Divisions 19

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It was cold, dark and empty.

(Y/n) walked around the dream. It was inky and dark swallowing her whole. The feeling rippled throughout the sequence. There were two sides and she seemed to be stuck in the middle.

One of the sides was a warm yellow the other a cold blood red. She moved around her hands suddenly unable to move. (Y/n) looked down at her hands. There resting on her wrists were red hand cuffs stretching and attatched to the blood red wall.

She pulled on them but they just wouldn't budge. Like they were glued on her wrists unable to move. Then (Y/n) tried moving her legs but found them chained together attatched to the yellow wall. She tugged on both of the chains and they wouldn't let her move.

"Let me go!" She screamed out and the yellow chains broke and like liquid melted back into the warm wall. Only the red hand cuffs were left.

As the yellow cuffs dissapeared she was lowered gently to the ground. (Y/n) pulled on the cuffs trying to escape. She felt them tighten on her wrist while she was trying to pull away.

After a while of tugging on her restraints (Y/n) stopped. She tried so hard to get away from the chains that she lost all her energy. She let the blood red chains pull her farther and farther away from the safe yellow warmth.

The cuffs tightened till it dug into her skin and the cold surrounded her, there was a warmth on her shoulder. Looking over she saw a boy covered in red and yellow flames. He had no eyes just white holes where they should have been.

The boy had a hand on her shoulder and she winced. The overwelming heat on his palm had seeped into her clothing causing her skin to burn. (Y/n) tried to get away from the simmering pain noticing that she couldn't.

She relentlessly tried to get out of the fires grasp gulling and tugging at her restraints only to be pulled back. This time she was pulled harshly into the red wall. Unlike the yellow wall the fire came out of. This wall.

It was like seering hot magma. Her whole body convulsed in pain as her screams ran out. She tried to move her hands but she was still trapped.

Red chains appeared around her swirling around her legs encasing them in a tight hold locking them with a huge black pad lock.

Two other chains wrapped around her head and her eyes as if blinding her. (Y/n) stopped moving. The chain surrounded her in a warmth. This time her head was surrounded by the light buzz as she was pulled up from the flaming magma.

When she was pulled from the red hot abyss she was faced to face with another boy. This time he was covered in red flaming magma.

Something about his precense made (Y/n) feel... Safe. But something else. The nagging feeling in her subconscious told her she didn't know this boy at all.

Maybe it was the heat and the pain of chains that surrounded her but it was slowly turning her mind as if urging her to let the flames consume her. She had no where to go. No where to turn to.

The red magma around the boy stopped its dripping and slowly hardened around the boy. It dripped off showing another casing. This time of hard black rock, shining against the flames she was held over.

A small crack and the boys eyes opened showing red angry eyes. The chains continued to squeeze her till her breath was knocked right out if her body.

She looked down into the flaming magma and was faced with a black inky abyss and below was the faint light of the yellow wall.

(Y/n) looked over at the boy in front of her the chains were burning her arms but she managed to shake her way out of them as she continued to stare at the boy in front of her.

The pain started dulling as a snowflake grew on her arms turning them pale and silvery. The fire retracted and she landed on top of the black pond. It rippled and bounced but she got her grips as she walked over to the boy.

The pond let out steam as she walked. Turning around (Y/n) saw another shadow. This shadow held the calm yellow warmth with him but she continued walking towards the obsidian covered boy.

As she got closer she stepped onto his platform. She defiantly held his hand and the cold snowflakes that once grew on her arms transferred themselves to the boy.

She wanted to see the boy causing her all this pain all this grief.

The snowflakes reflected on the other boy as well till their black inky fascades broke and fell.

One she recognized as Free who stood there opposite of her glowing in his yellow warmth. But when she turned to the other boy her eyes widened it was like a punch to the gut.

Or maybe it was just his chains constricting around her body. She none the less stared at the boy with wide silver eyes as Free reached out to her jumping from his perch crossing over the black gooey pond to get to her.

As Free reached her she abruptly woke up reaching around her. Those red angry eyes. Those captivating red chains and the red hot magma. They all belonged to...

"Shu." She said. She thought back to the dream. Thought back to Free reaching for her running to her the warmth of the yellow world and the blazing fire of the red.

Thinking made her head ache. And ache it did. It hurt so much. Like sitting on a porcupine. It was pulsating it was maddening it was terrific.

She oppened her eyes again. Her fear stricken eyes scanned the room. What was she doing here? What happened to the sunny day she had once seen?

Where was Free? Wakiya? Valt? Anyone?

She laid back on her bead gathering the thoughts.

Free. Shu. The snake pit. BC SOL. Her friends.

"Why am I here?" She asked silently. "Why am I crying?" She asked touching her wet cheek. She got up abruptly looking at the mask near her dresser.

"What have I done?"

A/N: Thank you everyone who is still reading this book. I've been gone for a long time now and I've been so busy. You have no idea. Any ways since I'm in quarantine I'll be sure to try and get some more chapters up. Again I'm so sorry for going dark on you guys. Forgive me! And thank you for reading this chapter of Sightless Silence.

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