Divisions 21

652 27 5

A/n please read: Warning: assault and thoughts of rape. (It's only a few paragraphs and we'll never talk about this again) Enjoy the chapter!

He made moves on her as she walked past. Went to bed. Even on her way to the bathroom. Shu wasn't giving up and it was concerning her.

She didn't love him. She'd never love him. She only loved Free. Free. How was he doing? Was he eating correctly? Was he over working himself? Was he thinking about her?

(Y/n) could only hope. Ashtem permitted her to keep a picture of Free in her room for "training purposes". Turns out waking up to see your enemy is supposed to make you angry and when you start the day you'll have an abundance of strength. But it only filled (Y/n)'s heart with happiness and hope. She couldn't wait to see him and soon she wouldn't have to.

(Y/n) had been training for weeks perfecting her launch getting tips from other subordinates about defeating Red eye. She had found out that Golden eye was coming with them to the world finals. Which relieved and stressed her out. She'd have a friend by her side but also an enemy. Golden eye would protect her from Shu thankfully.

Those were Ashtems orders. Weirdly the more she hung around him the more he started acting like her dad.... It was weird.

But soon enough they were on their way to the world finals. (Y/n) couldn't contain her excitement. She jumped around Shu and Golden eye. Which she had earlier found out his name was Norman. Norman Tarver.

(Y/n) was so happy. She was going to see Free! So once they made it to the match arena she gasped. Everything was so intricate and devine. To know she was going to stay here with other bladers.

(Y/n) adjusted the mask on her face Shu had split up possibly to go find Valt or something. She didn't care. Norman walked her to her room making sure she had all the necessary items she needed before heading to his room. Who knows when she'll see Norman again. But she hoped that he'd be able to save her from Shu. Hoped.

(Y/n) walked down the hall. Some bladers saw her and her mask and avoided her whispering about how scary the competition looks. (Y/n) smirked. She already had a reputation and she wasn't even here ten minutes.

(Y/n) made her way outside to look up at the sky. She had been training hard. Even beat Red eye. But he was going easy then. She sighed out and stretched. She couldn't wait to see Valt, Rantaro, Sisco. Wakiya! Wakiya was there too! She was so excited she bounced on her toes before stopping.

What would she say to them? She can't just say "Hi" and everything would be good again. (Metanoia/bey name) was in her pocket. She took the gem out and stroked it. (Metanoia/bey name) glimmered up at her before she was interrupted.

"Having fun? We haven't even had our matches yet." She heard Shu say. She tensed up as he wrapped his arms around her. It was disgusting. "Come on we have work to do. Let me help you work on your launch." His foot trapped hers and his arms went down to her fingers. She pulled back stumbling.

Shu looked at her in surprise. "What's wrong are you nervous? I'll be gentle. None of your muscles will hurt after we train." He said walking towards her. She scampered away as Red eye ran after her.

She tripped but gained her balance. Red eye was always better at her in this. Her legs weren't made for long distance running. No matter how much long distance running Ashtem made her do. But the fear she had only made her run faster. She his behind a wall trying to get to Norman's room. She was scared.

"Come out (Y/n). It'll be quick and painless. We're just letting some steam loose before the matches." She wanted to scream. He was nearing her. She was scared. So very scared. She didn't want to be assaulted during their training. She'd rather be hit in the back of the head by Norman then ever doing another training with Red eye unsupervised.

When she got to Norman's door she tried typing in the numbers but Red eye had already found her. "Why are you going to him? What's so special about him!?" He yelled grabbing (Y/n)'s hand. She slapped his hand away and kept running. Her legs were sore. Her head was pounding. But in the background she heard Shu scream.

"You're mine (Y/n) and no amount of running will change that."

Now (Y/n) was crying. She was crying she wondered how her mask was still on her face after all this. Her hair was a mess and she couldn't see her way. She just ran. That wss until she bumped into a familiar purple chest. She wanted to scream in happiness but she couldn't make out words.

There was Valt who looked concerned. The sound of Shu's voice was getting closer and (Y/n) flinched. "No please no." She said she gripped Wakiya pants begging him to help her.

Valt and Wakia with the help of Rantaro helped her up and get into the nesrest room which happened to be Wakiya's. The three locked the door before dropping her on the ground. She regained her breath and smiled up at them.


"That is the last time I will ever help you." Wakiya said. Oh. Right. The last time she saw him... She...

"Wakiya give her a chance to talk! Maybe she has information on Shu there." Rantaro said. Wakiya just sat on his bed and watched as (Y/n) took off her mask and looked at them. She was so happy. Her eyes glimmered. "Valt." She said. The boy was surprised. "Uh. What? I thought you called him Blue porcupine." Rantaro said.

She laughed. "Rantaro Kiyama. I sat with Trad and Kris the first time I heard you battle. You were surprised when you found out I was blind." She pointed to Valt. "Valt Aoi. Blue spiky hair. You were ditzy when I met you and you hmm. Yes you were the one who knocked me on the ground." She said Wakiya was hanging on the edge if his seat when (Y/n) turned to him. Her eyes were smiling.

"And Wakiya Murasaki." She said. "I told you to stop slouching as you sit it's bad posture!" She scolded. Wakiya ran up to her and hugged her tightly. "(Y/n). (Y/n). You remember! You finally remember!" He said taking her face and squishing it.

"Did they hurt you?" Wakiya asked motioning to Shu running around. "Nope! They actually took good care of me." She said. "How are you here? What are you doing here?" They asked. She sighed kicking away her mask. "I was assigned by the leader Ashtem to defeat Free De La Hoya in the finals. He had Red eye train me and my bey (Metanoia/bey name). She took (Metanoia/bey name) out of her pocket. "My bey saved me." She said. "It showed me my worst nightmare and when I woke up. I just miraculously remembered who you guys were. And I've been training. To beat Red eye."

She looked at them. "I have all the information you need and want. Just let me see Free and the others." She demanded.

Wakiya seemes to laugh. "And miss you tripping over yourself explaining to everyone about how you got back on our side. There was no way we weren't going to show you off." Wakiya said.

(Y/n) smiled she was going to get to see Free sooner than she expexted.

A/n:Thank you everyone who read this chapter of Sightless Silence! I hope you like this chapter!

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