Division's 26

911 43 6

(Y/n) walked to Ashtems door. How the thought terrified her. But she was ready to accept that she could no longer pretend to be the cold queen the snakepit loved and looked up to.

The yelling outside continued.

As she opened the door Ashtem turned to her as if knowing exactly what she was about to do.

"Such a shame. We're losing someone great." Ashtem said and (Y/n) smiled. "Im sorry sir but this position just isn't for me." She said before pushing the mask into his hands and leaving the room.

She walked to her room towards her packed bag. Inside was her comfortable everyday clothes she used for training. Slipping them on she walked over to the mirror and tidied up.

She took a step forward and opened the door. (Y/n) continued through the halls till she found herself at the opening of a botanical garden. How serene.

(Y/n) took time to fully absorb where she was. She had made it this far. All by herself. She was almost impressed. But the beys she broke, the orders she gave. The relationships she made to get here would plague her mind for the rest of eternity.

It was a good thing was, it was all over. The manipulation, the aggressive training. It was all over and she could finally live in peace again.

After a while (Y/n) stood up and walked out of the garden. Her mind was set on finding one person.

"Free." (Y/n) said knocking on the door to his room. Maybe he was taking a nap. Or he already left with BC SOL. The thought saddened her until she felt a tap on her shoulder.  "Walk with me?" She turned towards the voice and smiled. "Mmmhmm." She agreed following him.

"Are you coming back to BC SOL?" Free said looking out a large window. "Mmmm yes. If there's still room for me." She said reaching out for his hand but he turned away, (Y/n) clenched her hand into a fist and it fell to her side. "Did you miss me?" He asked. "How would I know? I didn't even remember you." She said. (Y/n) knew it was no excuse. "Do you love battling?" Another question. "In a way, I do, yes." (Y/n) responded. "Are you still part of the snake pit?" Another. "No, never again." Question after question. Answer after answer and (Y/n) would answer each of them truthfully.

"Do you still have a place in your heart to love me?" Free asked finally. (Y/n) looked at Free suddenly. "Would it upset you if I said no?" She asked. And he nodded.

"Then yes." I said. The silence in between us was long upsetting dark. "Do you still have a place reserved in your heart for me?" I asked. Free turned towards her holding her by the shoulders. "Of course." He said. (Y/n) looked away the upset look on her face never left.

(Y/n) Pov

I looked up at Free sadly. Everything seemed so different now. My adventure was done, the guilt had finally settled in and I was forgiven. But I didn't feel better. I didn't feel happy being hugged or being in the presence of anyone.

There was nothing that I felt now. Nothing was warm to me. The sun or the warmth of Free's hugs. But none the less it felt nice to just bask in it.

Free took my hand. "Let's go home." He said and I felt the tears prick my eyes and I nodded holding his hand in my strong grip. "Lets go home, please." I said hiding my face in his shoulder. Free rested his head on mine and brought me in for a hug I felt the trickle of tears flowing down my face as Free hugged me close.

The warmth was unnatural. It was almost scorching melting away all the frozen ice creating a dam to explode out of my eyes. Free kissed my head holding me close as I cried. I couldn't see his expression, nor his eyes. But the way the boy hugged me milked every emotion we hid away during the days we spent apart.

I spent the rest of the tournament by Free's side watching as the snake pit was once again crushed. Losing a valuble member of their ranks. After that it was back to Spain. Back home. Back to training.

Free held my hand through it all. Through the nights I sobbed. Through the days I was at my worst. Through the days where my eye sight started to fade and darken. He was there holding onto my hands. Leading me through the green forests. Through the waters of the stream and into the light of the clearing a beautiful yellow light.

We changed and we grew. We grew inseprable. We had our whole lives ahead of us. Of course there were moments we were silent and still. Times when we couldn't see into the and blinded by our sadness. But nothing was rushing us. Nothing.

"(Y/n)." Free said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Hm? What is it Free? I was just in the middle of a-" I dusted off my bey and picked it up. As he rubbed his head on my back, I couldn't help but thing even now he still acted like a dear. "(Y/n)." He said. I looked at the twins with a chuckle. "Taking a break?" I asked and the two nodded. "I'll go get you guys something to fill your tummies with. Free let go please." I asked politely and he grumbled. I laughed again. "Free De La Hoya." I repramanded holding onto his hands.

"(Y/n). Training. With Free." I leaned back against him. "Sure." I said happily. "Lead the way." I smiled happily watching the light glint off of the water. The twins laughed and ran screeching about training with Free and him teaching them a new move with their beys leaving me alone with Free deer de la Hoya. His face stayed in my back and his grip grew tighter as he hugged me. I turned around and pressed a kiss to his lips happily.

"I love you too. Now lets get going before the two cause trouble like some blue porcupine we know." I laughed and dragged him away.

(A/n: Sorry this took so long to finish things have been going on and I havent been able to get on Wattpad often so I'm sorry guys. I want to make another Free de la Hoya fanfic but maybe later when I think of something. Again thanks for reading I really appreciate your support. If you liked this please go read my new story Amour de demon. That is if you like FnF and midfightmasses. Take a look!

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