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Free P.O.V.

I felt her hand in mine. I could only smile.

Like a lingering warmth, her hand enveloped mine with a cold contrast. Though the cold of her hand could never compare to Shiroi.

Shiroi's hands were freezing enough that after moments with her I would immediately receive shivers on the spot.

I always felt cold around Shiroi. But for one thing. I could tell she was drifting farther and farther away from me.

The girl seemed distracted. Every time I broke her distraction she would look back at me and I could see red lighting up her face cracking the frozen skin. She was blushing.

I couldn't tell if she was thinking of me. I hoped she would. She is the girl I love after all.

Shiroi was my flower. Now just seeing a white flower brought me joy.

I found Pandora to be quite the contrast of Shiroi.

Admittingly she was indeed graceful and sweet but she didn't freeze when I touched her. Not that that was an excuse.

But if I looked a little closer at both Shiroi and (Y/n) there were many differences between them but they did have one thing in common, they both had had that graceful aura. Like the ice that gracefulness could be broken easily and melt away.

But I could compare (Y/n) a frozen flower in winter. A girl who is frozen in a point in time where everything is a strain but eventually thaws out dripping frozen dew and sorrows during spring. Though it was a bit different, (Y/n) was a frozen flower in spring and through summer and froze over in winter.

It's sad to think about living with blurry almost non-existent sight.

That's why I had Kris talk to Wakiya about surgery on her eyes. Just looking at her suffer day by day hurt me. Shiroibara took notice too. She would be rash and cry out. her ice was colder. No longer cold snow. Just raging glaciers along frigid icecaps in the terrain, even the Japanese lily in the center seemed to freeze and crack under pressure.

I tried comforting her but she was just too icy to touch, so cold that just tone touch could make any surface frozen solid. Even the bridge between our minds was frozen. Even so, I couldn't break through and help her out. She was unreachable.

Until that day where she melted and blushed like crazy. She was so warm that everything came crashing down in a blur. But she stood there in the middle standing on a piece of ice her red face seen from miles away. A beautiful contrast of color to her icy white skin.

I then realized she never noticed my presence, she wasn't blushing at me. I saw her staring at a memory that made her blush so and like magic cold water fell from the corners of her mind. her ice melted creating showers and flowers to bloom once more.

It was beautiful even though the icy water hurt my skin.

I fell in love with Shiroibara. The sweet ice flower of my mind.

(Y/n) P.O.V.

I couldn't believe it when I heard that Wakiya and Kris planned to get my sight fixed.

I was furious.

I wasn't a child that needed this. I could make my decisions by myself.


When I heard that the surgery was Free's idea I could only pause and fret. Kris then explained to me how Free thought about my happiness, about my lack of sight. He wanted me to be happy to see him.

I thought long and hard about furthering this.

I was scared and helpless to convince myself that the eye surgery was a good idea.

But in the end, I agreed.

Wakiya was anxious, on the way to the doctor's office. Sure he had prepared for the day I would accept the surgery but he never thought about the outcomes if the surgery went wrong. Sadly, he was debating it now.

He had poured his heart into looking for an exact pair of eyes that looked like mine. I knew he must have felt guilty taking it from someone who never needed them in the first place. And by that, I mean unable to use them.

I felt guilty I was doing this.

I twisted in my seat as we arrived and Wakiya assisted me up to the stairs. Grabbing the railing I held my chin high up in high spirits. repeating in my head.

I want to see.

I want to see the world.

I want to see color.

I want to see Wakiya.

I want to see the luscious green forest.

I want to see Free's deer.


As the stairs came to a stop I waited for Wakiya to guide me in.

The procedure was swiftly briefed to me before they started their work.

In just a few hours, I would be able to see everything.

Wakiya's P.O.V.

I watched as she held her head up as she walked into the doctor's office.

I couldn't help feeling nervous. I could care less about money and more about (Y/n). The (eye color) eyes I chose up were almost an exact replica of hers.

I felt guilty. It was as if they were going to reconstruct (Y/n)'s face but it was only her eyes.

I paced around for hours ignoring all calls waiting for the call on (Y/n).

Soon it arrived. I wanted to scream when I heard that the reason (Y/n) could never see was caused by the cornea.

That pissed me off. The shades of black she described and the business, was the cause of a cornea.

I ran into the operation room and saw that a nurse was talking over something with (Y/n) a giant smile on her face.

I couldn't stay angry, or sad at that face.


How could I ever be mad at that girl?

She was the girl I loved after all.

A/N: Welp! Here is another chapter! Thanks for reading, can't believe people read this anymore! But anyway's thank's for reading guys! I really enjoy reading every comment!  Thanks! :).

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