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Every second with everyone was like a dream.

Especially Free.

"(Y/n). Are you listening? (Y/n)!" I heard, I looked up and met eyes with brown dull ones.

I could stare into those eyes all day.

"Hmm?" I ask as I gripped my (favorite color) (skirt/dress/pants).

Free sat down next to me. I felt my cheeks warm.

I watched him take hold of the pencil in my hand and the drawing notebook in my lap.

He flipped through the pages with a blank expression.

"I didn't know you liked to draw me." He said as he stared at a couple. I blushed brighter. He then flipped to a blank page and drew a small deer surrounded by grass. I watched over his shoulder. He drew the forest around it and a tree stump before drawing a person sitting on it. I leaned my head on his shoulder as he continued.

I was thankful he didn't ask me to remove my head.

He went back to drawing the figure. As he drew details on it I realized the person in the picture, it was Free. I smiled and leaned a little closer before Free shoved the notebook back into my lap and scooting back.

I guess I was to bold. I retreated and placed a hand on the picture.

"Were you going to tell me something?" I asked him and he shrugged. I sighed I couldn't read his emotion if he wasn't going to talk to me.

"Nothing, you'll find out soon enough." I heard his voice it sounded irritated almost annoyed. I immediatly felt bad. I saw him get up and walk away without me.

When he was out of sight I gripped my pencil in my hand to the point where it broke in two.

I'm such an idiot. I was to bold.

I shut my eyes and I saw the pitch figure before me. I remember when I was blind the person was like a voice with a body that mingled with it's surroundings. Now that I see it seems as if the I had no essential interest in him, but he seemed to like me. He was kind. But I didn't know him.

I didn't want to know him. Especially with my already budding feelings for Free.

Free P.OV.

As I neared BC SOL I was absorbed in my thoughts of Shiroi. The way the frozen world crumbled beneath her feet and out blossomed shining chrysanthemums that dripped with dew.

The bright forest. It reminded me of Shiroi.  Though lately, she seemed even more distant.

She seemed to spend more time staring up at the sky than talking to me. She seemed colder and resistant to even speak or even look at me.

She ignored me to no end. The only emotion that shown in her white eyes was unreadable.

It was unbearable.

(Y/n) P.O.V.

It was like an everlasting dream that wouldn't end.

I woke up abruptly. As my eyes adjusted. I got used to my surroundings.

My hand that clutched my broken pencil was now bleeding multiple splinters poking at the skin.

"Hmm." I hummed and got up leaving the sketchbook atbthe base of the tree as I walked back to BC SOL.

As I neared the club I stood and stared at the sky. A light orange mingled with yellow and red unmistakably the beautiful colors of sunset. It was a blessing to see it again.

I quickly walked to my room hiding my bleeding hand as I rushed to the faucet. Disinfecting it and wrapped it. It didn't look that bad. It has been a while since I've done it by myself. I just hope no one would notice.

I walked along the corridors to the gym.

I heard the sounds of beys bursting and Valt's loud voice that shouted aloud.

I walked into a battle. Free sat down on the edge of the seats above everyone else. I didn't dare look into his eyes.

Instead I walked up to Valt and Rantaro battling.

I cheered them on from the sidelines. Before I found out who won I was pulled to the side by Sisco who sat me down on a chair before undoing the bandages on my hands.

He said nothing as he wrapped my hand again.

"Your hopeless. You know that right?" He said tying the ends after he finnished. He stood up helping me up from the chair before pointing at my hand.

"That's how you wrap a bandage. If you need help come to me." He said before leaving to watch the battle.

I felt eyes on me as I walked over to Sisco. I looked up and met eyes with Free who looked at my hand in question. I hid it behind my back and continued to follow the group of bladers to the mess hall for some food.

Following close behind, Free stopped me. His hand gripped mine with a firm grip. I faced him with a blush on my face, but then he dropped my hand before walking toward the exit.

I saw him face away from me as he was walking to the door.

I pushed a (Hair color) hair behind my ear before facing my teary eyes down to the floor.

I heard shoes stop and looked up. Free had a hand in his pockets as he looked at me. With an outstretched hand he ushered toward me.

I looked his way.

"Come on. Or Valt will take our food." He said a rare smile gracing his features.

I couldn't help but smile too.

Wiping my tears away I grabbed his hand and followed him toward the mess hall. His grip was firm but protective. He looked back to me from time to time.

He stopped in front of the mess hall before grabbing my shoulder.

He seemed to pause before he spoke, almost as if he was running a thought trough his head.

"Let me help you from now on." He said as he pushed open the doors.

I felt myself blush.

Did Free like me?

I followed him in. The mess hall was strangely silent as we entered.

People stared at us as we maneuvered to the line to get dinner. I sat at an empty table with Free who seemed deep in thought. So I decided to busy myself with my own.

I closed my eyes, became face to face with the inky person from my dreams who silently whispered to me. I made out a word they mouthed to me.


Free then stared at me with dull eyes. But something in those deep brown depths was an emotion I didn't know.


I thought for a second to keep the dreams a secret.

"Um, yeah! Their my favorite flower!" I said playing it off.

Free looked down at his plate before he got up to stretch brfore sittinf back down. He faced me as if searching for something that wasn't there.

"Well, I'm tired I'm going to sleep." He said pushing away his plate and leaning his head on the table.

It wasn't long before he fell into a slumber.

I continued to eat and think.

Who was that inky person?

Why was Free so wierded out by Chrysanthemums?

But there was one thing I told myself not to do.

'Don't get Free tied up in this mess.'

A/N: Thank you for reading Sightless Silence! :).

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