Divison 18

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Free was restless.

He wanted to see (Y/n).

(Y/n) on the other hand trained and trained. She didn't know why but she wanted to beat Free. And she certainly would do anything to accomplish her goal.

Red eye and (Y/n) both upgraded their beys. Metanoia/other bey name now had the ability to burst Free De la Hoya's bey. All she needed to do is train.

(Y/n) was working on her launches when Red eye came up to her.

"Shift your balance. You'll have a better launch." He says. (Y/n) follows his instructions. She did get a better launch.

"Why was the purple one crying? Why do I have a strange urge to defeat Free De La hoya so much. You have to know. By far Ashtem trusts you more. So indulge and answer my questions." She says.

Shu sits down next to her. "You were driven here by an operative. The purple one is named Wakiya Murasaki. He was your best friend until he betrayed you. Free. He didn't even look your way. Held a hate for you. He didn't think you were worthy of having your own bey. None of them did." Red eye fed her lies adding just a tad of truth to make it believable. She would believe it all.

"They betrayed you in the end till we found you in America and brought you here," He lifted her head up by her chin. "You have progressed well under my supervision. Very talented indeed. You (Y/n) (L/n) are a powerful face in the Snakepit. If anything we look up to you for answers. So never feel alone or doubtful. I will not betray you like they did. The Snakepit will never betray you either. I promise." The promise seemed genuine in some places, other places filled with lies to rope her in. And by the look on her face it went all according to plan.

(Y/n) smiled and she continued to train. Her face held a smile from Red Eyes words. She believed him listened to him. She was obedient, trustful she looked up to Red Eye who was there when she first woke in the Snakepit to when she became an opperative to now. She was the closest to Red Eye.

She would believe any lie he said. Follow any order he gave. She was obedient, only to him.

Every one in BC SOL trained too. The world finals were coming up and they refused to lose. Especially to Shu and (Y/n). Maube beating them would bring them back to their senses.

Free trained. So he could battle Shu and (Y/n). He wondered if (Y/n) was treated well in the Snakepit. Were the operatives treating her right? Was she respected and leauges above the rest? Why would she go to the Snakepit fo with Shu. Leave BC SOL. Leave him.

Maybe he saw her in a different light after he found out she was Shiroi. That day she looked so sad when he called her Shiroi. But it was to late. (Y/n) sided with the enemy and as excited idea about seeing her again crossed his mind he had to focus on trying to get to the point of facing off against her. From the description Valt gave him. She sounded like she was powerful and radiant.

Shu trained (Y/n). She appriciated it even though she always lost it felt like how they'd practice back when she was just starting. She enjoyed that feeling. The feeling would come often when she saw Red eye. She looked up to him like she once did with Free. The thought of him made her blood boil. But Shu. She encouraged him to become the best blader in the world. In fact she wanted him to succeed in his goal. Any just maybe she would still be by her side when he accomplished that goal. The thought made her giddy.

But something seemed wrong. Sometimes she felt as if she didn't belong here. Training beside Red eye or in the snakepit. When Shu would praise her for doing a good job or hug her as a reward. She felt no warmth. No doubt she was happy. But something seemed off. She couldn't put her finger on it. What was so important about beating Free? But if it made Red eye happy that she defeated her enemy she would do it in a heartbeat,she wanted to make him proud she felt like defeating Free was the right path to travel on.

Red eye was good at lying, especially to someone like (Y/n), Ashtem found her useful and with some skilled manipulation she was brought to their side. Ashtem paired her up with Red eye saying that they had the same goals. Shu wanted to be the best blader in the world and (Y/n) wanted her revenge on Free. With Shu's guidance she would grow to be a fearsome operative in the Snakepit. All Red eye had to do was sow the seeds of deception already planted in the garden of her mind. And as time passed, the roots would set in she'd leave any remnants of remembrance, he nurtured her need to be by someone's side. Just so he could be selfish and keep her to himself. Why would she need Free when she didn't remember him or cared for him. He'd often ponder the future where if she had Red Eye to look and care for her, she didn't need anyone else.

Free found himself thinking, 'What if (Y/n) went on her own free will.' Did they train you excessively? Did they treat you well? Were you happy? So many questions, so little answers.

Free stood up from the spot he was sitting at. She'd come back, hopefully, when she was ready or when she remembered. Until then he'd do anything to bring her back to his side.

A/n: thanks for reading! Sorry I've been very busy lately, thanks for your awesome comments!

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