Divisions 15

722 24 15

I focused on the battle. I didn't want to face Free at the moment.

"(Y/n)." I heard. I tore my attention away from the bladers and looked at Free.

"What is it?" I asked facing the ground. I imagined his face. Was he be surprised? Was he confused, hopeful? Was he happy to see me?

I turned to him. His face was devoid of emotions. My heart fell as sadness consumed me. Was he not happy?

"What are you doing here?" He asked. I felt tears well up in my eyes before asking for my hat back. I thought back to why I even agreed to do this. I didn't even know why I was reacting the way I was.I thanked Theodore and walked away down the stairs and slipping out the door. I finnished my business there. Time to leave.

The limo door was so close. The air around me was tense and cold.But before I could reach the door someone grabbed my right hand and pulled me back, I was pressed against a yellow clothed chest.

I was shocked when the two arms wrapped around me in a tender hug. Free laid his head on my shoulder pulling me close. I felt tears dripping down my face as I wrap my hands around him.

"(Y/n)." He repeated. His hair tickled my throat as he moved his head as if aching to get close to me. I ran my fingers through his golden locks and smiled. I needed this.

In my field of vision there was a black silhouette that enveloped Free. And before long a wave of snowflakes danced their way to the edge of my outfits nipping at my skin. The world around us went away. And was replaced by layers and layers of bright blue roses were found below our feet. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. The figure in front of me moved away and in shock he looked at himself. I stared down at my hands that were coved in frost. His was burning.

I swallowed and held my hand out to him. He reached out too. We met hands and the world shifted. I felt myself warm. I saw my ice traveling up his body incasing him with icy crystals. I noticed how my ice incased him. While the ice froze him over I saw the frost on my body to drip away revealing my skin and face. All the ice on my body melted or passed through onto the shadow.

Hearing the sound of cracking I look back at the figure. The ice began to melt taking the darkness of the figure, leaving the remnant of a boy in yellow clothing. I tried to speak but nothing could make it's way out of my mouth. Only silence.

The world stopped and we tumbled into each other. I closed my eyes briefly until I felt my hand being squeezed. My eyes fluttered open and Free stood there.

Realization washed over me in waves. My tears wet my cheeks as I stepped farther away from Free. He looked at me before pulling me back and hugging me again. This time intertwining our hands together. I felt tears on my shoulder. I gasped and felt the floodgates open.

Tears streamed down my face when he stepped back and took a look at me. His hands gripped my head brushing away my tears. I saw a gentle smile on his face.

"My Shiroi." He said. I closed my eyes with a smile and leaned into his touch but I I didn't reply. His face neared mine.

One of his hands went to my waist. We were close enough to feel each others breaths. Our heads pressed against the other, the hand on my waist pulling me to him. "Free. I,"  I started embarrassed. I tried pulling away but his arms caged around me keeping me secure to his chest.

"Shiroi." He said suddenly. I watched as he raised his head and stared at me. He seemed shocked. I didn't know what to do. His face softened.

I looked at his eyes. Those dull eyes were filled with un-readable emotions. Pulling away I realized that now that I knew who the shadow was; and he knew who Shiroi was.

Our worlds were messed up. I hold affection for Free. The boy who helped me out of the forest that day. But Free held his affections for Shiroi. Shiroi, I was Shiroi. But at the same time I wasn't. Shiroi was a manifestation of who I was. A white flower in a sea of millions of bright colored ones. The Shiroi Free liked stood out like a snowflake during summer.

Free fell for someone who was unlike any other. When in reality Shiroi was a broken doll no one seemed to want. She felt like a burden to the world around her until she met someone who made her feel important, needed, wanted.

Shiroi was nothing like (Y/n). They never were.

I pushed away from Free once I remembered how he mercilessly denied my confession. And now he was crawling back. To be with Shiroi. I felt heartbroken, betrayed.

I ordered the driver to drive off even as Free ran after the car as fast as he could before losing sight of us.

I wiped my tears and I heard the faint cracking of branches. Then suddenly I remembered the horrid accident that made me lose everything in the begining.

The blood, the glass, Wakiya standing above me as he chatted with the doctors. The day I lost my sight. Then just like the day of the crash I was plumaged into an endless darkness. Only this time it was cold and in the corner of my vision was a tree disintegrating into the darkness.

I was lost. Weeping in the darkness. That whispered continuously into my ears like records of the past. My meeting with Wakiya, my meeting with Free, the great memories I had seemed to erase from my mind leaving me drifting wondering who I really was.

When I finally came to consciousness I was in front of a masked blader who smiled and handed me a mask with (eye color) eye shades. I slid them on and I felt my lips twitch upward.

"Welcome to the world (eye color) eye.  I am Ashtem." The man said and as if on instinct I reached out for someone's hand. It was firmly held by another person with a mask before gently letting go. In my hand was a (favorite color) beyblade that shone.

"(Eye color) eye meet your new partner-" I cut Ashtem off. "Metanoia/( bey name)." The boy next to Ashtem seemed to smile. "Is something funny?" I ask the red eyed boy.

"No," He said holding out a hand for me to shake. "I think it's a fitting name."

A/N: Metanoia: Met-a-noi-a;change in one's way of life resulting from penitence or spiritual conversion.
That's the chapter! Thanks for reading! P.s. if you don't like the name Metanoia you can switch it out for your own bey name.

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