Divisions 22

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Rantaro insisted on checking if Red eye was still roaming around. So whilst I filled Wakiya and Valt in on information and what I had been doing the past few months to a year.

Rantaro had returned saying the coast was clear. Turns out the coast wasn't clear of everyone, Shasa ran in. Her blue hair shining on the light. (Y/n) laughed a bit out of awkwardness and Shasa ran towards her wrapping her in a hug. (Y/n) was smiling she was just so happy.

"Shasa!" She said and Shasa at down. But Wakiya stopped her. "How about we gather everyone and then tell them about what happened!?" He scolded and (Y/n) nodded "Right."

"But Wakiya if she goes out like that she'll look like a target to Shu." Valt said. Valt did have a point. "I have some spare clothes in my room I'll go get her some." Shasa said running out quickly. The room was silent as (Y/n) played with her hair. (Sorry guys I have to do this.) "I want to cut it." She said breaking the silence. "Its a hassle and I don't want it." She said.

Shasa came bursting in with spare clothes. "Hurry put these on I found out everyones gathered to talk about the finals already. Free is there!" With that (Y/n) jumped up grabbed the clothes and escaped to the bathroom where she changed. She saw Wakiya's spare hair tye and tied her hair up hiding it in Shasa's hoodie she looked un-recognisable.

She walked out gently folding her clothes. They dropped them off at her room before heading over to the team.

Kris was talking in the front. Sisco was listening and in the far corner Free stood to the side. His mind was whirling. He would have to defend his honor and defeat all of those who took (Y/n) away from him.

Suddenly Shasa burst into the room. "Guys! Guys you won't believe it!" She said eveyone turned towards her. Wakiya, Rantaro and Valt were keeping watch around them before sliding a stranger into the meeting.

"Shasa. What could possibly be so import-" the stranger removed the hood covering their face and she looked up. She. It was her. Was it? It can't be. Frees heart was beating so fast in his chest. He wanted to rush up to her and reach for her but the rest of the team made it to her first.

"(Y/n)?" Kris says in disbelief. She ran towards (Y/n) hugging her tightly and (Y/n) smiled hugging her back. She took her sweet time joining everyone. Free only watched her. He wanted to run up to her and go somewhere private to talk. He was suffering for months on end waiting to see her. And she was right there. She was right in front of him.

(Y/n) hugged everyone. Wakiya watched as she stumbled over words. Just as he suspected. After she hugged everyone, there was one person she needed to confront.


(Y/n) walked up to him and he moved from the wall. He looked annoyed? Happy? She couldn't tell. But he wrapped his arms around her in a tender hug and immediately she melted. She looked up at him placing her forehead on his and nuzzling their noses together.

Free was smiling.

Everything he ever needed. His team, his friends, (Y/n) they were all with him. He was happy and content. He kept her held to his chest with a strong grip.

They stayed like that not saying anything as they hugged each other. The silence was welcoming as Kris ushered the team out to let the two have their moment. They could have this talk a bit later when everyone was caught up and on page.

They stayed like that for eternity just embracing one another in the empty room. Free wasn't going to lie if he had a choice he would never leave her arms. Being wrapped around them felt so comforting so safe.

The only sound in the room was coming from an open window. Free had closed his eyes and rested his head on (Y/n)'s shoulder. With hesitation (Y/n) closed her eyes as well.

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