exciting.

She'd regularly meet up with Golden eye and Ashtem who would brief her on her matches giving her as much information as they could find.

(Y/n) trudged her way down the hall after a match. She was putting to much pressure on her arm to win. Soon she might hurt herself.

Red eye walked her down the hall towards the spectating room. Ashtem had once again called her that day. When they get there Shu opens the door for her like the gentleman he is.

"There's the woman of the hour." Golden eye said with a smile. He was wearing his usual attire. Black and gold. He looked... Really good. Like a certain yellow haired individual.

"Why did you call me? Ashtem?" She said pushing the thoughts down. He turned towards her and patted her head before turnning back to the large window.

"I think you know why you're here."

The meeting kept her on the edge of her seat. Suddenly it dawned on her. She would have to abandon all her feelings to beat her opponent.

Was it worth it? Yes.

Will it hurt? Yes.

Did she want to do it? Heavens no.

But... She didn't have a choice now did she?

The stadium around them was silent as the two made their way to the starting point.

(Y/n) tapped into (Metanoia/bey name). She refused to lose. She was ice. A cold object. She wouldn't break. She would force her break on someone else. It is them or her.

The referee was silent for a moment as he watched the two come together. Tension was high. The sick awkwardness hung in the air. The two bladers met eyes.

"Hello Free." (Y/n) greeted but recieved none in return.

The referee took this as a chance to start the battle.

(Y/n) heard the countdown and continued to stare at Free who turned his eyes to fafnir. He couldn't let her beat him. He just couldn't.

"Let it rip!" They yelled and their beys took the stadium. Frees bey was turning counter clockwise and (Metanoia/bey name) was circling him. Like a dance.

It was until (Y/n) realized her bey was being curious. She ordered it to bring down Fafnir. All she got that match was a ring out.

Suddenly he spoke "(Y/n). You cant win against me."

She growled "I CAN!" the whole room went silent as they continued.


"START THE COUNTDOWN." She ordered and the referee complied to scared to say "no" to the girl.

Free was taunting her. She was going to win. And she was going to shove the victory into his face with no mercy. The countdown started. The room once again alive to see the battle.

No matter how focused (Y/n) was. No matter how much she ordered her bey to win. To destroy Free. It wouldn't. When it came close the beys would just slow down and none of them would win. An endless cycle.

"This is the last one Free De La Hoya." She screeched. When the countdown finally reached its end the two beys circled each other. Just like their partners they were interlocked in a dance that would never truly end.

But this time... (Y/n) swiped her hand up and brought it down and (Metanoia/bey name) complied. (Metanoia/ Bey name) hit the side of Fafnir and the world around Free seemed to slow down to a stop.

His biggest fear.

All he could see was (Y/n) in front of him. Her thoughts radiated through the air.

"The more you resist... The more it makes me want to crash into you more."

"Why does it have to be like this? Why did you push me away?"

"You didn't love me. You didn't love me. Why did I love you?"

"YOU'RE WRONG!" Free yelled, the world around him started up again.

(Y/n) looked up at him in shock. This was a first.

"YOU'RE WRONG!" He said again. "I want you to run to me. I want to hold you close to my heart so you'll never leave." He started. "I want all your feelings! I want to feel your happiness when you're by me. I want to feel your sadness when it hurts. I want all your feelings for myself." His hands clenched into fists.

(Y/n) was silent as she listened.

"I love you. I love you. I LOVE YOU." He said over and over. "I knew." His voice was barely a whisper. "I knew it was you who appeared in my dreams every night. Even when I didn't. I knew."

The words made her stumble and her resolve completely shattered along with the sound of her bey breaking.

Free had won.

Tears were streaming down her face. How? How did he? All her insecurities. All her regrets.

"Im not afraid of you." He finally said. "Im not afraid of the arctic cold when I can melt it with my fire."

Her resolve broke completly (Y/n) found herself running into Free. His warm arms surrounded her encasing her in his warmth.

Just like the cold night they met (Y/n) burried her head into Frees chest sobbing as he craddled her closer than ever.

She couldn't win against Free. And even if she tried he'd melt her all over again.

A smile appeared on her face as they parted ways. A silent promise to meet up later was in store for the both of them.

(Y/n) looked at her mask.

It was time to return it.

A/n: thanks for reading everyone!

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