Divisions 5

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I was so scared.

I got up swiftly and felt the tree in-front of me. Slowly everything around me became a huge puzzle.

How can I get out of this forest without anyone. I had no sight, no one was around and eventually I will grow tired of searching in some place and no one will find me.

I sat down my knees to my chest and my head down as I cried.

How could I have let this happen. It was stupid of me to fall asleep at such a time. Now I was never going to get out of this dense forest.

I lifted my head up scarcely to listen deep into the night, my hand on the tree fell to the grass as I felt the ghostly light of the moon on my body.

I held my knees close to my chest as I gradually gathered all the courage I had to get up and move forward.

I was scared no doubt about it but something inside me told me to keep going. As I trudged through the darkness of the forest the small voice kept telling me to trudge forward. The voice was tired and agitated as I kept moving forward. I walked my legs scraping against some fallen tree branches as I tried my best not to run into every tree in my way. My heart beat fast as my hands relentlessly started to feel around me. 

I walked feeling around the clearing until I found myself face first into a pillar.

I screamed out in agony as I picked myself up feeling around the pillar and onto the marble platform crawling up to what felt like a used bey stadium. I curled myself up against it and quietly wept.

I don't remember how long it had been but I had suddenly heard voices ranging from large to small calling out my name.

"(Y/n)!!!!" I heard Trad and Chris yell out together. My head flew up in tone to their voices and I quickly got to my feet and started running toward the sounds not caring how many bruises I had received from the stunt, having bumped into many if not all the trees in the area.

Tears streamed down my face as I fell right into a firm chest. It took me a second to hear my sobs that echoed throughout the forest.

The hands of the person wrapped around me,held me close like trying to comfort me without giving me words of acknowledgement.

"I didn't know." The monotonous voice said. Slipping on a pair of glasses on my eyes. I had completely forgotten I left the pair Wakiya gave me back at the tree.

I gladly accepted the pair and smiled at the mystery man who lent me the glasses. The man took my hand leading me back to BC Sol where the treated my wound as I waited for Wakiya.

Chris came into my room after the stranger helped with my wounds.

"Thank's Free." She said to the man. I moved my head at the voice. Smiling I shyly moved my hands to my lap where a comfy (Favorite color) blanket warmed me. I opened my mouth to speak when I heard the sound of rapid footsteps rushing toward me in a hurry.

I suspected it so.

As I reached for my new glasses the sound of a door slammed against the wall in a fury. I laughed a bit hearing the sounds of people out of breath.

"Wakiya!" I said with a smile.

I heard Wakiya sigh imagining the sight of the boy pinching his nose in response to my stupidity. I trained my colorless eyes on the male sitting at my feet. He had shifted his weight onto my legs and I felt the brush of hair against them. I reached my hand down to pet his head.

"Thank you Free." I said finally, the sound of his name on my mouth was foreign like I had heard it before, that and the strange smell of chrysanthemums that the male breathed. Must be from sitting and training in the forest all day. But the strange feeling of knowing the boy was never stronger.

The moved his head to rest on my knees as I heard the silent snores that escaped him. No, the feeling was strong and sure.

The shadow in my vision looked upwards like it was is a daydream. 

Yuki was snow.

"Kuroi!" The shadow called as the smell of chrysanthemums surrounded my senses.

I looked down at my hands a lovely shade of (Favorite color) spread around them and I could only smile.

I guess I could understand why he called me that. Yuki snow, a white color in contrast to the shadows dark figure, and Kuroi meaning dark, black, a complete contrast to the light (favorite color) that seemed to encase my body. Though I did like the name 'Shiroi' I couldn't complain.

I smiled at it and ran toward the figure grabbing onto it as the smell of chrysanthemums grew. The shadow lifted me up smiling. It seemed like everything was forgiven.

I grabbed onto the shadows arms as it twirled me around in a circle laughing with me with a smile that could put the sun to shame. The infinite space around us swirled and turned into a grassy field in the corner of a clearing. The shadow gently set me down on a picnic blanket before laying down in my lap. This was the ideal place to be for the shadow as it stared up at me with a smile.

I smiled as the small goldfish joined in the party and floated around us. I smiled to myself as the shadow and I tumbled down the makeshift hill that was the clearing. I found our situation hilarious as we tumbled and Yuki pulled us to a stop at the bottom of the hill his hands resting on either side of my head a a smirk on his face as he bent down and pressed his lips to my cheek, before rolling off and laying right next to me.

I was in paradise. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment as I pushed him back down returning the favor to his other cheek as he smiled and laughed wrapping his shadowy hands around my (favorite color) waist.

I didn't want to be anywhere but here.

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