Divisions 23

598 26 4

(Y/n) wore her snakepit uniform as she sat silently in her room. The new uniform had two metal wrist cuffs.


Norman and Shu made it clear she wasn't to leave unless instructed to.

She was trapped. She was scared. She wanted Free. But what could she do now? All she could do was sit in silence staring out of the window begging for her punishment be over.

Red eye came to her for the past few days forcing her to train. Forcing her to train till her arms hurt. Till her fingers stung and till she was battered and bruised from failed attempts at a perfect launch that went wrong. Red eye no longer took pity on her. Norman was no where to be seen.

They trained her like crazy. Everytime she was in their precense all she did was train. It came to the point where her hands and arms felt as if they were holding tightly onto sharp needles.

But (Y/n) never stopped hoping. Hoping to taste freedom again. But she'd have to sit in silence until then.

Ashtem wasn't happy with her. Red eye told her he felt betrayed and wouldn't want anything to do with her till after the finals. He was angry at her too. But she paid no mind to him. She didn't like him either way.

"Your first match." Norman announced and (Y/n) stood up the metal cuffs on her wrists felt heavy as she grabbed her bey and was roughly shoved out of her room. She slid her mask on. She knew the consequences for failure.

She appeared next to the bey stadium and looked at her opponent. A young man dressed as a count vampire. How....

"Entertaining." Ashtem said watching from his perch he watched as (Y/n) get into a stance.

The battle was over before it even began. (Y/n) knew she'd win. A smirk rose on her lips as she saw her bey swirl around the stadium. When the other bey before her broke in two her smile got wider. Stretching across her cheeks. When the referee called for her win she picked up (Metanoia/bey name) tossed it up and caught it. The metal cuffs never felt so light.

She made her way to Red eyes side waiting to be transfered back to her room only to be lead towards another room by Norman. Where Ashtem sat watching the battles play out.

"I congratulate you on your success (eye color) eye." Ashtem said. Norman left the room and (Y/n) walked over to Ashtem. The metal cuffs on her wrists almost felt weightless. "It's nice to win yes?" He asked her.

(Y/n) hid her placid expression behind her mask. "Yes." Was all she said. "You've done well under my supervision." Ashtem stood up and walked over to her lifting her chin up so she was staring into the panes of glass where his eyes were supposed to be.

"You've grown and matured." He said before letting go of her and ushering her to sit on his seat. His throne. She sat down and watched out. He stood over her shoulder whispering into her ear.

"You want to win. I can tell. So why hold back?" She scoffed. How could he tell? "Tell me (Y/n). How much do you love Free?" The question caught her off gaurd but she lifted the uncomfortable mask off her face staring out at the battle.

"I love Free a lot." She started. "What do you love about him?" Ashtem asked placing a hand on her shoulder comfortingly giving it a squeeze. "His voice. His snores when he sleeps." (Y/n) listed off she gave a small smile towards the crowd the battling beys attacked each other over and over.

"If I were to ask Free what he loved about you what would he say?" She bit her lip thinking on it "Sweet, caring-"

"Forgetful." Ashtem interupted her. "Clingy." He bent down in front of her now holding her shoulders like a father would. "A snowflake." He said. Her eyes silently shed tears. As he continued to name off words she found herself reflecting off her actions and Free's actions.


(Y/n) wasn't supposed to be in that forest. She sat right in front of him. Fell asleep and he just walked away as if there wasn't a human there at all.


She never went anywhere without him. She wouldn't let him leave without her. The thought of someone doing that was suffocating. No privacy it was annoying.


Shiroi. She was just pure ice in her mind. The real person Free fell in love with. Shiroi was a fragment of imagination unwinding around in her mind. One that took the form of a icy snowflake that melted in the shadow's arms.

A bey burst its pieces crashed against the floor.

Her eyes cried tears and her breathes increased. Ashtem wore a frown on his face. He stood up and picked (Y/n) up in his arms giving her a hug. "I'm so sorry little one. How cruel is he. Has he even told you to your face he loved you?" He asked and more tears fell down her face translucent pearls of sadness as she hugged him back.

When was the last time she had her father hug her? Why did this stranger's arms remind her so much of home?

(A/n: No Ashtem is not her father)

Ashtem sat down on his throne and sat her down in her lap to spectate the games. Her mask was left scattered at their feet. The translucent pearls of sadness continued to fall from her (eye color) eyes so she hid them in his shoulder just like she would her father when she got so frustrated that she couldn't see.

Ashtem heard her harsh breaths on his shoulder smiling. She wore her heart on her sleeve. He could twist her mind however he wanted to. He ran his hands through hee hair to comfort her. And it worked. Her breaths calmed down till she fell limp against his shoulder.

He picked her up and took (Y/n) to her room. She slept soundly as he covered her with a blanket.

Outside Shu stood. "Don't screw this up. You never know how many times she'll let her gaurd down to let this happen." Ashtem said and Shu nodded.

"And take off those metal cuffs she's already had enough punnishment." He said before walking down the hall.

A/n: Thanks for reading!

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