Divisions 2

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I smiled awkwardly Wakiya's way. Taking his hand in mine and writing a quick 'sorry' on his palm.

An inside voice chuckled.

'Forgive me. But you know how I am Wakiya.' I wrote and Wakiya sighed. "I'm just angry because you didn't contact me, I would have let you go." I felt my lips trying to hold back a smile, though I couldn't see Wakiya's face I imagined the boy pinching his nose in frustration. We were on the way to the airport.

I wore an (f/c) (Shirt/ dress shirt/ Dress) and mating colored (Jeans/Leggings/Skirt) my parents thought it was more convenient to buy the same color clothes so that I wouldn't worry about choosing colors because I was sightless.

I had decided to wear (Shoe Type) and an (F/c) hat that covered my eyes, if people were to look at my eyes I would be wearing sunglasses that shielded my eyes pretty well, Wakiya was my navigator. I grasped his hand as we boarded his private jet, we decided to do some small talk before we reached our destination. We talked and talked till we arrived.

'Wakiya where are we now?' I spelled on his palm as he helped me off the jet.

"Spain. Here we are going to create the newest team to represent Spain in the nationals." I slapped his hand and spoke out. "That's stupid! You told me you were scouted." I felt Wakiya shrug.

As I climbed in the back of the limo Wakiya sent for us I was visited by the silhouetted person again. "Spain huh?" I heard the voice speak out. The silhouette led me toward a transparent wall, The other side was devoid of anything but inky darkness. The silhouette melted inside the wall appearing on the other side as it tugged my hand as if telling me to follow it through the wall.

Uncertainty flowed through me as I held my hand to the wall rippled under my hand as if it was solid and liquid at the same time. The silhouette settled its hand on mine and pushed against the wall touching my other hand and pulled me through. I gasped as the wall around me swallowed me whole and I appeared on the other side with the strange silhouette, it smiled at me and then the space around us glowed a warm yellow leaving a warm feeling around us.

The figure had slowly started to become slightly more visible, it still was inky but the figure told me much. It was a young boy probably Wakiya's age, he had messy hair that spread out in all different directions. It smiled at me again, then tilted it's head to the side taking my hands and gestured me to follow him. The figure led me toward a series of memories that were all branched out in different corners of his mind,

"We're here," He said to me, it was if I had never heard the boys voice before. It was somewhat true, it was though when we passed through the barrier the space of my mind seemed foreign and unsure, I didn't even know that this part of my mind existed. But putting that aside, the boy's voice seemed so monotonous so tedious. So bored.

"Are you coming or not? I don't have all day." He seemed much moodier than I had expected him to be. But I didn't mind. Everyone has their days. I followed silently as he led me toward one of the countless memories surrounding the room. The memory the boy gave be seemed to be his own, it was encased in a small bubble that swayed and moved in my hands before showing me his memory. It was a bunch of places around Spain. My mouth hung wide with awe and then shut once a magenta-haired girl came into the picture.

Then the boy snatched the memory out of my hands and then sent it back where it came from.

"She was very beautiful."


"Is she your girlfriend?"

The boy turned his head to the side and mumbled something incoherent under his breath. As he looked up he avoided my gaze as though he was lying before he answered with a simple,

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