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I don't know what feeling I had when I saw Sisco grabbing (Y/n)'s hand, re-wrapping it. But it was a burning feeling.A feeling as if my soul elapsing lime a burning flame.

But once I awakened from my sleep on the hard wooden table in the mess hall I made my way back to my room.

I needed time to think.

"Chrysanthemums." I whispered over again the word unsettling and odly comforting on the tip of my tongue.

It must have been late already. The moon was out and the sound of crickets resounded in the calm air.

What a calm night.

As I walked to my room I saw a silhouette sitting by themselves under the cover of the bey stadium. Looking closer I took note of the familiar glossy (Eye color) eyes and the (hair length) (hair color) hair.

I walled closer to the stadium.

She looked up at me and I could swear the moon or stars shine could not compare to what I saw in her eyes that night.

She was dressed in her pajamas. And with a small sheepish smile she motioned me to sit next to her.

"You couldn't sleep either, huh?" She aske me. I nodded and watched her movements. Her eyes shut and she breathed out a sigh. Who knows how long she was out here.

"The flower." I said as I leaned back my head propped up by the stadium.

She looked at me with wide eyes before chuckling to herself.

"I-I don't know" She dodged but she was obviously hiding something. She looked at the ground before gathering her thoughts. Before she spoke I thought I saw a blush bridge across her nose.

"H-Hey Free?" She stuttered and looked my way. Her hand that was wrapped in a bandage found her chest. I noticed it was the right.

"Hmm?" I asked as I closed my eyes.

"I like you."

Those three word were like an arrow piercing through my thoughts.

I looked up at her face in search for any emotion.

"I like you Free De La Hoya." She said. The silence around us was thick. She looked down at her lap. It seemed as if she was waiting for my response.

This girl was no Shiroi. I loved Shiroi with all my heart even if she didn't love me. And I would throw away everything just to be with her.

The coolness of the sky was calming but the silence made it akward.


"I'm sorry," Insaid raising my body parallel to hers.

"I can't accept your confession. I only have eyes for one girl. And that's not you." The words came out harsher than I'd intended. But none the less, it was the truth.

I saw (Y/n) get up and run away. The silence (Y/n) left me in was soon broken by the pitter patter of the rain on the roof.

Did I make a mistake?

That night I saw Shiroi and (Y/n) in a dream. Shiroi was dancing around her before she dissapeared into a tiny white snowflakes that fell on (Y/n)'s skin turning it pale. Then the snowflakes changed her hair into a snowy white before turning (Y/n)'s eyes into a white void. I realized I was then staring at Shiroi. But was I?

I woke up with a start this time in my own bed.

The dream was weird. I thought long and hard but the details seemd to run through my head. Why did (Y/n) turn into Shiroi? Why was she in my dreams? Who is Shiroi?

I got up the comfort of my bed only reminding me of the dream. I walked to the mess hall for some breakfast when I saw (Y/n).

She looked tired and disheveled like she cried. In those moments I felt myself soften. I looked at her and she looked at me. But all I could imagine was snowy eyes pale white. I shook my head and looked at her again. She smiled at me and sat down with Sisco and Valt who talked about you guessed it beyblade.

I felt that feeling again. The feeling of a burning flame inside my body ready to come out.

The next thing I know I'm holding (Y/n) to my chest and staring down Sisco. I felt (Y/n)'s hands trying to push me away. Reluctantly I let her go watching her storm off mumbling under her breath.

Why did I smell Chrysanthemums?

I followed her watching as she curled up under the shade of a tree and cried. It made me sad just to see the welling tears escape her eyes.

I remembered Shiroi. Then I looked at (Y/n). I had no idea what those two had to do with each other but at that moment the only thing running through my mind was how I messed up.

I messed up bad.

I looked at (Y/n). She looked terrible. Hair was all over the place as if messed up and her eyes were swollen with tears. I felt something deep down. An aching feeling that was eating me up.

I walked toward her. Even when I wanted to leave her alone.

But I noticed that when I walked. The ground under me seemed to loosen until I reached her. What was I going to do. I heard the sky rumble above me.

(Y/n) kept on crying even as the rain came down. I looked up at the rain. Tiny waterdroplets danced on leaves dripping to the ground. Like morning dew it made the ground wet and soaked.

I watched closely was (Y/n) looked up humming a tune. What was it?

Her eyes then looked into mine. And then I saw it.

A flash of pearly white in a sea of colors that mixed and mingled until all I could focus on was the shine of white in her (eye color) eyes.

Her face showed no sign of emotion. But her eyes betrayed her. And in that moment I saw her soul.

A pure luminescent white light.

I must have been imagining things. I walked into the forest to my usual training spot.

It was time for my thoughts surrounding (Y/n) and Shiroi be put aside. Another battle was coming. And by the looks of things. BC SOL was doing just fine without me. They didn't need me anymore.

And I know someone who would do well without me for a while.

I threw my bey up into the air and caught it.

My decision has been made.

I looked down and spotted the broken pencil and the drenched drawing notebook.

I had no idea what damage that I had just inflicted.

A/n: I worked all night to get this up. And finally here is is! Thanks for reading.

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