Division's 16

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The training was grueling. But I seemed to surpass many expectations.

I trained under Red eye. Who unlike the other masked bladers treated me with respect when I arrived. The memory was still a blur to me. Soon we climbed the ranks and I was known as the snake pit's (eye color) executive. Well at least most of the trainees called me that. Red eye was always above me in ranks. Not that I ever cared.

"Lool alive (Eye color)." Red eye said. I stood next to him fixing my hair into a (bun/ braid/ponytail) and placing my mask on.

A/N: I'm having the Bey blade group go back to the snake pit.

Red eye turned to look at the group. I stood at his side sparing glances at the strangers. One wore rich purple clothing, the others looked like bey blading school children. One with an exceptionally large fan and the other wobbling around everywhere. The last other two was a boy with eyes barely visible to the eye and an acrobatic. I clicked my tounge and Red eye smiled.

"They're not worth my time. Find me when they finish the course." I said to Red eye. He nodded. But in the end I stood to watch the battle go down.

"I'm sorry to break it to you but Shu and (Y/n) are dead." He cried out I held back a laugh and continued to watch. The blue haired boy fell to his knees not wanting to accept defeat. I jumped down landing on my heels patting Red eye's shoulder ushering him inside the temple. I saw pain stretch over the purple ones face his fist's clenching.

I smiled his way and walked in letting Red eye finnish his words.

And just like we planed the group followed us through the opening. Meeting Ashtem and trying their hardest to defeat the shadow versions of their beys.

We lost good trainees that day. Azure eye showed the most potential I would argue and Red eye would just laugh. "Seem's like they reached Violet eye." I said stretching and reaching up. "Where are you going?" Red eye asked.

"I'm putting them out of their misery." I said grabbing Melanoia/ bey name on the way out. "Why don't you join me Shu." I said. Red eye smirked and grabbed his bey walking out before me.

I walked straight up to the battle mercilessly pushing Violet eye into the abyss below. "Now now, Violet, how many times must I remind you. The only one who manipulates fear here. Is me." I shouted. The group before me looked shocked and I laughed Red eye held his frown but below I could see the small break in his demeanor. How sadistic.

Though fear manipulation was my field. Tapping into my bey, becoming one with it's power let me drain the defenses of the oposing bey letting me see the strategy behind the launch, like a window to the mind or an open door for fear. And using that fear I drain every ounce of energy they had bey and all. In my words fear manipulation.

We got ready to launch. I had already tapped into my ability to run through the mind in search for the "root of fear" as Red eye calls it. The purple one was afraid of falling. The blue one was grieving letting anger guide his judgement. The others grieved as well but looking into each of them the purple one was suffering the most. We took our stances and the sounds of plans in their heads rang through me. Metanoia/bey name switched between stamina, balance, defense, and attack.

Red eye looked at me as if asking if I was going to use him to propel my launch. I smiled and stood close to Red eye. Then we started the countdown.


"Let it rip!" We all screamed I used my feet to twist around. Without the help of Red eye I would have fallen into the abyss. I silently thanked him. once the battle started I tapped into all of their fears at once. They all grew pale and weary. the purple one stumbled falling until another caught him by the arm. I intensified the vision. They all looked sickly barely able to look at their beys. Red eye took the initiative to burst all of them before the floor let out under them.

"Good work out there (eye color)." I nodded. The visions that crossed the purple ones mind worried me.

A girl standing in a clearing a smile on her face. The girl had (eye color) eyes and beautiful (hair color) hair.

I stood back to look into the abyss. In fear I might meet him again.

A name flashed through my mind. A foreign yet familiar sound on my lips.

Wakiya Murasaki.

The next few weeks I spent training. I was in chage of watching over the trainees while Ashtem was out.

"How's it going?" I heard gold eye say. I nodded and moved out of his way. With him here.I had time to roam and find Red eye.

"YOU'RE DOING WHAT!?" I yelled at him. I stomped my feet like a little girl only this time it was more threatening.

"I'm leaving. What else is there to say?" He asked. "What do you mean your leaving? I'm coming with you!" I ordered. We almost got into a fight when Ashtem ordered Red eye to take me with him. Soon I was packing a bag and we were off.

We battled so many bladers. We broke so many beys. It was...enjoyable to some extent.

We defeated Xander Shakadera and Ruwei Sun. I even got the honor to break a girl's bey. She seemed so furious when it happened. It was so familiar. I shrugged it off when Red eye's protégé Boa decided to join the fun. What a joke.

When I over heard the two talking about a bey club called BC SOL. I felt a twinge of betray run through me. But I didn't know why. Red eye and I traveled throughout the globe defeating bladers in every region we stepped in. We reigned champions.

"You are stupid Red." I said when he grabbed his bey. "I'm not stupid. I just want to beat him." I shruged it off. He was angry. And fierce. Whomever Red eye was battling. I sensed had history woth him.

Nothing bad was going to happen. Right? I mean what could go wrong?

A/n:  Yay! Chapter 16! I had fun writing this! :). Thanks for reading and commenting. It means a lot to me! The GIF does not belong to me. I just adore Azure eye!

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