Divisions 9

938 31 12

Life was good.

Though, I was a bit put off when Silas decided to join BC SOL.

I wasn't exactly mad at him. I was mad that because of him Sun Bat United was no more.

But that wasn't the case.

Wakiya seemed to be more alive.

So alive that he took the private jet with Valt and his friend Rantaro in it to a foreign place.

So Wakiya had asked Kris if she would look after me for the time being.

It was as if I was a child that needed to be watching.

Wakiya you meanie!!

But that did give me time to spend with Free.

"Favorite color?"




Every second I cherished.

Free would always go out into the forest at a random part of the day so I took this time to spend with Kris and Shasa.

Shasa was kind. I imagined a young girl with a smile on her face every so often. She even had a sister which was incredibly adorable.

(Just cause I can. I'm making Shasa x Kris a thing! Because I want to see Kuroda and Shasa together!)

(Though I want to see Kris and Shasa interact with Joshua more.)

Kris seemed to be quite fond of her as well. I could tell they were very close.

I thought the two were adorable!

With Kris' happy filled voice and Shasa's laugh. It felt like I had friends once more.

Then Free would walk out of the forest saying a quick "Hi" before walking off.

I could hear the amusement in his voice.

If people thought he was emotionless. Boy were they wrong. Being around Free is like being around a whirlwind of emotion.

When he's talking to Kris he is happy. When he's training he's serious. When he is with his team. He's pushy and kind.

Though his silence meant millions of words.

His emotions were always so intense when he was silent. The silence was the way Free spoke out.

In just a sigh I could read several emotions. Ranging from proud, sad, happy, annoyed, angry or even bored.

He had a tone whenever he did this.

Pressured by the thought of being the best and how nobody can beat him made him who he is. He was humble, modest and sometimes downright rude.


It makes me like him even more.

Free had a kindness that no one could parallel. He was intense. He put his love into BC SOL only to find his love only went so far.

I could go on about Free all day.

"(Y/n)." I heard him say as he did pull-ups on a branch his breath barely rising even at the pace he was going.

"Hmmm! Yes!?" I asked holding onto the trunk of the tree with a smile. My dress rippling at my feet.

"Say close to me."

I felt my cheeks heat up as I tilted my head downwards. I nodded.

"Don't get lost again." He joked. "Kris might kill me." I heard the quiet joke he made and with a smile, I tilted my head upwards.

He was so kind and caring. It's too bad none of the others thought of him as emotionless.

The silence around us was deafening. The only sound was the occasional grunts Free gave when he did his pull-ups.

I sat down at the base of the tree and heard the sound of rustling in the bushes.

I moved forward and listened quietly.

"Hi, old friend." I heard Free chuckle.

The voice he spoke in was soft almost quiet and I heard the creature come closer.

I felt the small intakes of breath it ook as it smelt my ankle.

I reached forward in hopes to find the cute fluffy ears of a rabbit. But I was met with strong antlers. It was the deer that licked me when I first ran into the forest!

"He's calm," Free said. I heard him jump off of the branch sitting beside me.

I blushed as I felt a hand reach over mine to touch the deers head. I smiled as my face reddened as I moved my hand to meet his. I felt the male flinch backward and I drew my hand back. The deer must have sensed the tension in the air as it ran away.

"S-sorry Free!" I cried out blushing a deep red. I could hear him chuckle and feel a hand on top of my head ruffling my (Hair color) hair and got up grabbing my hand. I smiled and blushed.

"If you wanted to hold my hand just say so." He said.

"Now let's get going. It's almost sundown." He said grabbing my hand. I smiled and blushed as he took my hand in his.

We made our way to BC SOL's entrance. Kris made our way over to us a smile lining her voice.

I felt the warmth in my hand that was carried by Free. I wish he could do this all the time! I felt my lips twitch up in a smile.

I twisted our fingers together blushing even more as his hand curled around mine.

I could only smile and swing our hands as we neared BC SOL.

"I see you two are having fun." I heard Kris say as we neared.

My cheeks heated like a thermos.

I felt so warm, warmer than the sun in summer.

"N-no!" I said and gripped Free's hand tighter not wanting the boy to let go. His hand was wrapped around mine just not as tightly. Though it made me sad he was still holding my hand,

That made me so happy!

I was so happy!

I never felt like this ever before.

The feeling was nice like laying in the sun in spring.

It was lovely.

A/N: Thanks for reading! 

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